
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13 Results: 8 Title Bouts, White vs. Okada & A Gauntlet Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

IWGP Heavyweight Championship
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Kenny Omega to win the title

IWGP Intercontinental Championship
No DQ Match

Tetsuya Naito def. Chris Jericho to win the title

Special Single Match
Jay White def. Kazuchika Okada

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
Taiji Ishimori def. Kushida to win the title

IWGP United States Championship
Juice Robinson def. Cody to win the title

IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Triple Threat Match

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada)  def. Bullet Club OGz (Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa) & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) to win the titles

RPW British Heavyweight Championship
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Tomohiro Ishii to win the title

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Triple Threat Match

Los Ingobernables (Bushi & Shingo Takagi)  def. Suzuki-Gun (El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) & Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) to win the titles

NEVER Openweight Championship
Will Ospreay def. Kota Ibushi to win the title

NEVER 6 Man Championships #1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano & Togi Makabe def. David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb, Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T), Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer) & The Elite (Marty Scurll, Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page)

NEVER 6 Man Championships #1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano & Togi Makabe vs. David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer) vs. The Elite (Marty Scurll, Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page)

The Elite (Marty Scurll, Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page) vs. David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb

The match begins with Nagata and Scurll working over each others arms for a short time, Scurll gains the upper hand by nailing Nagata with a few strikes. Scurll then drops Nagata with a thrust kick to the knee, Nagata recovers and nails Scurll with a drop kick. Scurll goes for a finger snap and Nagata gets free to get him in an inverted figure four, Cobb tags in and Scurll rakes his eyes. Page tags in and all of The Elite triple team Cobb, Cobb is knocked out of the ring before getting attacked by Page and Scurll. Page hits Cobb with a Buckshot Lariat in the ring for a near fall, Cobb fights back and hits Page with a fall away slam. Finlay and Takahashi get tagged in by their respective partners, Takahashi drops Finlay before landing a basement drop kick followed by a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. A brawl breaks out between both teams as Finlay hits Takahashi with a back breaker, Chase Owens interferes and Page accidentally takes him out. Finlay shocks Takahashi with a roll up for a three count.

Eliminated: The Elite (Marty Scurll, Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page)

David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T)

The match begins with Chaos jumping their opponents to start a brawl that spills all over the place, Goto and Nagata battle on the inside of the ring. Goto goes for a suplex and Nagata counters with an arm lock, the brawl between both teams spills into the ring. Beretta and T take out Cobb and Finlay with a series of dives, Nagata attacks Goto with some kicks on the inside of the ring. Goto catches Nagata with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, T tags in and he attacks a cornered Nagata with some strikes. T nails Nagata with a drop kick to the back for a near fall. Beretta tags in and he double teams Nagata alongside T by landing a double elbow drop, Nagata recovers and he gets Beretta in the Nagata Lock for a short time. T hits the ring to double team Nagata again with Beretta, Nagata fights back to hit T and Beretta with suplexes.

Goto and Cobb get tagged in by their respective partners, Cobb hits a cornered Goto with a flying elbow smash in the corner. Cobb then hits Goto with a slam followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall, Goto recovers and he rolls up Cobb for a near fall. Cobb and Goto would then exchange some clotheslines until both go down, T tags in and he immediately attacks Cobb with some strikes. Beretta hits the ring before Cobb hits him and T with a double back suplex, Finlay tags in to attack Beretta and T with running European uppercuts. T nails a charging Finlay with a knee strike before landing a pile driver for a near fall. T misses a moonsault attempt and Finlay rolls him up for a three count.

Eliminated: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T)

David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun inciting a brawl with the opposition that quickly spills to the arena floor, Nagata goes after Suzuki and they have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki quickly catches Nagata in an octopus stretch, Nagata gets free and he nails Suzuki with a few exploder suplexes. Smith Jr tags in and Nagata nails him with a drop kick to the knee, Cobb tags in and he nails Smith Jr with an Olympic Slam. Cobb misses a standing suplex and Smith Jr hits him with a bridging suplex for a near fall, Archer and Finlay get tagged in by their respective partners. Archer hits Finlay with a choke slam for a three count.

