
Sami Zayn Says He Doesn’t Bash People On Social Media Anymore Because It Can Be Addicting

Sami Zayn explains why he eases up on folks on social media.

Social media mainly being Twitter has been the go-to for many stars in wrestling to build up their respective feuds and characters and also let the fans get a sneak peek into their everyday lives. Over the past few months the former SmackDown Live Women’s Champion Becky Lynch has reached ten-thousand likes on a number of her witty tweets in-which she has put the likes of Ronda Rousey, Chris Jericho, Corey Graves and Charlotte Flair on blast in tweets that have provided many news-worthy headlines.

Another superstar who once used social media in a similar way as Becky is Sami Zayn. Sami was a recent guest on Chris Jericho’s ‘Talk Is Jericho’ podcast and briefly used Becky Lynch as an example while explaining why he doesn’t take to Twitter anymore to bash trolls or other people because he feels like he’s contributing to a toxic culture.

“No, but I am still using social media but I’m trying to use it in a way that I feel is somewhat productive and I’ve kind of, like, I don’t know man. Its this delicate balance so, I noticed Becky Lynch who’s like [a] really good friend of mine but she’s really blown up recently too right? And she’s using Twitter in a very witty way. She’s a very witty person and she’s using it in a really cool way, and she’s getting herself really over, but its like, I don’t know if I’d do it anymore.” Sami said. “Even as a heel. I don’t wanna use it to cut people down and stuff because I have in the past – used it to like…lets say I get, like a xenophobic tweet or, ‘Go back to your country, terrorist’ or whatever. Some sh*t like that. Some asshole. I’d be like, ‘Okay’ and then I’d copy, I would take a screenshot and I would tag em’ and I’d rip them to shreds and it would get like ten-thousand likes or whatever, and there should be more studies on this but it’s all very new, but the first time it happened, because Kevin [Owens] used to do this all the time, right? And so when I did the first time, I felt literally high or almost as if I just drank a pot of coffee. I was like, ‘Dude look at this. Everyone’s ripping him to shreds. Look how many likes, everyone loves it, everyone’s attacking him now, calling him an asshole, he deleted his Twitter’ – it felt like such a conquest. I got high off it.” He recalled. “A little sick to say out loud now but yeah. But then I realized, people eat that stuff up with a spoon, but I’m like, ‘You know what? I’m contributing to a toxic culture. To a toxic swirl of sh*t and I don’t want to contribute to that anymore.'”


“The Man” Becky Lynch is not ending her Twitter blasting anytime soon and she recently had an exchange with Ronda Rousey that some have described as “weird”. For more on that, click here.

If the quote in this article is used, please credit the ‘Talk Is Jericho’ podcast with an H/T to Fightful for the transcription.

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