
Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake Called Out For Skipping Dates On Canadian Wrestling Elite’s Tour

Beefcake put on the spot.

Last week, former WWF Tag Team Champion Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake did PR work in Canada with the ‘Canadian Wrestling Elite’ promotion. Beefcake was scheduled to be a part of the tour that the promotion was set to embark on in “The Great White North” and to promote it, Beefcake joined Global News Morning alongside former 3-time CWE Heavyweight Champion Danny Duggan.

Brutus Beefcake was a part of the tour but was called out on Twitter for not appearing on the last three dates despite being paid in advance by the promoter. Danny Duggan gave a shout-out to Jimmy Jacobs for filling in last minute for Beefcake on top of Jacobs finding the show’s venue on his own without any help. Jacobs then responded to Duggan’s message by adding that Brutus Beefcake was paid in advance and still decided to skip out on the last few days of the tour which allowed for Jacobs to enjoy himself with ‘Canadian Wrestling Elite’.


To check out the full interview that Brutus “The Barber” beefcake did to promote the C.W.E. tour, click here.

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