
Edge Recalls Vince McMahon Denying Help After Tearing His Quads At The 2005 Royal Rumble PPV

Edge recounts the night that Vince McMahon tore both of his quads.

It was on January 30th of 2005 that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon tore both of his quads on the way to the ring because he was furious that multi-time WWE World Champions John Cena and Batista fell out of the Royal Rumble match simultaneously which caused the finish of the match to be changed on the fly along with a restart of the match with only Cena and Batista battling to win the Rumble. This story has been well-documented and told by several individuals who were working the show that day.

WWE Hall Of Famer and former 11-time WWE World Champion Edge told the story from his perspective while he was on tour with ‘Inside The Ropes’. Edge was a part of the final three of that year’s Rumble match as he was eliminated by both John Cena and Batista. Edge went on to tell the story from his viewpoint and shared what was going through his head as he watched Vince McMahon sit on the mat while yelling at Cena and Batista.

“Royal Rumble right? This infamous Royal Rumble. Now everyone remembers that John Cena and Batista were in there last right? And everyone remembers that they went out at the same time and it’s like, ‘Uh-oh’. What you might not remember is I was the third last competitor in there.” Edge recalled. “So, I get eliminated. I’m starting to get up and go down the ramp and I see them both land and I went, ‘Oh sh*t. This is going to be interesting.’ Here’s what is crazy; they hit simultaneously — like you can not map that out any better. I’m still walking to the back and I just see that pompadour come power walking. Vince has a power-walk anyway but this thing was next level power walk. This was like a Thanos power walk — like eating worlds and I just went, ‘Oh no. Oh good Lord’. Now, Vince is not the most athletic man in the world. He’s really kind of like a newborn Colt on ice.” Edge said. “You can just tell. He’s strong, he can lift weights, but I wouldn’t put him in a basketball game you know? So, I get through the curtain and all I see is [Vince McMahon] go to dive in, go to stand up and just [fall]. I go, ‘This is odd’. Those guys are standing in the ring now he’s sitting there. Go to get up, [he falls again]. He tore both quads. Yeah. Nobody knew at that time. I just remember like, ‘Oh man, I am getting out of dodge. I am going back to that dressing room’ and then we were told, ‘Don’t go in the hallway’. They kept the hallways clear so that Vince could somehow manage to walk because he refused help with two torn f*cking quads, so that he could get in his car — his limo to take him to a hospital [to] get his torn quads fixed. That was a surreal little moment.”


We are coming off the helms of the 2019 Royal Rumble pay-per-view and to see highlights from the respective men’s and women’s Rumble matches, click on either of the highlighted genders.

If the quote in this article is used, please credit ‘Inside The Ropes’ with an H/T to Fightful for the transcription.

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