
Caprice Coleman Hasn’t Retired From Wrestling Despite ROH Commentary Duties

Caprice Coleman was recently interviewed by Interactive Wrestling Radio on Wrestling Epicenter. You can see highlights of the interview below, and the full interview at this link.


On his new role as an ROH color commentator:
“Honestly, I do not know. It is kind of one of those things that I didn’t know I loved doing until I was already doing it. I’m still active, I guess, in the ring. I still stay in shape for the ring. Some things had happened where they wanted me to do commentary for a certain spot for some people I was feuding with. And then, they started putting me in a little more, putting me in a little more. Then, the talk show came and they started putting me on commentary more. Every job I’m given from Ring of Honor, I love. I remember sitting there doing commentary, I think it was a pay per view, and I remember thinking it was a dream come true and I didn’t even know it was a dream that I had.”


On working with Ian Riccaboni:
“Ian is easy, man. He’s so phenomenal and so young, he’s going to be doing this for the rest of his life. He’s got the golden voice but there is so many genres that he knows about, not just wrestling. I could just pick his brain about stuff and you can literally hear me go, “RICCABONI!” (laughs) Just stuff that I’m surprised about. I don’t have that “Hey, lets do this, lets do that,” I’m allowed to just be myself. I call him the Cosell to my Ali.”


On how big ROH is becoming:
“I’m almost rendered speechless. I’ve known of Ring of Honor for years. I think my first time with Ring of Honor was in 2006! They’ve always been that company you want to work for. I remember I was working for Wildside and I got the phone call from Ring of Honor, I felt like it was just as big of a phone call as WWE. I would do WWE spots, TNA spots, and Ring of Honor spots. To me, they were equally exciting. I could tell Ring of Honor was smaller than those other two companies. But, I always saw the potential in it because the guy I was performing with was on another level. Even then, I saw the differences. WWE is like 75% entertainment and 25% wrestling, TNA, at that time, was maybe 50% wrestling, 50% entertainment. But, Ring of Honor was 75% wrestling and 25% entertainment. That’s what turned me on to that. It (ROH) has always been a big deal to me and to see it grow from crowds of 200, 300 people to crowds of 6,000 people like we had when we were down in Louisiana. It makes no sense – It makes sense but it almost makes no sense to see it grow and to know we have bigger things ahead in April at Madison Square Garden, it is a blessing to be along for the ride.”

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