
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 4/19/19 IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match

The IMPACT tag titles are on the line, Taya Valkyrie takes on Madison Rayne and Tommy Dreamer takes on Madman Fulton!

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Hey there Fight Fans, we hope your week is going well and are ready for IMPACT Wrestling on the Pursuit Network and Twitch TV headlined by an IMPACT Tag Team Title Match!

Scarlett Bordeaux & Fallah Bahh vs Desi Hitt Squad

Rohit and Bahh start the match before Bahh drops Rohit with a shoulder block and Raj gets the tag. Bahh drops Raj and hits a running leg drop before tagging in Scarlett, Rohit telling her to leave before Bahh tags back in and DHS double up on Bahh. Bahh comes back with a double clothesline before Raj hits a spine buster and drops Bahh with a sliding kick for a quick two count. DHS beat on Bahh before they run into each other and Bahh tags Scarlett in before she chops Rohit and hits a huricanrrana before Bahh hits a suicide dive.

Scarlett hits a diving cross body before Bahh hits two running splashes and a Samoan drop. Raj hits a flat liner before Scarlett hits a jawbreaker and Bahh a belly to belly before they hit a sit-out splash to Raj for the pin and the win.

Winner: Scarlett Bordeaux and Fallah Bahh defeat Desi Hitt Squad via pinfall when Scarlett pins Raj with a double sit-down splash.

Moose vs Dez

Dez climbs on Moose’s back and tries to choke him, but Moose just tosses him off and counters a huricanrrana. Moose locks in a bear hug before Dez gets free and hits an enzuigiri before Moose launches him into the corner. Moose chokes Dez in the ropes and sends him throat first into the middle rope before whipping him into the corner. Moose goes for Go to Hell before Dez hits a huricanrrana and Moose turns him inside out with a lariat. Moose whips Dez into the corner and plays to the crowd before Moose goes into the ring post shoulder first and Moose catches Dez when he goes for a suicide dive.

Moose catches Dez and slings him into the steps before powerbombing him onto the other Rascalz. Dez then pins Moose with a variation of the Gedo clutch with a distraction by Wentz for the win.

Winner: Dez defeats Moose via pinfall.

-We get a GWN Flashback match featuring LAX and The OGz in a 5150 Street Fight from last year.

-Tessa Blanchard terrorizes various staff in the building.

Madman Fulton vs Tommy Dreamer

Fulton pushes Tommy away when he tries to lock up and go for a waist lock take down. Tommy comes back with right hands before Fulton hits a running splash and stomps Tommy out of the ring. Tommy rights Sami away before Sami is ejected from ringside and Fulton pulls Tommy back up by the nose. Tommy hits a stunner in the ropes, but is immediately dropped when he gets back into the ring before Fulton whips him across the ring and locks in a bear hug. Tommy bites his way free and chops Fulton in the corner before punching him in the corner and Tommy hits a huricanrrana to the outside.

Fulton runs into the ring post before Fulton crotches him on the railing and slams him onto the apron. Fulton rolls Tommy back into the ring and hits a delayed slam into a running splash for a near fall. Fulton hits a side slam for a near fall and misses a diving headbutt before Tommy rocks him with bionic elbows and drops Fulton with a cutter. Fulton rocks Tommy with a punch before Tommy hits a DDT and grabs a kendo stick out from under the ring. Fulton then hits a spinning flat liner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madman Fulton defeats Tommy Dreamer via pinfall with a spinning flat liner.

-The Crist brothers attack Tommy after the match before he’s saved by Rich Swann, Sami choking Rich out with a baseball bat before hitting a piledriver. Sami then wedges Tommy’s arm in a chair and hits it with the back before laying Rich out with the bat and leaving.

Taya Valkyrie vs Madison Rayne

Madison chops Taya before she hits a sit-out neckbreaker and gets sent out of the ring before trying to leave. Jordynne Grace then tosses her back Into the ring before Madison rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne defeats Taya Valkyrie via pinfall with a roll up.

-Johnny Impact is interviewed at his home about his upcoming title defense against Brian Cage at Rebellion at the end of the month. Lance Storm is then made the special guest referee for the match.

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match

Lucha Bros (c) vs Eddie Edwards & Eli Drake

Eli and Fenix start the match with Fenix showing off his athleticism by hitting a springboard arm drag and kicking Eddie from the apron. Penta and Fenix double team Eli before Eddie runs in and hits a blue thunder bomb to Penta as Eli hits a superplex to Fenix for an early near fall. Eddie drops Fenix with a chop and tags in Eli, Eli hitting a float over suplex for a two count before Fenix fights E and E off with chops. All four men get into the ring and Eli and Eddie suplex Penta before the Lucha Bros take out eerie and send him out of the ring before hitting Eli with a double superkick. Penta then gets a near fall before LAX distract them, but they survive and hit the Fear Factor for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha Bros retain their Impact Tag Team Championship by defeating Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards when they pin Eli with the Fear Factor.

-LAX and the Lucha Bros brawl to the back before Eddie and Eli hug after the match. Eli then attacks Eddie from behind and beats him down before hitting him with a kendo stick as we go off the air.

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