
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 11/23/18 Episode #375 The Briscoes vs The Young Bucks

The Kingdom’s Matt Taven takes on The Boys, and The Briscoes take on The Young Bucks to determine who will face SoCal Uncensored at Final Battle!

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Matt Taven vs The Boys

Matt takes out Boy #2 before the match before hitting Boy #1 with a series of strikes and a snap DDT before stomping him in the corner as we go to commercial.

Matt is in control as we return to the action, hitting a PK before taking out Boy #2 once he’s back in the ring. The Boys then hit a double slingshot cross body before Vinny drags Boy #2 under the ring and Matt hits the Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven defeats The Boys via pinfall when he pins Boy #1 with Climax.

-We get a video package Cody talking about his becoming ROH champion and later NWA champion.

-We have Jonathan Gresham come down to the ring and challenges Zack Sabre Jr. to a match before he appears on the big screen and accepts.

Kelly Klein vs Jenny Rose

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before countering each other until Kelly gets a near fall off of a roll up. They exchange strikes before Kelly applies a cravat to Jenny and rocks her with a series of knees before playing to the crowd. Jenny then dropkicks Kelly off of the apron before Kelly sends her into the railing and tosses her back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Kelly chokes Jenny before Jenny tosses her from the top turnbuckle and hits a code breaker and a spear for a near fall. Kelly then hits K Power for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kelly Klein defeats Jenny Rose via pinfall with K Power.

ROH Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match

The Briscoes vs The Young Bucks

Mark and Nick start the match off by going back and forth until Jay attacks Nick from behind and he and Matt double team Mark as we go to commercial. 

The Briscoes are in control as we come back to the action before Matt comes back with a double jumping clothesline and Nick gets the tag before hitting an enzuigiri into a springboard foot stomp and a lung blower. The Bucks lock in double sharpshooters before Mark hits a half hatch suplex to Matt and sends him out of the ring before he and Jay double up on Nick and Jay locks in a Boston crab on Matt who gets to the ropes for the break as we go to commercial.

Nick hits a sit-out facebuster into a tornado DDT to the outside before Nick hits a twisting neckbreaker onto the knees of Matt for a near fall before the two sides exchange strikes. A superkick party then ensues before Matt and Jay throw chairs for the double disqualification.

Winner: No Contest due to double disqualification.

-After the match both sides brawl until security breaks them up and SoCal Uncensored come out and they set up a triple threat Ladder War match for Final Battle as we go off the air.

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