
MLW Fusion Episode 53 Results Sami Callihan vs LA Park, MJF vs Brian Pillman Jr.

The luchadore legend LA Park takes on the Death Machine from Dayton Ohio, Brian Pillman Jr takes on MJF and more on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

MJF vs Brian Pillman Jr.

MJF and Brian lock up for a clean break before they lock up again, but Alex hits Brian from ringside before Brian drops MJF with a couple of shoulder tackles and Richard trips Brian from ringside before referee ejects Richard and Alex from ringside. MJF slaps Brian who dropkicks and slaps him before getting a near fall off of a roll up. MJF starts focusing on the arm and shoulder of Brian until MJF puts Brian on the top turnbuckle and Brian hits a diving cross body. Brian then hits a flurry of strikes and a powerslam for a near fall before MJF pulls the referee in the way and pokes Brian in the eye for a near fall off of a roll up before Brian pins him with an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: Brian Pillman Jr. defeats MJF via pinfall.

Lance Anoa’i & Jimmy Yuta vs Rich Swann & Myron Reed

Jimmy and Myron kick things off with grappling before Rich and and Lance come in and Rich goes for a frankensteiner, but Lance catches him and goes for a powerbomb, but Rich counters that and lands on his feet. Lance dropkicks Rich and hits a back body drop into a standing moonsault. Lance chops Rich and tags in Jimmy before Rich pokes Jimmy in the eye and Myron rakes his eyes from the apron. Rich and Myron suplex Jimmy for a two count, Rich and Myron cutting the ring in half with frequent tags and offense to keep Jimmy away from Lance until he finally gets the tag and drops Rich and Myron before superkicking them both, but misses a 450 and Myron hits a cutter for a near fall. Rich then low blows Jimmy before he and Myron double up on Lance and hit a double 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Myron Reed defeat Lance Anoa’i and Jimmy Yuta via pinfall when they hit Lance with back to back 450 splashes.

Sami Callihan vs LA Park

They brawl to the start the match before they end up outside and LA sends Sami into the railing before Sami rakes his eyes and throws various things at him, but LA keeps coming at Sami seemingly unphased. Sami hits LA with a pole before LA throws a chair at him and hits him with it before they start brawling and Sami sends LA into the ring post. Sami chops LA repeatedly before LA crotches him into the ring post and hits him with a replica of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship. Back in the ring LA rocks Sami with a headbutt and clotheslines him for a quick two count before Sami kills the referee with a boot. LA goes into the ring post and breaks the turnbuckle before Sami lays him out with a baseball bat before Mance Warner saves Sami momentarily.

Low-Ki comes out and he, Ricky and El Hijo beat on Mance before Daga comes in and takes out everyone with a flipping senton. Sami then nearly gets turned inside out with a spear by LA Park for the pin and the win.

Winner: LA Park defeats Sami Callihan via pinfall with a spear.

-Everyone then brawls after the match in the ring as we go off the air.

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