
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 12/17/18 Episode #378 Christmas Ten Man Tag Match

The ROH World champion and the man who believes that he is the rightful champion square off in a special Christmas Ten Man Tag Team Match on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with the announcement of a ten man Christmas Surprise Tag Team Match for tonight’s main event.

Twisted Sisterz vs Brit Baker & Madison Rayne

Brit and Holidead start the match off before Brit sends her out of the ring and Madison hits a diving cross body off of the apron and to the floor. Back in the ring Madison gets a series of quick two counts before Holidead hits a sit-out reverse facebuster for a quick two count. Holidead tags in Thunderosa and uses her as a weapon for a two count before Thunderosa puts Madison in a camel clutch. Thunderosa puts Madison in the tree of woe and kicks her before hitting a low dropkick in the corner as we go to commercial.

We come back to Twisted in control, isolating Madison in their corner until she comes back with a jawbreaker and tags Brit in. Brit takes out both Thunderosa and Holidead before hitting a butterfly suplex and the Sisters hit a lung blower into a variation of celebrity rehab for a near fall that Madison breaks up. Everyone then hits a move before Brit accidentally kicks Madison and Holidead hits a spinning side slam and Thunderosa hits a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Twisted Sisterz defeat Brit Baker & Madison Rayne via pinfall when Holidead slams Madison and Thunderosa hits a diving stomp.

-We get a video package for Jay and Matt opening their presents, a stark contrast between the two and their demeanor and style of opening presents.

Christmas Surprise Ten Man Tag Team Match

Team Matt (Matt Taven, Brian Milonas, Jonathan Gresham, Beer City Bruiser & Marty Scurll) vs Team Jay (Jay Lethal, Cheeseburger, Rhett Titus, Vinny Marseglia & Jeff Cobb)

Before the match starts Matt and Jay try to trade for Vinny and Jonathan, but the referee won’t allow it. Jay and Jon start the match off by exchanging holds until BCB tags himself in and puts Jay in a side headlock before Jay dodges him several times and chops him. Jay misses a missile dropkick before hitting a hip toss into a dropkick, BCB tagging Matt in as we go to commercial.

We come back to Matt and Cheeseburger in the ring, but Matt tags out and tags Brian in. Cheese avoids Brian several until Vinny and Marty come in and duel with an axe and a candy cane before everyone else on both sides hop off of the apron and Matt and Vinny are forced to be in the ring together. Everyone brawls at ringside until BCB hits a splash off of the top as we go to commercial once more.

We come back to Vinny teasing a dive before Jay runs in and superkicks him, remembering that they’re on the same team before everyone on the other team splashes Jay in the corner. Jay sends everyone on his team into Matt before Jeff hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall and everyone hits a move until Jeff hits BCB with a Tour of the Islands for the pin and the win.

Winner: Team Jay defeat Team Matt when Jeff pins Beer City Bruiser with A Tour of the Islands.

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