
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 12/7/18 Episode #377 Six-Man Tag Team Main Event

The Kingdom square off against three of the men involved in the biggest matches at Final Battle this Friday night!

-We open the show with a recap of the end of the show last week between Marty Scurll and Christopher Daniels.

I Quit Match

Silas Young vs Flip Gordon

Silas suplexes Flip several times to start the match before Flip comes back with forearms and a thrust kick into a Pele kick and a springboard spear. Flip hits a tope to the outside and sends Silas into the railing before beating him down and suplexing him onto the floor. Silas comes back with a backbreaker into a clothesline before they counter each other and brawl at ringside. Flip then hits a moonsault off of the top as we go to commercial.

We come back to Flip putting a table into the ring and setting it up in the corner before Silas hits him with a chair. Silas rocks Flip with a knee before Flip superkicks him out of the ring and Silas grabs a cane before Flip hits him with the chair he hit him with earlier. Bully Ray then attacks Flip from behind and chokes him before Silas spears him through the table.

Winner: No Contest

-SoCal Uncensored and the Young Bucks shake hands in the ring ahead of their ROH Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Ladder War match at Final Battle. The Briscoesthen shove SoCal into the Bucks and chaos ensues before SoCal stand atop a ladder in the center of the ring with their belts as we go to commercial.

The Kingdom vs Jay Lethal, Cody & Dalton Castle

TK and Jay start the match off before Cody tags himself in and mocks Jay before Dalton tags himself in. Dalton takes TK down before Vinny and Matt attack him from behind before Jay and Cody gingerly come to his aid. Dalton beats on TK in the corner while Jay and Cody dispatch of the rest of The Kingdom before Dalton has to stop Cody and Jay from arguing at ringside. Cody comes in and hits a delayed suplex and tags in Jay who chops TK in the corner and hesitates to tag Cody in and tags Dalton in instead. Dalton then drops TK with a boot for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

We come back to the action in the ring to Cody chopping TK in the ring and hitting a high angle back suplex before Matt comes in and attacks Cody from behind. Matt tosses Dalton out of the ring and The Kingdom start with fluid tags and cutting the ring in half. Cody fights out of a side headlock before TK slams him to the mat and Cody knocks Matt and Vinny off of the apron. Cody tags in Dalton who also sends the rest of The Kingdom back off of the apron and gets yanked to the outside by Matt who sends him into the railing. Matt rolls Dalton back into the ring and TK gets a two count before Vinny comes in and stomps Dalton down in the corner.

Matt comes back in and hits a snapmare into a PK for a very quick one count before Dalton gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. Matt clotheslines Dalton for a two count before Dalton hits a knee to the midsection into a snap DDT before tagging Jay in. Jay takes out the entirety of The Kingdom on his own before he hits the Lethal Combination for a near fall that math breaks up. Dalton stops Matt from hitting Jay with a chair and they end up in the crowd before Cody tags himself in and Jay hits a cutter to TK before Vinny hits Jay with a sliced bread. TK then rocks Cody with a spinning back fist after Vinny sends Cody into Jay and sends Jay out of the ring before Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cody, Dalton Castle and Jay Lethal defeat The Kingdom via pinfall when he pins TK with Cross Rhodes.

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