
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 2/1/19 Episode #385 ROH TV Title #1 Contender Match

A top prospect and a grizzled veteran square off for a shot at the ROH Television Championship in the main event of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Tracy Williams vs David Finlay

They start the match by going back and forth until David sends Tracy out of the ring with a dropkick before hitting a tope to the outside. Tracy comes back with chops and a suplex for a two count before he goes for a dragon sleeper and David powers out of it. David comes back with a back elbow and hits a running elbow in the corner and another running back elbow for a near fall as we go to commercial.

We come back to the action when Tracy rocks David with a back elbow and DDTs him into the top turnbuckle before clotheslining him for a near fall. David comes back with a lariat that turns Tracy inside out before David hits a DVD for a near fall. Tracy then hits a piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tracy Williams defeats David Finlay via pinfall with a piledriver.

Mark Haskins vs Bandido

Mark and Bandido take each other down before Mark keeps Bandido grounded with a side headlock for several minutes until he gets to his feet. Mark hits a sunset flip for a two count and sends Bandido out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

Mark hits a dragon screw leg whip in the ring as we return to the action before Bandido comes back with a jumping stomp and a corkscrew diving cross body. Bandido sends Mark out of the ring before flipping over the top rope and onto Mark at ringside. Bandido rolls Mark back into the ring and Mark hits a falcon arrow for a near fall before they dropkick each other. They exchange forearm strikes until Bandido hits a variation of the GTS for a near fall. Mark locks in a sharpshooter before Bandido gets to the ropes for the break and Mark immediately follows up with a diving stomp for a near fall. Bandido then superkicks Mark before hitting a springboard bridging German suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bandido defeats Mark Haskins via pinfall with a springboard bridging German suplex. 

Eli Isom vs Silas Young

Silas takes Eli down and applies a hammer lock and chops Eli once he gets to his feet before locking in a front choke. Eli gets to his feet and they exchange forearms until Silas hits Eli in the midsection with a knee and Eli rocks Silas with a jumping back elbow. Eli misses a springboard dropkick and Silas clotheslines him off of the apron and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Silas hitting a slingshot foot stomp in the ring and hits a front suplex before hitting a back suplex for a two count. Silas whips Eli into the corner and hits a flap jack for a near fall before Silas locks in a choke. Eli shoves Silas away and rocks him with a flurry of strikes before hitting an overhead belly to back suplex for a near fall. Silas drops Eli and slaps him across the face before Eli takes him down and hits him with right hands before hitting a DVD for a near fall. Silas hits a backbreaker into a lariat for a near fall and a DVD into a moonsault for a near fall.

Silas sets Eli up top and hits a superplex for a very surprising one count and they brawl until Eli gets a near fall off of a back slide. Silas then hits Misery for the pin and the win.

Winner: Silas Young defeats Eli Isom to become the new number one contender for the ROH Television Championship.

-After the match Jeff Cobb comes out and confronts Silas before he’s laid out by Shane Taylor as we go off the air.

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