
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 2/15/19 Episode #387 ROH Tag Team Title Match

Jay Lethal finds some unlikely allies and the Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles are on the line!

Six-Man Mayhem Match

Chris Sabin and Luchasaurus start the match off with Lucha showing the former X-Division champion how athletic he is. Chris sends Lucha out of the ring and Kenny and Rhett come in and lock up before exchanging hammer locks and dodging each other until Shane gets in the ring and they double team him. Rhett and Kenny send Shane out of the ring and argue once they both try to pin Lucha until Flip sends Rhett out of the ring. Flip and Kenny exchange chops and right hands until Flip hits a springboard spear to Kenny and Shane launches him out of the ring when he shoves him away. Lucha drops Kenny with a bicycle knee and a roundhouse kick before everyone hits a move until they collapse as we go to commercial.

Rhett hits a tope to the outside and takes out everyone at ringside before Shane and Kenny get in the ring and Kenny hits a springboard blockbuster. Lucha boots Kenny out of the ring and Shane hits a cannonball off of the apron before Lucha hits a Meteoric Extinction to the outside. Flip hits a senton from the crowd, off of the balcony before hitting Shane with a 450 once he gets back in the ring to Shane for a near fall. The referee throws Kenny out of the match when he hits Flip with a chair before Lucha takes out Shane and Rhett takes him out before Shane gets back in the ring and Rhett hits Shane with a Samoan drop. Shane then drops Rhett with a knee before hitting a sit-down piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor defeats Rhett Titus, Flip Gordon, Luchasaurus, Kenny King and Chris Sabin when he pins Rhett with a sit-down piledriver.

Marcus Cross & Griff Garrison vs The Bouncers

Marcus and Brian start the match off with Brian tossing him away before doing the same to Griff when he comes in. Marcus and Griff try to double team Brian, but he takes them both out with a double clothesline before tagging BCB in. BCB misses an elbow drop and Cross hits an assisted elbow drop for barely a one count before BCB hits a Samoan drop and Brian tags in. Brian comes in and falls on Cross before cross hits BCB with a Kamehameha from the Anime Dragon Ball and tags Griff in. The Bouncers powerbomb Cross into Griff and Brian hits a superplex before BCB hits a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Bouncers defeat Griff Garrison and Marcus Cross when Beer City Bruiser pins Griff with a frog splash.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes (c) vs Chuckie-T & Colt Cabana

They brawl at ringside when Colt rushes from the commentary area and gets in the ring as The Briscoes get out. The Briscoes then double team Chuckie-T once they’re back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Mark sends Chuckie-T into the ring post before rolling him back into the ring and choking him in the corner before Jay misses a missile dropkick and Colt comes in. Colt takes out both Briscoe brothers before Chuckie-T gets the blind tag and rocks Jay with elbows before hitting a jawbreaker and a standing sliced bread for a two count. Jay suplexes Chuckie-T onto the floor and sets Colt on a chair before Mark hits a blockbuster off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Jay going for a Jay Driller that Chuckie-T counters before countering a doomsday device and rolls Jay up for a near fall. Jay then clotheslines Chuckie-T before Jay hits the Jay Driller for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Briscoes retain their ROH World Tag Team titles by defeating Chuckie-T and Colt Cabana when Jay pins Chuckie-T with a Jay Driller.

-The Briscoes assault Chuckie-T after the match and set a table up at ringside before Mark hits an elbow drop off of the top and onto Chuckie-T through the table at ringside as we go to commercial.

-We come back to the ROH World champion Jay Lethal making his way out to the ring before he gets in the ring and is interviewed by Ian until Jay says he has a lot on his mind and decides to talk on his own. Jay talks about his pressures as the ace of Ring of Honor and how the company is on the decline and the things The Briscoes and Bully Ray have been doing. Jay talks about Matt Taven before he’s interrupted by Life Blood and Jay says that he doesn’t want to join them. Juice says that there was never an invitation extended to Jay and Jay says that he believes that they are genuine before he talks about how great all of them are. Jay wishes them good luck before he goes to leave and Juice tells him to find four more people so they can have a ten man tag team match.

Jay then tells Juice to bring Life Blood and he’ll bring the heart and soul of Ring of Honor next week as we go off the air.

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