
WWE NXT UK Results for 1/30/19 WALTER Makes His Debut, Moustache Mountain vs European Union

The Ring General makes his television debut, and Moustache Mountain take on the European Union on today’s edition of WWE NXT UK at 3pm EST!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of NXT UK with the debut of WALTER! While you’re here you can leave a comment below, and be sure to check out our forums where you can discuss all things combat sports!

Dave Mastiff vs Jay Melrose

Jay tries to knock Dave over repeatedly before Dave drops him with a running cross body and Jay comes back with forearms and a headbutt. Jay drops Dave with a clubbing right hand for a two count before they exchange strikes until Jay goes for a double wrist lock. Dave muscles his way out of the hole before Jay tries to lift Dave who falls on top of him for a two count. Dave then hits several sentons and a German suplex into the corner before hitting Into the Void for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Jay Melrose via pinfall with Into the Void.

-We get a vignette for Xia Brookside who returns next week. 

-Zack Gibson and James Drake come out to the ring and Zack talks about their winning the NXT UK Tag Team championships and how they won by being focused on their goal rather than trying to find a catchy nickname or shiny pants. Zack says that the fans can’t wave shoes as much as they want as long as they call them Grizzled Young Veterans and the NXT UK Tag Team champions. The assistant general manager of NXT UK Sid Scalia comes out to the ring and says that they will be defending their belts against Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.

WALTER vs Jack Starz

Jack hits WALTER with everything he can before WALTER shoves him away and drops him with a chop before he rolls out of the ring. WALTER goes out after Jack and drags him back into the ring before dropping him with a knee and dropkicks Jack before powerbombing him for the pin and the win.

Winner: WALTER defeats Jack Starz via pinfall with a powerbomb.

Jinny vs Kasey Owens

Jinny takes Kasey down and locks in a straight armbar before Kasey gets free and Jinny takes her back down with a side headlock. Jinny drops Kasey with a shoulder block and kicks her in the back before locking in a double achilles lock, Kasey getting to the ropes for the break. Kasey hits a springboard cross body for a two count before Jinny hits a huricanrrana and a flat liner into the middle turnbuckle. Kasey rolls out of the ring before Jinny sends her into the barricade and rolls her back into the ring before locking in an abdominal stretch. Kasey then locks in an armbar in the ropes before Jinny catches her in the ropes and hits the Makeover for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jinny defeats Kasey Owens via pinfall with the Makeover.

-A rematch between Toni Storm and Rhea Ripley is announced for three weeks from now. 

Moustache Mountain vs European Union

Tyler and Marcel start the match off by taking each other down before Marcel repeatedly takes Tyler down with a single leg. Tyler comes back with a dropkick and a deep arm drag before wringing his arm and tagging Trent in. Fabian gets the tag and rushed Trent who takes him down with an arm drag before Fabian comes back with a European uppercut and MM double team Fabian for a two count. Tyler and Marcel get back in before Fabian gets a blind tag and slams Tyler to the mat before he beats on Tyler in his corner. EU isolate Tyler in their half of the ring before Marcel hits Tyler with a sliding European uppercut for a near fall.

Fabian comes back in and locks in a body scissors before Tyler turns it around and hits a scoop slam before Trent gets the tag. Trent hits a DDT and powerbombs Fabian before hitting Marcel with a snap dragon suplex for a near fall. Fabian gets a near fall off of a roll up after Marcel hits Tyler with an enzuigiri and Fabian knocks Marcel off of the apron before Tyler hits a suicide dive. Trent hits a Seven Star Lariat for a near fall before Fabian hits a spine buster and Marcel hits a PK for a near fall. Trent then hits a stunner and tags in Tyler who Fabian hits with a DVD for a near fall that Trent breaks up before Fabian misses a splash off of the top and Tyler sends Fabian out of the ring before MM hit a lariat into a dragon suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moustache Mountain defeat the European Union via pinfall when Trent pins Marcel with a dragon suplex.

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