
MLW Fusion Episode 31 Results Tom Lawlor vs Sami Callihan in a Chicago Street Fight

The Global Desperado Sami Callihan goes one on one with Filthy Tom Lawlor in the main event of this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

-Konnan and Low-Ki meet face to face to start the show to set up a match for Zero Hour.

Ricky Martinez vs Doctor Rex Bacchus

Ricky drops Rex with a headbutt and smashes his face into the mat repeatedly before Rex comes back with forearms. Ricky then hits an electric chair face buster into a dead lift German suplex before finishing with a piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricky Martinez defeats Rex Bacchus via pinfall with a piledriver.

Dirty Blondes vs Size Matters (Joey Ryan & Swoggle)

DB send Joey out of the ring and double team Swoggle until he comes back with a German suplex and tags Joey in. Joey then hits a back elbow into a superkick before Swoggle hits a splash off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Size Matters defeats the Dirty Blondes via pinfall

Chicago Street Fight

Sami Callihan vs Tom Lawlor

Tom attacks Sami and chokes him before Sami fights him off and Tom hits him with a kendo stick before sending him over the railing. Sami attacks Tom with the railing and plays to the crowd before putting a trash can on top of Tom and hitting it with the kendo stick. Tom headbutts Sami with the trash can on top of him before throwing it at him and kicking him at ringside. Tom locks in a double wrist lock and hits Sami with a chair before they exchange strikes until Sami hits a piledriver onto the apron. Sami hits Tom with a chair before tossing it and another chair into the ring, Tom countering a powerbomb and locking in an ankle lock at ringside.

Tom breaks the hold and beats on Sami at ringside before hitting him with a cup and a poster board from a fan in the crowd. Sami runs around the ring before Tom stops him and Sami hits a DVD through the table at ringside. Sami drives a railroad spike he finds under the ring into the teeth of Tom before rolling him into the ring and breaking a VHS tape and choking him with the tape inside of it. Tom suplexes Sami to get free and gets a table and puts it in the ring before setting it up in the corner. Sami counters a powerbomb by low blowing Tom and piledrivering him for a near fall before he gets a baseball bat and Tom low blows him.

They exchange strikes until Tom powerbombs Sami and breaks his bat before Tom locks in a choke and Sami drives him back into the corner and through the table. Tom then forces Sami to tap out while driving a piece of the bat into his throat.

Winner:Tom Lawlor defeats Sami Callihan via submission when he submits Sami with a rear naked choke.

-After the match Simon Gotch helps Tom backstage and leads him right into a room with Low-Ki, El Hijo de La Park, LA Park, Ricky Martinez and Salina de la Renta as we go off the air with Simon locking the door behind him after he enters.

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