
WWE 205 Live Results for 2/26/19 The WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Begins

The tournament to determine who will face Buddy Murphy at Wrestlemania begins tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will stick around for the next hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division with 205 Live. Enjoy the show and feel free to leave a comment below!

Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match

Kalisto vs Tony Nese

Tony backs Kalisto into the corner and hits an arm drag into a straight armbar before Kalisto comes back with chops and hip tosses. They do several flips until Kalisto sends Tony out of the ring with a roundhouse kick before hitting a suicide dive. Kalisto hits a springboard cross body for a quick two count before Tony drops him with a back kick to the midsection and Kalisto sends him out of the ring. Tony back in before they dodge each other until Kalisto rocks Tony with an elbow and Tony hits a back drop over the ring steps and onto the floor. Tony tosses Kalisto into the barricade and Kalisto comes back with a huricanrrana and a diving seated senton before hitting a tornado DDT for a two count.

Tony catches Kalisto on the top turnbuckle before countering a Salida del Sol into a spider suplex. Tony misses a 450 before Kalisto hits a 450 of his own for a near fall, Tony getting his foot on the rope for the break. Tony counters another attempted Salida del Sol before Kalisto hits a superkick and Tony hits a back drop. Kalisto then gets a near fall off of a roll up before Tony hits a release German suplex in the corner into a running knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Kalisto via pinfall with a running knee strike in the corner to advance to the next round of the Cruiserweight Championship tournament.

The Brian Kendrick vs Drew Gulak

They grapple to start the match before Drew locks in a stretching submission before transitioning into an attempt at the Gulock that Brian rolls away from. Brian attempts to pin the shoulders of Drew down to the mat before Drew twists his ankle and Brian locks in a standing side headlock. Drew backs Brian into the ropes for a clean break before hitting a German suplex for a two count and locking in a modified sharpshooter. Brian rolls to the ropes for the break and Drew clotheslines him before Brian hits several arm drags into an armbar. Drew rolls free and stomps Brian in the corner before Brian counters a backbreaker into a jack knife pin for a near fall. Brian hits a back drop for a quick two count before Drew hits a German suplex for a near fall and Brian hits a dragon suplex only for Drew to clothesline him and collapse to the mat. Brian then counters the Gulock into the Captain’s Hook before Drew powerbombs him and counters a Sliced Bread into the Gulock until Brian passes out for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: Drew Gulak defeats The Brian Kendrick via submission with the Gulock to advance to the next round of the Cruiserweight Championship tournament.

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