
Russo: Forget Fireworks, Raw Sets Off A Huge Stink Bomb!

Ready-Set-Go. Let's line up all the excuses and start firing away–shall we? It was the 4th of July. Many people were out grillin' dogs and burgers with their loved ones. People were out watching their local firework extravaganzas. The masses were traveling back from the Hot Dog Contest at Nathan's–and yada, and yada and yada.

Regardless of the spin on why the rating for Monday's RAW was so low, here's the God honest truth—the show STUNK.

Look, I've been in that same situation over a hundred times when I was working for the WWE, WCW and TNA. The show lands on a holiday and you understand going in that you are going to lose a part of your audience—that's a given. So, here are your two choices. 1 — You still put your best foot forward and put your best effort into writing and producing the show and you hope for the best or 2 — You simply phone it in. Well, WWE opted for plan C: strap it to the back of a wounded, one winged, homing pigeon and LIMP it in.

RAW was terrible and I'm not going to make a single excuse for it. If I had been the author of the show I would have been both ashamed and embarrassed. The show came across as if it were literally written in 15 minutes and it probably was. The first five minutes and the last five easily can easily sum up what the entire 3 hours reeked of—70's, childish, immature, cartoony, really-bad, make believe, bad wrestling. From the complete idiocy of a food fight, to the sheer stupidity of the "Americans" vs. the "Bad Guys" with the American flag unfurling at the finish, this show was just Red, White and Blue AWFUL.

Alright, I'll talk about the in between because that's what I get paid the big bucks for. Both female segments were atrocious. The dialogue written between Sasha and Charlotte was vomit-inducing. NOBODY IS MAD AT ANYBODY ELSE! The girls went tit-for-tat as if they were rival 4th graders at recess. The in-ring action between Summer and Becky was even worse. It was sloppier than eating a sloppy Joe NAKED!!!

I believe this was the third, or fourth time I saw the same AJ/Club/Cena promo, and unfortunately you don't believe a threatening word the Wyatts say simply because . . . THEY'VE NEVER BEATEN ANYBODY!!!

Thank God they put the Foreigner over the American in the US Title Match. In my opinion, the only thing they did right all night. I've said this many times in the past–Vince McMahon once told me, "Vince . . . if it's good . . . they'll watch it." BINGO, VINCE, and if it's BAD they WON'T.

And, they didn't.

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