
WWE Raw Results for 4/15/19: Day One of the 2019 Superstar Shake-up!

Live coverage of the April 15th 2019 edition of WWE Monday Night RAW.

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for tonight’s episode of WWE Raw.

We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card and you can watch along with us, sending in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Following Raw, remember to tune into the post-show podcast too. Link:

We begin this week’s show with Stephanie McMahon, welcoming us to Monday Night RAW and then introducing Shane McMahon. The crowd’s negative response didn’t deter Shane either, asking Mike Rome to introduce him “properly.” McMahon next introduced himself ‘in French,’ irritating the fans and then mocking them as well. However, Shane prevented Stephanie from announcing RAW’s newest acquisition, pointing to images of him beating up The Miz and his father instead.

At that point, the man himself arrived, jumping Shane from behind but then being run into the post. Miz fired back though, forcing McMahon to bail with a violent steel chair onslaught.

Following that, we recapped Seth Rollins‘ Universal Title win before seeing that tonight, Rollins and Reigns will team up with a new addition to take on Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley.

Ricochet, Aleister Black, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder vs. The Revival and The Viking Experience

Formerly known as The War Raiders, ‘Ivar’ and ‘Eric’ are now The Viking Experience. Dawson and Hawkins got this one started, with the former taking control until some tandem offense cut him off. Ricochet and Black then built some momentum of their own, flurrying on The Revival but then being cornered for their troubles. That allowed RAW’s new team to enter but Black and Ricochet then rallied, firing back as things broke down in a major way. The champions and Black/Ricochet cleared the ring as a result, leaving their opponents simply watching on.

Back from the break though and The Viking Experience are now dominating Hawkins. After leaving their foe floored, Ivar and Eric then exited, bringing The Revival back in to slow things down. Curt eventually created some space though, bringing in Ryder who run wild on Dawson right away. He then floored Eric too, forcing Wilder to break the fall as chaos commenced. In the end, The Viking Experience were left alone with the champions, dispatching Hawkins and then pinning Ryder via Fallout.

Winners: The Viking Experience and The Revival

Following that, a vignette aired, announcing that Cedric Alexander is headed to RAW!

Finn Balor vs. Andrade

With Zelina Vega by his side, Andrade was here on Monday Night RAW! Vega listed off Andrade’s talents and then passed the microphone over, allowing the man himself to unleash a rant in Spanish.

To the action now as Andrade immediately unleashed some strikes, leave Balor floored for 2. A dropkick soon arrived in response though, with Balor firing back to swiftly reset things. A DDT came next but Andrade then cut him off, even briefly using Vega as a human shield. Back from the break and Andrade is still in control, landing strikes in the corner until some evasive action allowed Finn to seize. Balor was the one landing strikes now and he then landed a cuttter of sorts for 2.

Slingblade came next but Andrade avoided the corner dropkick, instead landing his spectacular knees to the head. Balor countered the delayed moonsault though, thinking Coup De Grace but failing twice. Andrade then landed his own back elbow but Balor blocked the Hammerlock DDT, sending Andrade to the floor. He followed up too, diving over Vega but then eating a Zelina hurricanrana for his troubles. That put Andrade on top and he closed the show, hitting his Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner: Andrade

A recap of Elias’ recent struggles came next and then a signature promo followed. Elias claimed that his music’s power brought Cena and Undertaker out, asking why those legends interrupted this one. After unsurprisingly mocking the crowd, Elias spoke over immense boos while promising that if anyone interrupts him, they’ll never be able to show their face again. That brought out Rey Mysterio, with the new acquisition using strikes to run wild before messily sending Elias to the floor too. Lars Sullivan then arrived too though, overcoming Rey’s speed and eventually hitting Freak Accident and a sit-out powerbomb as well.

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs. The Usos

Taking a microphone pre-match, Roode promised that when he and Gable are on their game, they can defeat anyone and that won’t change. Gable then invited anyone to test them, and that brought out The Usos.

Jimmy and Chad got his underway, with the latter wrestling himself into control until a sharp kick created some space. That allowed Jey to enter, running wild until a Roode interference cut him off. They then went to work on the floor, using the barricade as a weapon before grounding Jey in center ring. He eventually fought free though, bringing in Jimmy for an explosive hot tag. After quickly removing Gable, Jimmy then hit their patented hip attack for 2.

The former RAW Champions responded though, hitting a blockbuster/German Suplex combination but then having their finish countered. Usos then unleashed a salvo of superkicks, finally closing the show via Double Uce.

Winners: The Usos

We then recapped Roman Reigns‘ victory over Drew McIntyre.

Alexa Bliss was here next for A Moment of Bliss. Her guest: Sami Zayn. First though, Bliss welcomed us to the show, calling Zayn the perfect man to potentially bid farewell in French. Sami unsurprisingly received a huge ovation, soaking it up as his theme aired on three occasions. Zayn then addressed the crowd in French, promising to “kick it up a notch” and then following up with the ‘Ole’ chant. Bliss then said that it’s fantastic to have Zayn back but Sami soon changed his tone, saying that while he loves this city, it’s the people that he can’t stand.

