
IMPACT Wrestling Results & Free Online Stream for 1/25/19 IMPACT World Championship Match

The IMPACT Zone heads to Mexico on tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on the Pursuit Network and Twitch TV!

Rich Swann vs Hijo del Vikingo

Hijo takes Swann down and locks in a side headlock before locking in a head scissor, Swann hopping up to his feet before they exchange arm drags and quick one counts as well as a dropkick. Hijo rocks Swann with a roundhouse kick and chops him before hitting a springboard huricanrrana and a twisting huricanrrana that sends Rich out of the ring. Hijo hits a flipping senton over the top rope before Swann comes back with an enzuigiri and a cannonball off of the railing. Swann rolls Hijo back into the ring and hits a jumping splash for a two count before he starts kicking the leg of Hijo and locks in a very unique submission. Hijo hits a fisherman’s buster into a jackhammer for a near fall before Swann catches him up top and hits a frankensteiner for a near fall. Hijo catches Swann in midair and hits a spinning uranage for a near fall before Swann comes back with a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Swann then hits a 450 off of the second rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann defeats Hijo del Vikingo via pinfall with a 450 splash.

-OvE come out to the ring after the match as we go to commercial. We come back to OvE having Rich cornered before Sami says that he’s proud of Rich and that it’s time for everyone to know the truth about Rich and Sami and their bond. Sami tells Rich to put the shirt on and to join them before saying that Rich owes his success to Sami and that he saved him. Rich then gives Sami the shirt back before leaving as Sami says that he didn’t say no, and tells him to think about it before Swann leaves.

Keyra vs Taya Valkyrie

Keyra attacks Taya before the match gets started and beats on her in the corner before she goes for a huricanrrana and Taya counters into a shoulder breaker. Taya drops Keyra and hits a jumping stomp before screaming and covering her for a quick two count. Keyra hits an arm drag into a running dropkick in the corner for a near fall before Taya comes back with several clotheslines and a Saito suplex. Taya hits running knees in the corner for a near fall before Keyra catches Taya on the top turnbuckle and hits a back stabber into a moonsault for a near fall. Taya hits a bridging northern lights suplex for a near fall and a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Taya then hits a curb stomp before locking in variation of a cross face for the tap and the win.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie defeats Keyra via submission with a cross face submission. 

-After the match Taya is interviewed before she cuts a promo in Spanish and English as we go to commercial.

The Rascalz vs Desi Hitt Squad

Dez and Raj start the match off with Dez dropping Raj with a dropkick before he and Zachary double up on Raj for a quick two count. Rohit comes in and drops Zachary with a running forearm and Zachary hits a corkscrew cross body and gets caught in the ropes by Raj before Rohit dropkicks Zachary. Raj hits a flat liner and knocks Dez from the apron before Rohit hits a diving stomp off of the apron before Zach hits a hand spring roundhouse bicycle knee and tags Dez in. Dez hits a running back elbow in the corner and a snapmare into a jumping dropkick to the back of the head before The Rascalz double team Rohit. Zach uses Dez as a step stool and hits a flying cross body over the top and onto Raj at ringside before they get in the ring and take out Rohit before dropping Raj with a superkick into a bicycle knee before they hit a push moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Rascalz defeat Desi Hitt Squad when Zach pins Raj after a push moonsault.

Ethan Page vs Trey Miguel

We come back from commercial to the match already in progress as Trey hits an Asai moonsault and Ethan comes back with several suplexes before driving his knee into the spine of Trey and whips him across the ring and into the opposite corner for a two count. Ethan sends Trey into the top rope throat first for a two count before Trey comes back with a Pele kick only for Ethan to drop him with a pump kick. Trey hits a jumping neckbreaker and a 619 into a moonsault for a near fall before Ethan suplexes Trey for a near fall. Trey then hits another 619 before hitting cross Rhodes or as Trey calls it, Fresh to Death for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trey Miguel defeats Ethan Page via pinfall with Fresh to Death.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Johnny Impact (c) vs Killer Kross

They go back and forth to start the match before Kross takes Johnny down and pins his shoulders down for a quick two count before hitting him with forearms in mount and goes for a rear naked choke, but Johnny tosses him away. Kross drops Johnny with a flying knee and knees him in the corner before hitting a gut wrench suplex, Johnny countering a powerbomb and hitting an enzuigiri before Moose distracts Johnny. Johnny kicks Moose away and sends him into the railing before Kross chokes Johnny as we go to commercial.

Kross is in control as we return to the action, man handling Johnny for a near fall before punching Johnny and stomping him in the corner before choking him. Kross hits a snapmare and kicks Johnny bore hitting a snap DDT before countering a tornado DDT into a suplex. Kross locks in a cobra clutch before they exchange strikes until Johnny hits a springboard roundhouse kick for a near fall. Kross comes back and overpowers Johnny before suplexing and dropping him with a lariat. Kross goes for the Kross Jacket, but Johnny counters it before Kross locks in a knee bar.

Kross transitions into a rear naked choke to the count of four before Johnny comes back with an enzuigiri into a sliding German suplex and a knee before Kross catches Johnny goes for Starship Pain. Johnny then hits a springboard spear into a flying armbar before missing Starship Pain and Brian Cage gets in the ring and takes out both Kross and Impact as well as Moose for the double disqualification.

Winner: Johnny Impact retains his Impact World Championship by defeating Killer Kross when the referee throws the match out due to Brian Cage attacking both competitors.

-After the match Cage and Impact clear the ring before they square off as we go off the air, setting up a tag match between Johnny and Brian and Kross and Moose. 

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