WWE Fourth Quarter 2018 Earnings Call Report: Vince Blames Low Attendance On Injuries, NXT Highly Valued
Welcome to Fightful’s live coverage of the WWE fourth quarter financial call. WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, Co-President George Barrios, Co-President Michelle Wilson and SVP Financial Planning & Investor Relations Michael Weitz are hosting the call. You can view the press release announcing fourth quarter financials here. You can listen to the call here.
Opening statement. Vince McMahon says they achieved record revenue in 2018. “We know what we’re doing.” pic.twitter.com/BHBKgDs8uB
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Vince going through the following slide: pic.twitter.com/FPFOcwB7N1
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Moving on, a look at the 2018 financial highlights: pic.twitter.com/zuwKggekRR
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Looking at WWE media in 2018, including Network subscribers, which is at nearly 1.6 million. pic.twitter.com/UbJY2J7wLl
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Looking at consumer products. WWE merchandise sales are down. pic.twitter.com/ucffECspd5
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Live event attendance. North American attendance down. pic.twitter.com/U3mtmdFKMW
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Additional North American attendance information: pic.twitter.com/Ladhipxqe6
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Capital Structure and more information on the stock repurchase program: pic.twitter.com/dpO7z8Eufv
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
2019 outlook. WWE expects $1 billion in revenue next year. pic.twitter.com/jSAZt3xMYR
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
First quarter 2019 outlook. No more day after WrestleMania calls announcing Network subscribers. pic.twitter.com/f2DHcdiQwa
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Call is now open to questions. Barrios says they will continue to invest in digital products. They continue to work on international deals including Latin America and Middle East.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Barrios on UK TV deal: “I think it’s fair to say all the agreements will be made by the middle of the year”
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Wilson was pleased with Mixed Match Challenge and says they learned a lot. Barrios discusses the “sixth hour,” which is the hour of content following SmackDown. They are evaluating that hour but haven’t made a decision on what to do. 205 Live currently occupies that spot.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Barrios is confident they can invest in talent despite “a new promotion” opening up and competing for talent. Still believes WWE is the premiere organization.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
WWE continues to localize content including delivering Raw and SmackDown in Mandarin.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
“In the next 5-10 years, our ability to develop global content could be as valuable as our Western content.” – Barrios. Says UK is the “light scale” of localization if Orlando is the “heavy scale.”
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
“WWE has become a media company” – Barrios. Asked about NXT on Fox, says it depends on where the content fits best. Praise for Halftime Heat and how well it trended.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Barrios called NXT the “second most valuable unit’ behind PPV.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
“Ronda is one of the brightest people we’ve ever done business with” – Vince.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Vince discussing all the injuries and how WWE has had to adapt. “You have to change the storyline.” Believes losing all the superstars to injuries is a reason why ratings/attendance have dropped.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Vince believes attendance will be up when everyone gets healthy.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019
Barrios praises WWE Network but thinks they can do better. They will start rolling out “the next iteration” throughout the year and have a big reveal planned.
— Fightful Wrestling (@FightfulWrestle) February 7, 2019