
The Young Bucks Plan To Be Involved In Wrestling Even After They Retire

Young Bucks discusses their post-wrestling plans.

Matt and Nick Jackson are arguably in their primes and are coming off one of the best years for any Independent wrestler ever. But that hasn’t stopped them from thinking about life after wrestling. Appearing on the Wrestling Perspective Podcast, the Young Bucks discussed how many more years they can keep up this pace and what they plan on doing when they finally hang up their boots.

“We’re so deep that it would almost be impossible to escape it,” said Nick. “I’m definitely going to be interested in some other job in wrestling. Traveling-wise, I only have 10 years in me left to do this full-time. I can definitely see myself doing something behind the scenes.”

Matt added, “We’ve been doing this for 15 years now. At this rate, the pace we’ve been doing it, being on the road as much as we are and doing the matches that we’ve been doing for seven years…I don’t know how much longer I can do it this way. There will come a point where I’ll want a lighter schedule. I can see Nick and I being part of a creative team or helping direct or produce. I see us being involved, probably for the rest of our lives, in some capacity.”

Matt, 33, and Nick, 29, are currently scheduled to become two of the hottest free agents in wrestling at the end of the year. During the same interview, the duo discussed filing trademarks as All Elite Wrestling, LLC and having offers from every major company. You can view those quotes here.

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