
MLW Fusion Episode 38 Results MLW World Middleweight Championship Match, LA Park vs Gringo Loco

The leader of the Hart Foundation defends his MLW Middleweight Championship against the man without fear, and the Mexican legend LA Park is in action on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

LA Park vs Gringo Loco

LA baits Loco in by lifting his arm and playing to the crowd before dropping him with a right hand and tossing him out of the ring. They end up in the crowd where Park hits Loco with signs given to him by fans before they get back in the ring and Park drops Loco before dancing. Park hits Loco with his belt before tossing him out of the ring and into the railing. Park takes two chairs from the crowd and powerbombs Loco onto them before he takes crushed beer cans and hits Loco with them. Park rolls Loco back into the ring and dances more before missing a running shotgun dropkick into the corner.

Loco comes back with a springboard cutter for a near fall before Park rolls out of the ring and Loco hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Park at ringside. They end up on the stage before Loco hits a diving cross body off of the lighting rig and rolls Park back into the ring. Loco misses a phoenix splash before Park covers him for a near fall and Loco accidentally hits the referee with a splash off of the top when the referee tries to retrain Park and Park rolls out of the way. Park then spears Loco for the pin and the win.

Winner: LA Park defeats Gringo Loco via pinfall with a spear.

-We get an interview with Kotto Brazil before Low-Ki cuts a promo backstage on Tom Lawlor ahead of their MLW World Heavyweight Championship match.

MLW World Middleweight Championship Match

Teddy Hart (c) vs Pentagon Jr.

Teddy immediately hits a moonsault off of the top to Pentagon and chops him at ringside before rocking him with a European uppercut. Brian holds Pentagon and Teddy hits him before Pentagon sends Teddy into the ring post and kicks Brian and Davey before hitting an enzuigiri into a Canadian destroyer onto the apron. Back in the ring Pentagon hits a piledriver for a near fall before hitting another Canadian destroyer for another near fall. Pentagon chops Teddy and plays to the crowd before Teddy comes back with a dropkick and hits a high angle moonsault for a two count. Teddy hits a reverse neckbreaker into a springboard moonsault elbow drop and Pentagon comes back with an enzuigiri into a superkick with Teddy doing a hand stand.

Pentagon hits the Pentagon Driver for a near fall out of nowhere before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick to Brian on the outside. Teddy hits a whisper in the wind into a Canadian destroyer off of the top and a lionsault for a very close near fall. Pentagon then goes for an arm breaker, but Teddy counters into a DDT before hitting a lumbar check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Teddy Hart retains his MLW Middleweight Championship by defeating Pentagon Jr. via pinfall with a lumbar check.


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