He even called this the “low point” of his week, saying that he doesn’t even want to be here right now. Alexa was insulted, with Zayn admitting that before his injury, he’d have loved this response. Sami refused to accept the audience’s reaction, telling them that they should “be ashamed of themselves.” Zayn claimed that these people aren’t even fans but Bliss retorted, calling Sami the problem rather than his people. However, Zayn refused ownership of these people choosing to leave just like he already has for Orlando. Sami then indeed departed after all.

Up next, we saw a pre-taped promo in which The IIconics mocked Bayley for Sasha’s absence. Bayley promised to find a partner though, challenging them for a match tonight.

The IIconics vs. Bayley and Naomi

With the former SmackDown Women’s Champion as her partner, Bayley jumped Billie Kay, quickly bringing in Naomi who was soon cut off by a big boot. Royce then went to work as well, battering her foe in the corner before slowing things down with a hold. Some tandem offense looked set to follow but Naomi countered, setting up Royce for Bayley to Belly and then closing the show via split legged moonsault.

Winners: Bayley and Naomi

Following that, we got a recap of the WrestleMania main event as well as another laughing puppet vignette.

EC3 vs. Braun Strowman

Using a tackle right away, Braun immediately began to dominate, launching EC3 around the ring and then sending him to the floor. He next chased him up the ramp, running his foe over and throwing him into the stage. Strowman then emphatically chokeslammed EC3 through the stage! This match never begun but Becky Lynch arrived next regardless, raising her belt high while directing a smile Braun’s way.

Becky Lynch vs. Ruby Riott

The champion ate a forearm here at the bell but then fired back, throwing Riott to the mat and going to work in the corner. A leg lariat came next with Becky then flooring Ruby on the floor. However, a Morgan interference allowed Riott to seize, landing an STO and next grounding her foe. Becky soon fought upright though, making her signature comeback and landing a Bexploder only to be cut off on the top rope.

Riott took advantage, yanking Lynch to the mat and hitting her reverse senton as well. Lynch responded right away, catching Dis-Arm-Her only for Logan and Liv to pull Ruby out of the ring. Becky was only fired up by this, flooring both with a crossbody and then re-applying the hold in center ring, forcing Riott to submit.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Post-match, The Riott Squad looked to cheapshot the champion but Becky was prepared, emphatically clearing the ring.

Elsewhere, Charly Caruso interviewed Corbin, McIntyre, Lashley and Lio. Drew refused to speculate on the mystery partner, reiterating his focus on Reigns as Corbin restated his recent win over Angle. Rush then wrapped things up, asking who would be dumb enough to take them on tonight.

With Becky still in the ring, that brought out Natalya. She congratulated Lynch on her recent wins, saying that she’s proud of the her feats before laying a challenge down face to face. Becky called Natalya “underappreciated” and “overlooked,” admitting that she knew that group would hunt her down. She’s fine with this, complimenting Natalya’s impact until Lacey Evans interrupted. Lacey mocked the scene, calling Natalya a “classless has-been” and after announcing her place on the RAW roster, stating her own case for a RAW Women’s Title shot. Evans then said that up next, she’ll be facing Natalya for the next shot at Lynch’s belt.

Number One Contender’s Match

Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

Going to work right away, Natalya used some signature offense to take control, swiftly dispatching Evans as a result. Back from the break though and Lacey was now in control, taunting Natalya until her foe almost caught the sharpshooter. Natalya then gave chase, unleashing strikes in the corner until Evans evaded to gain the upper hand. She then grounded things with a hold but Natalya soon fought to her feet, creating some space and landing a discus clothesline as well.

The sharpshooter followed but after an immense struggle, Evans made the bottom rope and closed the show in an instant, landing Woman’s Right and following up with a spectacular moonsault for the win.

Winner: Lacey Evans

Elsewhere, Charly asked Rollins and Reigns who their partner is, but the pair told Caruso that she has to wait just like everyone else. Seth then made it clear that they haven’t forgotten Lashley’s assault of Ambrose, promising to tear Montreal down if this is indeed their final night on RAW.

Another mysterious vignetted followed, culminating in a spooky doll sitting in a rocking chair.

Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin and Bobby Lashley vs. Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and AJ Styles

With new addition AJ Styles as Rollins and Reigns’ partner, this one is underway with Seth and Bobby meeting in center ring. After being tackled into the corner, Seth fired back with kick and then brought in both of his partners. That resulted in Styles’ brawling with Corbin, eventually flooring him via dropkick. McIntyre and Reigns then went head to head, with the latter unleashing a salvo of corner clotheslines before being cut off by a belly to belly suplex as well as Glasgow Kiss.

An impressive suplex came next and then some ground and pound too, next bringing Corbin in to continue the assault. That included the Chokeslam Backbreaker for 2 but after the break, Rollins was running wild on all involved but Baron soon cut him off, landing a strike to halt Seth’s planned dive. However, Rollins swiftly responded, landing a blockbuster off the top and making the hot tag to Styles. He immediately took control, flurrying on Lashley and then flooring both him and Corbin with Pele.

Claymore stopped him in his tracks though and McIntyre then launched Reigns across the ring too, next heading to the floor only to be wiped out for his troubles. Corbin was the next victim and all three then combined on Lashley, landing Stomp, Spear and Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winners: AJ Styles, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins

Thanks for following along folks, click here for a full recap of tonight’s moves and be sure to check out our post-show podcast as well:

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