
WWE NXT UK Results for 2/13/19 Pete Dunne vs Wolfgang in a Non-Title Match, Dar vs Devlin

The WWE NXT UK champion Pete Dunne takes on Gallus’ Wolfgang today at 3PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, good afternoon and welcome to our coverage of today’s edition of WWE NXT UK! Enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out premium service Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more!

-NXT UK Women’s champion Toni Storm comes out to the ring to start the show and talks her title defense against Rhea Ripley before she’s interrupted by Ripley who says that she got lucky. Toni then takes Rhea down and they brawl until Toni sends Rhea out of the ring and to the back as we go to commercial.

Noam Dar vs Jordan Devlin

Jordan takes Noam down before he gets to his feet and Noam takes Jordan down with a hip toss before getting a two count off of a back slide. Dar hits a back suplex for a two count before Jordan comes back with a uranage into a standing moonsault for a two count. Jordan hits a backbreaker and drops Noam with a European uppercut before suplexing him for a two count. Jordan misses a diving cross body and Dar comes back with an European uppercut and a running forearm in the corner before Jordan kicks out of an ankle lock. Jordan hits the Irish Ace Cutter before Dar sends him out onto the apron and down to the mat when he sweeps his legs out.

Dar goes knee first into the steps before Jordan goes to smash the ankle of Dar before Travis Banks stops him. They then get back in the ring before Jordan gets a near fall off of a roll up with the ropes that Travis breaks up from ringside before Jordan knocks him off of the apron and Dar rolls Jordan up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar defeats Jordan Devlin via pinfall. 

-After the match Jordan lays out Dar before he and Travis fight to the back as we go to commercial.​​​​​

WALTER versus Kassius Ohno is announced for two weeks from now and an NXT Women’s Championship rematch is announced for next week.

Jinny vs Mia Yim

Jinny takes Mia down with a side headlock that Mia reverses into a head scissor before Jinny takes her back down and claws her arm. Jinny fights out of a side headlock and Mia drops her with a shoulder block before hitting her with forearms in the corner. Jinny rocks Mia with a stiff forearm before Mia takes her down and hits her with right hands before trying to lock in an armbar. Jinny gets to the ropes for the break before hitting an STF into the middle turnbuckle and smashes her face into the mat. Jinny beats Mia down in back mount before Mia locks in a tarantula in the ropes to the count of four and hits a neckbreaker.

Mia drops Jinny with a variety of kicks before chopping her and hitting a cannonball for a near fall. Mia sends Jinny into the turnbuckle before Jinny catches Mia coming back into the ring with a kick and wins with her feet on the ropes. 

Winner: Jinny defeats Mia Yim via pinfall with her feet on the ropes for leverage.

Pete Dunne vs Wolfgang

They lock up to start the match before Wolfgang goes for a straight armbar and Pete pushes him away. Pete takes Wolfgang down who rolls out of the ring and takes his time getting back in before he rushes Pete and drops him with a stiff forearm strike. Pete drops Wolfgang with a running kick and hits a missile dropkick to his knee before Pete bends his hand to the mat and stomps on it. Pete goes for a standing double wrist lock before Wolfgang rakes his face across the top rope and Pete comes back with a release suplex. Pete hits an enzuigiri in the corner before dropping Wolfgang with a roundhouse kick and hits an x-plex for a near fall.

Pete stomps on Wolfgang and bends his fingers before he locks in a triangle choke that Wolfgang powers out of with a buckle bomb. Wolfgang hits a running senton into a reverse suplex for a near fall before Pete meets him up top and hits a superplex. Wolfgang then goes for a swanton bomb, but misses and Pete locks in an armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne defeats Wolfgang via submission with an armbar. 

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