
WWE NXT Results for 5/1/19 KUSHIDA makes his NXT Debut, Dominik Dijakovic in Action

KUSHIDA makes his debut, Dominik Dijakovic takes on Mansoor and The Forgotten Sons team up in a Six Man Tag Match tonight at 8pm EST!

Hey there Fight Fans, it’s time for the flagship NXT live from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida! If you’re interested in exclusive content check out premium service Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts and more! Enjoy the show!

Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch & Humberto Carrillo vs The Forgotten Sons

Cutler and Oney get things started with Oney hitting a running blockbuster to Cutler and a European uppercut to Blake that sends him out of the ring. Humberto comes in and hits a standing moonsault before The Forgotten Sons regroup at ringside and Jaxson beats Humberto down with right hands. Cutler hits a running knee to the back of Humberto in the ropes before he hip tosses Blake into Humberto for a quick two count. Jaxson hits a diving headbutt for a two count before locking in a cobra clutch, Humberto rolling back to pin the shoulders of Jaxson for a near fall. Oney comes in and takes out all three members of TFS before Danny hits a missile dropkick to Cutler.

Jaxson breaks up a cross face by Burch before Humberto accidentally hits a suicide dive onto Oney, Danny ending up in the ring with all three members of The Forgotten Sons, Danny getting beaten down before Jaxson hits a Polish hammer to Humberto in midair. The Forgotten Sons then hit Danny and Oney with a double diving knee drop with Jaxson holding them in a reverse DDT position.

Winner: The Forgotten Sons defeat Oney Lorcan, Humberto Carrillo and Danny Burch.

Dominik Dijakovic vs Mansoor

Dom backs Mansoor into the corner and hits him with forearms before Mansoor hits a running back elbow, but gets caught when he goes for a diving cross body. Dom spins around and launches Mansoor out of the ring before tossing him back in and tossing him across the ring for a near fall. Mansoor then gets a near fall off of a unique variation of an enzuigiri before Dom hits Feast Your Eyes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic defeats Mansoor via pinfall with Feast Your Eyes.

-The North American champion Velveteen Dream comes out onto the ramp and challenges Dom to a title match.

KUSHIDA vs Kassius Ohno

Ohno takes KUSHIDA down and locks in a side headlock before they grapple and Ohno misses a leg drop before KUSHIDA hits a low a low dropkick. Ohno drops KUSHIDA with a boot and chops him before KUSHIDA comes back with an enzuigiri and a springboard chop into a PK to the arm. Ohno hits an electric chair face buster for a near fall before KUSHIDA hits a flat liner into the turnbuckle and a springboard huricanrrana for a near fall. KUSHIDA then gets nearly knocked out with a forearm to the back of the neck when he goes for a hand spring back elbow and KUSHIDA drops him with a punch before hitting a PK to the arm and locking in the Hoverboard Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Kassius Ohno via submission with the Hoverboard Lock.

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