
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 3/19/19 Kofi Runs the Gauntlet, Sasha Banks & Bayley vs The Iconics

Kofi Kingston will face his greatest challenge yet, the Women’s Tag Team champions visit the blue brand and more tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live! Feel free to leave a comment below during the show, and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out premium service Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news, and more!

-The Miz comes out to the ring to start the show and shows a video package from last week where Shane McMahon challenged him to a match at Wrestlemania. Miz talks about his father and what Shane did for him before he turned on him and says that he was warned about Shane behind the scenes. Miz says that Shane was born the worst in the world and that he’s nothing special before saying that Vince and Shane may own the company, but they don’t own him. Miz then says that Shane deserves what he’ll get at Wrestlemania before leaving as Sasha Banks and Bayley come out to the ring as we go to commercial.

Sasha Banks & Bayley vs The Iconics

Bayley and Peyton start the match with Peyton in control early, dropping Bayley several times before knocking Sasha off of the apron. Billie tags herself in and Bayley and Sasha double team her before Lacey Evans comes out and distracts Bayley before Peyton drops her from behind for a two count as we go to commercial.

We return to the action to Peyton in control of Bayley before Bayley kicks her away and she and Billie bulldog each other. Sasha gets the tag and drops Peyton several times before rocking her with a knee and hitting running knees in the corner into a diving meteora for a near fall that Billie breaks up. Sasha then gets distracted by Billie before Peyton rolls her up with Billie holding onto her arm from ringside for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Iconics defeat Sasha Banks and Bayley via pinfall when Peyton pins Sasha with a roll up.

Rey Mysterio and his son are backstage where Rey announces that he’s facing Samoa Joe for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania before Kevin Owens comes out to the ring as we go to commercial.

-Kevin has Becky Lynch and Charlotte come out to the ring to discuss their differences and their triple threat match at Wrestlemania. They then brawl until Charlotte rolls out of the ring and sends Becky into the apron and tosses her over the barricade before they’re broken up by security as we go to commercial.

-WWE champion Daniel Bryan and Rowan are in the ring as we come back to the show where Daniel talks about Kofi Kingston ahead of his gauntlet match before New Day come out to the ring.

Gauntlet Match

Kofi Kingston vs The Bar, Samoa Joe, Rowan & Randy Orton

Kofi and Sheamus start the match with Kofi using Sheamus’ aggression against him before Sheamus takes him down and puts him in a side headlock for a quick two count. Kofi locks in a hammer lock into a straight armbar before sending Sheamus out of the ring and hitting a tope to the outside. Kofi rolls Sheamus back into the ring, but gets caught when he’s coming in and Sheamus hits him with clubbing blows in the ropes. Kofi comes back with a roundhouse kick and stomps and kicks on Sheamus until Sheamus sends him into the ropes and Cesaro hits him with a European uppercut from ringside for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Kofi drops Sheamus as we come back to the action before hitting a Boom Drop and goes for Trouble in Paradise which Sheamus counters before hitting a diving cross body for a near fall. Sheamus sends Kofi into the ropes and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for a near fall before locking in a Boston crab, Kofi turning it into a small package for a near fall before Sheamus drops him with a knee for another near fall. Sheamus then goes for the Brogue Kick which Kofi counters into Trouble in Paradise for the pin and the elimination. Cesaro goes right after Kofi with a running uppercut in the corner for a near fall before hitting a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Kofi then goes for a springboard move, but Cesaro catches him and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Cesaro bends Kofi before he tries to come back with kicks and Cesaro swings him before locking in a sharpshooter. Cesaro suplexes Kofi for a near fall before Kofi counters the Neutralizer into the s.o.s. for the pin and the elimination. Rowan comes out to the ring and knocks Kofi for a loop before hitting him with clubbing blows and a running splash in the corner. Rowan hits a running cross body at ringside before whipping him into the barricade and hitting him with a chair for the disqualification and the elimination. Rowan puts Kofi in a bear hug and sends him into the ring post before tossing him into the time keeper’s area and hits a claw through the announce table. Samoa Joe then comes out to the ring as we go to commercial.

Joe hits Kofi with right hands and rakes his face across the top rope before Kofi comes back with punches and kicks, only for Joe to hits an enzuigiri for a near fall. Joe turns Kofi inside out with a lariat for a near fall and goes for the Coquina Clutch that Kofi counters into a jawbreaker. Joe hits a uranage and twists Kofi’s head before he gets to his feet and takes Joe down, Joe chopping his back before Kofi counters the Muscle Buster into a roll up for the pin and the elimination. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch and chokes Kofi out in the ropes until he’s pulled off and leaves before Randy Orton makes his way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

Randy beats on Kofi at ringside before Kofi sends him into the ring steps and they get back into the ring and Randy hits Kofi with uppercuts in the corner. Randy stomps on Kofi and puts him in a rear chin lock before he gets to his feet and they exchange strikes until Kofi dropkicks him, but Randy doesn’t budge because of how weak the kick is. Kofi then hits Trouble in Paradise before Randy rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Kofi hits a diving cross body that Randy reverses for a near fall before hitting a draping DDT and Kofi counters an RKO into a roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston defeats all five of his opponents to gain a title match at Wrestlemania against Daniel Bryan.

-After the match New Day celebrate and Vince McMahon comes out to the ring to congratulate him before saying that he has one final match.

Kofi Kingston vs Daniel Bryan

Daniel kicks Kofi in the corner as soon as the match starts before Kofi comes back with kicks of his own and Daniel hits a kitchen sink. Daniel sets Kofi on the top turnbuckle and puts him in the tree of woe before kicking him more and hitting a belly to back superplex for a near fall. Daniel locks in a cross face before Kofi gets his foot to the bottom rope for the break and Daniel continues to kick him before Kofi hits an s.o.s. for a near fall. Daniel hits running dropkicks in the corner before Kofi rolls him up for a near fall and Daniel knocks him from the top turnbuckle. Daniel then stomps Kofi before hitting a running knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan defeats Kofi Kingston via pinfall with a running knee to deny Kofi of his title match at Wrestlemania.

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