
MLW Fusion Episode 37 Results MLW World Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match

Low-Ki puts his MLW championship on the line, and Simon Gotch puts his $20,000 on the line on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

Simon Gotch vs Ace Romero

Simon chops Ace and tries to take him down, but he just tosses him away before Simon jumps on his back and he’s tossed again. Ace sends Simon out of the ring and teases a suicide dive before he drags Simon back into the ring by his moustache. Simon comes back with open hand palm strikes before Ace hits a scoop slam and a running splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Romero defeats Simon Gotch via pinfall with a running splash.

Ariel Dominguez vs Andrew Everett

They lock up and Andrew drives Ariel back into the corner before sending him out of the ring and dodging a diving cross body. Andrew hits a lionsault and stands on Ariel for a quick two count before pulling him to his feet by his ears. Ariel then comes back with a rolling German suplex for a two count before Andrew goes for a 450 splash, but Ariel gets his knees up and pins Andrew with an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: Ariel Dominguez defeats Andrew Everett via pinfall with an inside cradle.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match

Low-Ki (c) vs Konnan

Konnan immediately lays Low-Ki out with a blackjack for a near fall that Salina de la Renta breaks up by dragging him out of the ring. Konnan locks in a Boston crab that Ricky breaks up before Low-Ki smashes a beer bottle into the face of Konnan. Low-Ki cuts Konnan open with the beer bottle before Ricky, Low-Ki and El Hijo de La Park team up on him and the referee calls for the bell when Salina hands Low-Ki a shiv.

Winner: Low-Ki retains his MLW World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Konnan via referee stoppage.

-After the match Tom Lawlor comes out and clears the ring before checking on Konnan as we go off the air with a cut to the back with Pentagon having been presumably laid out by Promociones Dorado.

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