Eliminated: David Finlay, Yuji Nagata & Jeff Cobb

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer) vs. Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano & Togi Makabe

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping the opposition during their entrance and a huge brawl spills all over the place, Suzuki throws Taguchi into the sound man at ringside. Suzuki gets Taguchi in the ring while working him over, Smith Jr tags in and he kicks a charging Taguchi in the face, Archer tags in and he works with Smith Jr to hit Taguchi with a double slam. Archer goes to the top rope and he nails Taguchi with Old School, Suzuki tags in and Taguchi attacks him with a few strikes until getting dropped. Taguchi recovers and he drops Suzuki with a flying hp attack, Makabe tags in and he nails Suzuki with a clothesline followed by strikes in the corner. Suzuki recovers and he kicks Makabe in the head before landing a penalty kick for a near fall, Suzuki and Makabe have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Makabe ends the exchange by dropping Suzuki with a clothesline, Yano and Smith Jr get tagged in by their respective partners. Yano quickly removes a turnbuckle pad as Smith Jr attacks him with a boot to the face, Smith Jr and Archer hit Yano with a Hart Attack for a near fall. Smith Jr and Archer nail Yano with multiple double team moves for multiple near falls, a brawl again breaks out between both team. Taguchi saves Makabe from a pile driver by hitting Suzuki with a hip attack, Taguchi then knocks Archer out of the ring. Yano low blows Smith Jr and rolls him up for a three count.

Eliminated: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)

Winners: Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano & Togi Makabe

NEVER Openweight Championship
Kota Ibushi (c) vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with attacking each other with kicks until Ospreay knocks Ibushi out of the ring, Ospreay and Ibushi both attempt their finishers against each other and fail. Ibushi and Ospreay exchange holds until Ibushi drop kicks him out of the ring, Ibushi goes for the Golden Triangle and Ospreay kicks him from the ring apron to send him crashing to the arena floor. Ospreay follows that up by taking Ibushi out with a suicide dive, Ospreay gets Ibushi back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Ospreay picks up Ibushi to nail him with some European uppercuts and chops, Ospreay gets Ibushi out of the corner to hit him with a back breaker. Ospreay and Ibushi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ibushi uses a snap rana to knock Ospreay out of the ring. Ibushi takes out Ospreay with a corkscrew moonsault from the top rope, Ibushi gets Ospreay in the ring before landing a springboard drop kick.

Ibushi then hits Ospreay with a delayed German suplex for a near fall, Ospreay shocks Ibushi with a roll up before eating a kick to the midsection. Ospreay recovers and he nails Ibushi with a handspring kick, Ospreay misses a charge in the corner and Ibushi nails him with a power slam. Ospreay recovers to trap Ibushi in the corner to land a super kick for a near fall, Ospreay keeps Ibushi in the middle of the ring while landing some forearm strikes. Ibushi gets up and another striking exchange breaks out until Ospreay goes down, Ibushi nails Ospreay with a head kick before eating a one man Spanish fly in the middle of the ring. Ibushi gets up and Ospreay nails him with a super kick to the back of the head, Ospreay goes for Storm Breaker and Ibushi counters with a hurricarana for a near fall. Ibushi recovers and he nails Ospreay with a knee strike to the back of the head, Ibushi hits Ospreay with a Last Ride power bomb for a near fall.

Ibushi goes to the top rope and Ospreay returns to crotch him, Ospreay and an upside down Ibushi have a striking exchange until Ospreay lands some kicks to the head. Ospreay keeps Ibushi on the top rope and he follows him up there, Ospreay sets up for a super Storm Breaker and Ibushi fights back to land a double stomp that causes Ospreay to land on the arena floor. Ibushi goes for a super release German suplex and Ospreay lands on his feet, Ospreay hits Ibushi with a Robinson Special. Ospreay goes for the Os Cutter and Ibushi blocks it to land a straight jacket suplex for a near fall, Ibushi misses a knee strike and Ospreay lands a head kick. Ospreay drops a swinging Ibushi with a clothesline, Ospreay goes for Storm Breaker again and Ibushi counters to land a cradle tombstone pile driver for a near fall.

Ibushi misses a knee strike again and Ospreay nails him with a super kick followed by a wild strike to the back of the head, Ospreay nails Ibushi with a Storm Breaker for a three count.

Winner: Will Ospreay, your new NEVER Openweight Champion

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Triple Threat Match
Suzuki-Gun (El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) (c) vs. Los Ingobernables (Bushi & Shingo Takagi) vs. Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) w/Rocky Romero

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping their opponents to kick of the match, a huge brawl breaks out between everybody in the match. Roppongi 3K clear the ring before taking out LIJ with a suicide dives, Suzuki-Gun block a second dive attempt and drop Yoh for a near fall. El Desperado tags in and he nails a swinging Yoh with a knee strike, El Desperado holds Yoh down while briefly applying the chin lock. Kanemaru tags in as Yoh nails El Desperado with a dragon screw leg whip, Yoh drops Kanemaru before tagging Sho into the match. Sho nails a charging El Desperado with a drop kick before getting attacked by Bushi, Takagi tags in and he knocks Kanemaru out of it. Takagi would eventually drop Sho after landing a combination, Sho then takes out Takagi and an interfering Kanemaru with a double release German suplex.

