
TNA Talents, Dixie Carter, Billy Corgan All Comment On TNA’s Future

TNA's immediate future is up in the air, but several stars and officials have openly spoken about their current situation

Gail Kim, Lashley, Matt Hardy, Billy Corgan and Dixie Carter all spoke out about TNA's tapings, sale and Bound For Glory, which you can check out below.

Gail Kim to For The Win:

"I think change is always scary but also always good. We were at a point where the talent never really knew everything that was going on and you hear rumors, but as of the last (TV) tapings, we had a clearer direction … The roster — whoever was there and no matter how many changes — has always been a family. Whether morale was high or low, you had to put in the work and nobody gave less than 100%. That's never changed from the first day to now."

Lashley to ESPN about Bound For Glory status:

"Yes, because one thing people don't understand is that [current owner] Dixie [Carter] is not broke. She was never close to being broke. Her parents are billionaires so it's not like they don't have the money. They are just trying to make the right deal and that's what we have known all along. I think it's just one of those deals where this is business and it's going to happen every year. For at least the past five or six years that I have known, around that end of the year point there's always this, "Oh no, is TNA going to be sold? Is TNA going here? Is TNA going there?" And then next thing you know, bam, everything is fine and then we run again. And then the next year it's the same question. I don't know why it's the same deal every year and it gets to that point. I think right now they are just trying to make the right deals with the right people. I know a lot of people have their hands in the pot and a lot of people are trying to pitch different things. Whenever the deal is done, it's done."

Billy Corgan on if BFG will happen, to New York Post

"I don't anticipate it not happening, but negotiations are ongoing." 

Broken Matt Hardy On TNA Sale to Ring Rust Radio.

If Billy Corgan would have the company, I think people would be very positive about it. I feel like Dixie Carter and the regime that came before is part of the reason there was a stain on Impact Wrestling. So I feel like moving past that and to a new ownership or someone that has a new majority or have more of a say so would be looked upon from all angles a positive thing in many, many ways.

Obviously looking at his background and history as a rock star with the Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan is someone who certainly has a vision. He is so consumed with wrestling and has such a love for wrestling at his core that his vision along with being a wrestling fan and along with listening to the right people he can make a huge impact.

Dixie Carter on TV tapings:


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