
Ron Funches Says He Almost Signed His Likeness Over To Lucha Underground

Lucha Undeground never ceases to amaze.

After nearly being taken to court by several wrestlers, Lucha Underground has reportedly tried to prevent many more from appearing across any number of companies in recent months. As is turns out, they tried to get comedian Ron Funches to sign a deal, too.

A noted wrestling fan, Funches told the story on X-Pac 12360 recently, and admitted that he almost pulled the trigger ont he deal just to get on the show.

“I have my own personal thing with that because it made me really happy that I have my manager. Because I was actually gonna do a sketch with Lucha Underground and I guess Johnny Mundo, but my manager read their contract and it had all this language about exclusivity and they would own the right to the character Ron Funches and all this other stuff and I am like, ‘I am coming in for a 5 minute sketch, you’re gonna pay me like $400.” And I really still wanted to do it because you know how much I love wrestling, my manager was like ‘there’s no way, I can let you sign this contract if case they ever actually try to go for this exclusivity. And now seeing that they’re actually doing it with the wrestlers that they signed, I am very lucky, it made me feel like you guys {wrestlers} should have more representation and things of that nature because they have horrible contracts. And it sucks, they’re legal, they’re not moral but they are legal. So hopefully they can get out of them,” said Funches. 

It’s been well over a year since Lucha Underground actually filmed, and their current champion Jake Strong (Jack Swagger) told us recently that he’s not heard of any additional plans for the show. 

You can hear the full podcast at this link. 

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