
Disco Inferno Talks Issues With Women’s Revolution In Wrestling

Disco Inferno spoke recently on Impact’s Press Pass Podcast about a variety of topics in the wrestling world. You can hear the full podcast, or read his transcript over at Wrestling Epicenter.

The origin of his problem with Scarlett Bordeaux and women’s wrestling:
“There’s this thing going on called the Women’s Revolution. I’ve been pretty vocal that I’m not a fan of women’s wrestling collectively. I have never said I don’t like all women’s wrestling. I’m entertained by the good stuff. But, what is happening in wrestling these days is we have this whole women’s revolution, we have equality. Women are main eventing WrestleMania! They’re taking the guys’ spots and everything. We can always talk about the positives of women in professional wrestling. But, I’m not going to ignore when I see women’s matches and they’re bad. People are critical of my work! People are critical of my matches! If Charlotte Flair goes out and has a good match, I’ll say it was good. But, hypothetically, if Ruby Riot goes out and has a bad match, I’ll say that sucked! The funny thing is, you’re almost not allowed to really say that! You’re not allowed to criticize them! Wait a second! If you want equality, you have to be subject to equal criticism! We’re not going to just sit there and push ths women’s revolution thing and let you take all our spots and never speak out against you! It is crazy! You know? (laughs) It is getting to the point to put up or shut up, girls! If you think you’re really that good, if you think that you’re better than us, then lets start wrestling the guys! Lets see how good you are!”

On women having sex appeal that male fans are to ignore:
“I’m not going to sit here and ignore that this whole women’s revolution thing is grounded in massive hypocrisy! It is fine for women to say that they don’t want to be objectified but then you’re on Instagram and you’ve got your ass hanging out in a thong… And I’m like, what are we supposed to do here? Look, girls. When you’re attractive, we’re going to be attracted to you. There is nothing wrong with that. These days in wrestling, if you talk about how hot a girl is, you’re quote unquote “objectifying her”. I’m like, what are you talking about? Women have one thing the guys don’t have and that is sex appeal. When they try to ignore their own sex appeal, I’m like, what are you guys doing? You’re hurting the marketing of yourself. Guys are attracted to you! They’re attracted to attractive females. Don’t try to make it that they’re not supposed to be attracted to you and just respect your work. Embrace both! These days, you’re only allowed to embrace one but not the other. But, ok, so, if we’re embracing one… If we’re embracing the work, lets be honest about the work! When it is good, I’ll say that it is great. But, when it is bad, I’ll say, “You know what? Maybe you shouldn’t be doing this. Maybe you should stick to the sex appeal because your work isn’t good enough.” And pointing stuff like this out, I’m told I shouldn’t be saying this based on the parameters and the rules set by the fans and the women’s revolution. I just want to know what the rules are going forward. There is only one side writing the rules here. And, the rules, to me, are still very much open for debate. The people who want to debate this, like me, are vilified!”

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