El Desperado hits the ring and he nails a charging Sho with a spine buster, Roppongi 3K then hit El Desperado with a double knee strike. Roppingi 3K then hit Takagi with an elevated knee drop for a near fall, Kanemaru and Bushi look to spray their mists before Roppongi 3K takes then both out. Takagi drops Sho with a series of Pumping Bombers for a near fall, Bushi then takes out Yoh with a suicide dive. Takagi nails Sho with the Last Of The Dragon for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Bushi & Shingo Takagi), your new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions

RPW British Heavyweight Championship
Tomohiro Ishii (c) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. W/Taka Michinoku

The match begins with the competitors immediately swinging away at each other, Ishii drops a swinging Sabre Jr with a back suplex. Sabre Jr recovers and he drops Ishii before applying an arm bar, Ishii gets to the ropes to break the submission hold. Sabre Jr bends the arm of Ishii before stomping away on it, Sabre Jr starts bending the arm of Ishii in some awkward ways. Sabre Jr starts attacking Ishii with a few kicks, Ishii fights back and Sabre Jr gets him in a triangle choke until Ishii gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr gets Ishii in the seated position before kicking him in the back, Sabre Jr then hits Ishii with a northern lights suplex and another submission hold. Ishii quickly escapes and he applies an ankle lock to Sabre Jr, Sabre Jr ges free and Ishii nails him with a shoulder tackle. Ishii traps Sabre Jr in the corner while landing a few strikes, Ishii then nails a cornered Sabre Jr with a clothesline followed by an overhead release suplex.

Ishii places Sabre Jr on the top rope and he follows him up there before landing a superplex, Sabre Jr quickly recovers and he smashes the awkwardly bent arm of Ishii. Sabre Jr eventually gets Ishii in the octopus stretch after a plethora of reversals between the two, Sabre Jr released the hold to hit Ishii with a code red for a near fall. Sabre Jr follows that up by nailing Ishii with a penalty kick, Sabre Jr goes for a Zack Driver and winds up attacking Ishii with kicks. Ishii fights back and he nails Sabre Jr with a power bomb for a near fall, Ishii eventually drops Sabre Jr with a headbutt before landing a lariat for a near fall. Sabre Jr recovers and he kicks Ishii in the injured arm, Ishii goes for a sliding lariat and Sabre Jr counters with a roll up for a near fall. Ishii gets back up and he nails Sabre Jr with a sliding knee strike, Ishii goes for a brain buster and Sabre Jr counters by applying another octopus stretch until Ishii gives up.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr., your new RPW British Heavyweight Champion

IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Triple Threat Match
Bullet Club OGz (Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa) (c) w/Bad Luck Fale & Jado vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Tama looking to shake the hand of Nick, Matt tags in and Evil tags in after tossing Tama out of the ring. A brawl breaks out and it spill all over the place, Evil slams Matt on the entrance ramp before landing a clothesline. Evil gets Matt in the ring and Loa tags himself into the match, Loa quickly drops Evil for a near fall on a pin attempt. Tama tags in and he double teams Evil alongside Loa for a near fall, Loa lands a top rope diving headbutt on Evil as Matt tags into the ring. The Bucks double team their opponents, Matt uses a drop kick to knock Sanada up the entrance ramp. Matt then gets Evil in a sharp shooter and Nick takes out Sanada with a dive, Evil gets to the ropes and The Buck take out Bullet Club OGz with a double suicide dive.

Evil drills Matt with a clothesline as he gets back in the ring, Sanada tags in and he gets Nick in the Paradise Lock. Sanada nails Nick with a drop kick before catching an interfering Tama with a drop kick, Sanada takes out various opponents with a series of dives. Sanada goes for Skull End on Matt and Nick breaks it up, everybody from all the teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. LIJ follow Matt to the top rope and a tower of doom takes place afterwards, Nick then hits Sanada with a 450 splash. Fale and Jado interfere before The Bucks take out Jado with super kicks, Evil then knocks Fale out of the ring. LIJ set up for a Magic Killer and Tama takes them out with a spear, Loa goes for a super power bomb and The Bucks break it up before hitting Sanada with double super kicks.

