Johnny Walker Wants The Brazilian People To Invest In Him

Johnny Walker made his UFC debut at UFC Fight Night Buenos Aires and defeated Khalil Rountree by first round knockout.

The light heavyweight is from Brazil, but chose not to wear the Brazilian fight kit while fighting, which Walker claims is due to a lack of recognition from fellow Brazilians.

”I hope someone sees me now, because no one saw me before,” Walker said after the fight. “There was no social media posts about me, no Instagram photos, people were talking about Rountree only, and now I think someone can see me. Invest in me, guys, I’m here. I got here without any support, so imagine if I had it. And there are many more like me, with no opportunity. That’s what’s lacking, people humble enough to look at the future inside of everyone, but nobody does.”

Walker says that unless the Brazilian fans decide to invest in him, no Brazilian fight kit will get worn.

An undefeated Walker is willing to wear the fight kit(s) from whatever countries decide to show him support.

”It’s no businessman, just regular people (from England), family men who help me, send me money, find gyms for me to train,” Walker said. “We can’t get support from businessmen in Brazil. Regular people in England support me every day, that’s why I stay there. I’m a patriot man, I love Brazil, but Brazil doesn’t help me. I can’t stay in Brazil to train. Wherever I am, any other country, United States, China, if doors are open for me, I’ll carry their flag. Any country that helps me, I’ll carry their flag, that’s how it works. I have to show who’s supporting me.”

There is no word as to when Walker will fight again, but he has won twelve of fifteen fights by way of KO/TKO.

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