
WWE NXT UK Results for 4/17/19 NXT UK Tag Team Champions Issue an Open Challenge

The NXT UK Tag Team Championship is on the line, Dave Mastiff returns, Gallus are in action and Kacy Katanzaro makes her NXT UK debut at 3PM EST!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of today’s edition of WWE NXT UK! If you’re looking for exclusive content check out Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts and more!

Humberto Carrillo & Raul Mendoza vs Gallus (Joe Coffey & Mark Coffey) 

Mark and Joe team up on Humberto to start the match before Joe hits a butterfly suplex for a quick two count and Humberto comes back and tags in Raul. Raul hits a springboard clothesline and a dropkick into an enzuigiri before he and Humberto hit duel suicide dives. Humberto gets a quick two count and slams Mark down before Raul hits a moonsault and Humberto a 450 for a near fall that Joe breaks up. Mark then hits an enzuigiri and tags in Joe who turns Raul inside out with All the Best for the Bella for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gallus defeat Raul Mendoza and Humberto Carrillo via pinfall when Joe pins Raul with All the Best for the Bells.

-We get a video of Kassius Ohno being interviewed where he talks about his goal and reason for coming to NXT UK and criticizes Ligero.

​​​​​​Kona Reeves vs Dave Mastiff

They lock up and Kona quickly sees that he’s considerably outmatched in the strength department before Dave nearly knocks him out with elbows and rolls out into the apron when he goes for a cannonball in the corner. Kona drops Dave with a running knee for a quick two count and locks in a straight jacket hold before Dave gets to his feet and breaks free. Dave then hits a running cross body and a dead lift German suplex into a shotgun dropkick and a cannonball for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Kona Reeves via pinfall with a cannonball.

Kacy Katanzaro vs Rhea Ripley

Kacy overwhelms Rhea with her athleticism until the bigger Rhea beats her down and hits a delayed suplex for a quick two count. Kacy then gets a near fall off of an inside cradle before Rhea hits the Rip Tide for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley defeats Kacy Katanzaro via pinfall with the Rip Tide.

-Rhea attacks Kacy after the match before leaving as we go to commercial.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan

Zack and Amir start the match off with Zack focusing on joint manipulation until Amir hits an arm drag into a dropkick before James comes in and Amir hits a monkey flip. Kenny gets the tag as the GYV regroup at ringside and Kenny boots James off of the apron before hitting a springboard back elbow and a running splash in the corner. GVY double team Kenny before taking out Amir on the apron and James clotheslines Kenny out of the ring before he and Zack hit a backbreaker knee drop from the apron. Back in the ring GYV cut the ring in half and keep Kenny away from Amir until he gets the tag and hits a running cross body into a rolling neckbreaker for a near fall. Amir then hits a Swanton Bombay before GYV are counted out when Zack tells James to leave with him.

Winner: Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan defeat Grizzled Young Veterans via count out.

-We end the show with a video package and interview with Pete Dunne who says that he’s going to get his NXT UK Championship back as we go off the air.

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