Tama interferes and Evil nails him with Everything Is Evil, LIJ hit Matt with a Magic Killer followed by a Sanada moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada), your new IWGP Tag Team Champions

IWGP United States Championship
Cody (c) w/Brandi Rhodes vs. Juice Robinson

The match begins with Cody attempting to attack Robinson with the title belt and Robinson avoids it to land a few strikes, Cody fakes a knee injury to gain control over Robinson. Robinson recovers and he drops a charging Cody, Robinson then nails a charging Cody with a spine buster. Robinson goes for a top rope high cross body and Cody rolls through it, Robinson then hits Cody with a Juice Box. Robinson goes to the top rope and Brandi hits the ring to cover Cody, Robinson gets off the ropes to confront Brandi. Cody rolls to the ring apron and he attacks Robinson, Cody then shoves Robinson into the ring post and then he crashes on the arena floor. Cody attacks the arm of Robinson before getting him back into the ring, Cody then drives Robinson shoulder first into the ring mat. Robinson escapes a suplex from Cody and Brandi hits him with a spear while the ref was distracted, the ref catches Brandi in the act of attacking Robinson and throws her out of the ringside area.

Cody then hits Robinson with a Cross Rhodes for a near fall, Cody gets angry and he stomps away on a downed Cody. Cody goes for a vertabreaker and Robinson escapes to miss a Pulp Friction attempt, Robinson escapes Cross Rhodes to hit Cody with a Cross Rhodes of his own for a near fall. Cody recovers and he nails Robinson with a Disaster Kick, Cody then hits Robinson with Pulp Friction for a near fall. Cody takes out his weight lifting belt and he whips Robinson with it, Robinson fights back as a striking exchange breaks out in the middle of the ring. Robinson goes for a Left Hand Of God and Cody counters with a super kick, Cody goes for a Disaster Kick and Robinson counters with a Left Hand Of God. Robinson nails Cody with Pulp Friction and doesn’t go for a pin, Robinson nails Cody with a second Pulp Friction for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson, your new IWGP United States Champion

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
Kushida (c) vs. Taiji Ishimori

The match begins with Kushida wrenching away on the arm of Ishimori, Ishimori gets free and Kushida kicks him in the arm. Ishimori fights back and he rakes the eyes of Kushida, Kushida recovers to hit Ishimori with a hip toss into a drop kick. Kushida follows that up by drop kicking the injured arm of Ishimori, Kushida looks for the Hoverboard Lock and Ishimori counters with a cross face. Kushida eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Ishimori traps Kushida by the ropes before stomping away on him. Ishimori nails Kushida with a shoulder thrust to the midsection before landing a springboard Bombs Away, Kushida fights back and Ishimori traps him in the ropes before landing and inzaguri before landing a sliding German suplex. Ishimori goes for a 450 splash and Kushida counters with an arm bar, Kushida transitions into a triangle choke.

Ishimori gets free and he reapplies the cross face to Kushida, Kushida gets free and Ishimori nails him with a few strikes. Kushida looks for a hurricarana and Ishimori blocks it, Ishimori goes for a gut buster and Kushida gets free before attacking the injured arm of Ishimori. Kushida then nails a cornered Ishimori with an inzaguri, Ishimori recovers and he hits Kushida with a double knee strike to the face. Ishimori looks for the Bloody Cross and Kushida escapes to get Ishimori in the Hoverboard Lock, Ishimori gets free and he nails Kushida with a death valley driver. Ishimori then hits a cornered Kushida with a running double knee strike, Kushida escapes the Bloody Cross tohit Ishimori with a Back To The Future. Ishimori escapes a second attempt to drop Kushida with a double stomp, Ishimori then hits Kushida with a Bloody Cross for the three count.

Winner: Taiji Ishimori

Special Single Match
Kazuchika Okada vs. Jay White w/Gedo

The match begins with Okada chasing White around the ring, White stomps away on Okada as they get back into the ring. Okada drops White before landing a basement drop kick, Okada picks White apart by landing some strikes. Gedo interferes and that allows White to throw Okada into the corner, White then uses a Saito suplex to propel Okada out of the ring. White follows Okada around the ring before throwing him into the barricade, White then bounces Okada into the barricade and the ringside edge. White gets Okada in the ring and he nails him with a running European uppercut, White then hits Okada with a Saito suplex for a near fall. White keeps Okada grounded while twisting away on his head, Okada gets free and he has a striking exchange with White. Okada follows White around the ring while landing a few strikes, Okada then drops White with a running back elbow smash.

