Tatsuya Kawajiri, Daron Cruickshank, More Talk Rizin 14 Event

RIZIN Fighting Federation held media-day interviews with each fighter for the 12/31 card, please see below for the quotes from each fighter, provided unedited.

Tatsuya Kawajiri

Q: How is your condition?

A: My condition is surprisingly good. This time I could eat a little bt and still try to keep my weight. That made me feel very sharp, so I feel very good. You can expect good things in the match.

Q: What kind of fight do you think it will be?

A: I think it’s gonna be a tough match for both of us. He will come out strong to win the match, so I’m lookingforward to that challenge. I think he may have a better finish move than me, but I think the match will come down to who takes the top on the ground. If both of us don’t have any effective moves, it could come down to striking. I’d like to control the match in a good position.

Q: The last time you fought in Lightweight was 2011 in Dream.

A: When i was at the featherweight division, eating was maybe once a day, and I’ve needed to run 1.5 to 2 hours to drop my weight. bt this time I could eat 3 meals a day, and run alittle to keep my weight. So I felt good, conditioning is very good. It’s been awhile since I felt this feeling at lightweight. Probably I have more knowledge of how to pace myself and conditioning.

Q: How does lightweight sound to you?

A: Well, I started at lightweight so, recently i fought at featherweight. It sounds nice. Fighting in Japan, I think if I want to show that I’ve won, and maybe be a little intimidating to my oppoenent, he might do that to me. On new years eve, 5 minutes 3 rounds, I want to win this match.

Q: You are a real veteran with over 50 fights, how long do you plan on fightin?

A: Before I turn 40, I was planning to keep fighting til 50. But now my match against kitaoka has been fixed, I cant think of anything else besides the match. If I lose, I might let go of everything. If I win, I want so see the future after winning.

Q: This lightweight match against kitaoka, what do you think this matchw ill be like?

A: We’ve known each other for a long time. and I could show JMMA style to the world. MMA is around the world, but I’d like to try to get the attention to Japan with this match. I’d like to show that a really great old guy over 40 in japan. Young guys never really had any intereste in older guys fighting, but I wnat to prove myslf to the younger generations.

Q: You believe you can prove this?

A: Yes, I believe we can both show a fight that may not be anything on record but in everybodys memories.

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: I bought a present for my daughter, a nintendo switch. We were playing bomberman and 3 members of families were playing. It cost 3000 yen, so i recommend it. the story is the point, you have to clear the 1-9 stages. My daughter is beating me up with bomberman so i have to beat up kitaoka instead.

Q: What do you think about the improvement of JMMA? Can this fight between yourself and kitaoka can show the world what RIZIn is doing?

A: Looking at my old days, I didnt know how to make myself strong. I had a coach named Sakura maha san. In the beginning, I was sparring without wearing gear, thats how he made me good. Every weekend is the time i would train with sakurai san. Monday to friday i was training full time, but on the weekend i spend an hour to get to the gym. I see sakurai  san and I get scared and i tried to call my friends to sacrifice them instead of me. If i couldnt do that i would run around the field for a long time. But now i enjoy doing mma and i hav ebuddies. thats how i enjoyed and how i improved, now mma has become international, those fighters who are beginning to increase who have a background in mma. regarding the fans, i think all the fans are excited to see our match but at the same time id liek to show the young fans we arent the old guys. I’m not going to step back. I’m old but im strong. I want to show that to the old fans and young fighters as well. I’m not trying to say bad things about maha-san, it was just those days.

Q: You want to show the younger generation that old guys can still fight. Can you also ive a message to the fans especially the older enerations who come watch you fight?

A: The older fans who know us from the past, I  hope they enjoy what we still do, they can also reminisce about the past. So probably theres different kinds of feelings theyll show when they watch our match. I hope people can go back home smiling, I just hope they enjoy.


Darron Cruickshank

Q: How is your condition?

A: Physically, I feel awesome, mentally I’m always ready. I can’t wait for this fight.

Q: Great previous win, based on that, what kind of match do you expect?

A: I’m always going for that kill. I’m ready to fight so thats all that matters. I’m going to try to knock this guy out, like always.

Q: You might know that theres a plan for a light weight grand prix  next year. You will be one of the candidates, what do you expect from those plans?

A: Yeah, word on thes treet is that they will have a grand prix for my weight class in 2019. Thats awessome for me, I’m gonna knockout this australian, then im going to knock out everybody else next year.

Q: Do you have any finish in your mind for the australian guy?

A: I feel likethis one is going to be like how brandao came at me with pressure. I’m faster than him, like most guys. Speed kills, so I’m just gonna hit him more times than he hits me.

Q: Have you worked on anything in particular for this fight?

A: I had alot of guys pressure me, coming forward. I see him trying to be a bully, push me around, close the distance. Thats how alot of peopel come at me, so im comfortable there. Nothings really different, I get ready for these guys the same way.

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: I shoot alot of guns, 30,000 rounds of ammo per year. Thats alot.

Q: Who do you want to face in the grand prix next year?

A: If I get in the grand prix, I’ll probably face alot of people. So just line em up and I’ll knock em down.

Q: What do you attribute your success in rizin?

A: I actually really like the rules. Soccer kicking people and stomping their face in is awesome. I’ve also matured since my UFC career. I think I’ve grown up a little bit, just got better with age.

Q: Do you try to do things that are unexpected in the fights?

A: I’m always trying to get better. I just train and these guys right here do everything. I don’t tell them what to do. My body reacts and the outcome is knockouts.

Q: Everyone knows floyd is fighting tenshin. What kind of advice can you give to nasukawa?

A: I wouldn’t put anyone on a pedestal. Fight him the same way you’d fight anyone else. Pull the trigger, don’t give people too much respect. In there, go after him. I know its not a real fight, its an exhibition, but you still gotta fight.


Tyson Nobumitsu

Q: How is your condition right now?

A: Its super good. I woke up this morning and wwas 71 kg and thats about the right number.

Q: So what kind of impression do you have on your opponenet?

A: I would like to go face to face and just give punches to eachc toher. I don’t think we’re going to go on the ground, I think its’ going to be a standing match.

Q: This is your debut in rizin. Could you tell us about your career in mma?

A: when i was in elementary school 5th grade, i studied karate. 2nd year in junior high school, my school coach asked me to join the club, i kept in karate till high school, but when i was 21 i started mma. i was asked by one of my friends to go to the new gym.

Q: until 21 you never did mma?

A: yes,never.

Q: what were you doing?

A: i was pretty bad.

Q: So your father was the one who brought you in karate?

A: my father hes not that kinds of professional, but he was doing karate, so watching my father do it i thought it was cool so i followed him.


A: I don’t want to get too many punches from him, but if i have a good sight, i think i can avoid that and i would like to give punches back to him and exchange. I want to win.

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: I go to cafe and enjoy coffee by myself. There is a game called teri no daiboken, i play on my smart phone.

Q: Is there anyone in particular you want to face in the grand prix next year?

A: Crucikshank.

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