Okada follows that up by nailing White with a DDT for a near fall, Okada keeps White trapped in the corner while landing some forearm strikes. Okada gets White on the top rope before using a drop kick to send him to the arena floor, Okada throws White into the barricade before knocking him over it. Gedo interferes and Okada sends him over the barricade, Okada then leaps over the barricade onto White and Gedo. Okada gets White back into the ring and he follows him in there to land a slam, Okada goes to the top rope and he nails White with a top rope elbow smash. White recovers to hit Okada with a flat liner followed by a release German suplex, White follows up by landing a uranage for a near fall. White goes for a Blade Runner and lands a short arm clothesline instead, White distracts the ref as Gedo tries getting in the ring. White tries hittingOkada with a chair and Okada sends him into Gedo, Okada then nails White with a drop kick.

White avoids a Rainmaker to hit Okada with a release German suplex, White then hits Okada with a Kiwi Crusher for a near fall. Okada escapes Blade Runner to hit White with a tombstone pile driver, Okada and White have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Okada misses a drop kick and lands a second attempt on a charging White, Okada and White both miss their respective finishers. Okada eventually nails White with a spinning Rainmaker, White counters a Rainmaker to hit Okada with Blade Runner for the three count.

Winner: Jay White w/Gedo

IWGP Intercontinental Championship
No DQ Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with Naito attacking Jericho from behind and sending him to the arena floor, Naito throws Jericho into the barricade after a striking exchange. Naito then throws Jericho into a table at ringside, Naito drags Jericho up the entrance ramp and he hits Jericho with a pile driver on it. Naito decides to stomp away next on a downed Jericho, Naito gets Jericho in the ring and he follows him in there. Naito removes a turnbuckle pad and he attacks Jericho with it, Jericho fights back and Naito drops him with a hurricarana. Naito keeps Jericho near the ropes while landing a series of strikes, Naito then uses a clothesline to knock Jericho out of the ring again. Naito goes for a dive and Jericho nails him with a kendo stick, Jericho gets back in the ring to attack Naito with the kendo stick. Jericho goes to the top rope and he hits Naito with the kendo stick again after leaping off, Jericho also chokes Naito with the kendo stick.

Naito fights back and Jericho attacks him with more kendo stick shots, Jericho knocks Naito to the arena floor after landing a springboard drop kick. Jericho follows Naito out of the ring to land a suplex on the arena floor, Jericho traps Naito in the barricade after landing some knee strikes. Jericho drags Naito to the top of the announce table, Jericho nails Naito with a DDT on the announce table. Jericho tosses Naito over the barricade and back to the ringside area, Jericho has the ref ring the bell before attacking Naito again. Jericho gets Naito back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Naito fights back and Jericho drops him before landing a Lionsault for a near fall. Jericho then hits Naito with a back suplex before taunting him, Naito fights back again and he drops Jericho with a flying forearm strike. Naito drops Jericho again before cracking him with a basement drop kick, Naito traps Jericho in the ropes before landing a modified neck breaker.

Naito then hits Jericho with another neck breaker for a near fall, Naito goes for a slingshot drop kick and Jericho counters by applying the Walls Of Jericho. Naito gets free and Jericho nails him with an inzaguri, Naito recovers and hits Jericho with a tornado DDT. Naito follows up by hitting Jericho with Gloria for a near fall, Naito goes for Destino and Jericho counters by reapplying the Walls Of Jericho. Naito gets free after attacking Jericho with a kendo stick, Naito continues attacking Jericho with more kendo stick shots. Jericho avoids a kendo stick shot to hit Naito with a Code Breaker for a near fall, Jericho gets some steel chairs and he brings them into the ring. Jericho starts attacking Naito with multiple chair shots, Jericho looks for a power bomb and Naito counters with a DDT onto the pile of chairs. Naito then hits Jericho with a Code Breaker for a near fall, Naito goes to the middle rope and Jericho throws a chair at him.

Jericho gets Naito off the ropes and Naito nails him with a German suplex onto the chairs, Jericho nails Naito with a low blow to avoid Destino. Jericho then hits Naito with another Code Breaker for a near fall, Jericho grabs the title belt and he brings it in the ring. Naito propels a charging Jericho into the exposed corner before landing Destino for a near fall, Naito grabs the title belt and he hits Jericho with it. Naito nails Jericho with another Destino for the three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, your new IWGP Intercontinental Champion

IWGP Heavyweight Championship
Kenny Omega (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

The match begins with Tanahashi catching Omega with a slap to the face, Omega mocks Tanahashi and eats another slap to the face. Omega gets angry and he attacks Tanahashi with a series of strikes, Omega looks for a One Winged Angel and Tanahashi counters with an abdominal stretch. Tanahashi holds Omega down while wrenching away on his legs, Tanahashi starts working over both legs of a downed Omega. The two competitors stay locked up while exchanging slaps, Omega eventually makes it to the ropes and Tanahashi nails him with more strikes. Omega recovers and drops a charging Tanahashi with a knee lift, Omega follows that up by nailing Tanahashi with elbow drops. Omega also kicks a downed Tanahashi in the back, Omega traps Tanahashi in the corner while choking him with his boot. Omega then hits Tanahashi with a back breaker for a near fall, Tanahashi tries fighting back and Omega attacks him with a few strikes.

Omega starts attacking Tanahashi with some forearm strikes to the back, Tanahashi goes down and Omega kicks him in the back multiple times. Omega follows that up by knocking Tanahashi out of the ring after landing a suplex, Omega follows Tanahashi out of the ring while hitting him with a back suplex on the ringside edge, Tanahashi gets up and Omega attacks him with more strikes. Omega then throws Tanahashi into the barricade, Tanahashi recovers and nails a charging Omega with a drop kick. Omega recovers and he sends Tanahashi into the Japanese commentary area, Omega hits Tanahashi with a moonsault from the barricade. Omega grabs a table and he sets it up on the ringside area, Tanahashi attacks Omega and he gets Omega back into the ring. Tanahashi and Omega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Tanahashi then drops Omega with a flying forearm strike.

Tanahashi catches the leg of a kicking Omega before landing a dragon screw leg whip, Tanahashi uses a shotgun drop kick to propel Omega into the corner. Tanahashi slams Omega before landing a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall, Omega avoids a sling blade to hit Tanahashi with a fame asser. Tanahashi rolls to the arena floor and quickly gets back in the ring to hit Omega with a drop kick, Omega recovers and he knocks Tanahashi back out of the ring. Omega follows that up by taking out Tanahashi with a suicide dive, Omega gets Tanahashi back in the ring and he goes to the top rope. Omega then hits Tanahashi with a missile drop kick to the back of the head, Omega then hits Tanahashi with a few snap dragon suplexes followed by a V Trigger. Omega goes for a Finlay Roll and injures his knee in the process, Tanahashi then hits Omega with a dragon screw leg whip. Tanahashi follows up by hitting Omega with a Twist & Shout, Tanahashi then applies the cloverleaf to a downed Omega.

Tanahashi transitions to hitting Omega with a Styles Clash before going to the top rope, Tanahashi goes for a High Fly Flow and Omega gets his knees up. Omega goes for another V Trigger and winds up crashing into the corner, Tanahashi traps Omega in the ropes while landing another dragon screw leg whip. Tanahashi follows that up by nailing Omega with a sling blade on the ring apron, Tanahashi places Omega on a table on the arena floor. Tanahashi goes for a High Fly Flow and Omega gets out of the way so Tanahashi crashes through the table, Omega gets Tanahashi in the ring and he traps Tanahashi in the ropes before landing a top rope double stomp. Omega follows that up by nailing Tanahashi with multiple power bombs for multiple near falls, Omega goes for a V Trigger and Tanahashi counters with a sling blade.

Tanahashi and Omega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Omega drops Tanahashi before landing multiple knee strikes. Omega then hits Tanahashi with a German suplex, Tanahashi gets up and Omega drops him with a sling blade. Omega then hits Tanahashi with a High Fly Flow for a near fall, Omega follows up by hitting Tanahashi with a V Trigger. Tanahashi and Omega have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Omega drops Tanahashi again with a reverse rana. Omega then hits Tanahashi with a V Trigger, Tanahashi fights back and he counters a One Winged Angel with a reverse rana of his own. Tanahashi catches Omega in a dragon suplex for a near fall, Tanahashi goes to the top rope to hit a standing Omega with a High Fly Flow. Tanahashi goes back to the top rope and he lands another High Fly Flow for a near fall, Tanahashi goes to the top rope and Omega hits him with another V Trigger.

Omega goes to the top rope and he hits Tanahashi with a super snap dragon suplex, Omega then hits Tanahashi with a V Trigger. Omega goes for a One Winged Angel and Tanahashi counters before landing a sling blade, Tanahashi hits Omega with another High Fly Flow for a three count.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, your new IWGP Heavyweight Champion

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