
WWE NXT Results for 11/7/18 Velveteen Dream vs Lars Sullivan, Johnny Gargano Explains Himself

The Velveteen Dream takes on the unstoppable monster that is Lars Sullivan, Johnny Gargano is in the building to address his attack on Aleister Black and Heavy Machinery take on the Lost Sons on tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

Good evening Fightful faithful, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT! If you haven’t already you should check out our forums and our wonderful premium service Fightful Select if you’re interested in exclusive content!

Heavy Machinery vs The Forgotten Sons

Tucker drops Cutler and shows off his amateur grappling skills before Cutler gets up and backs Tucker into his corner, he and Blake tagging in and out end double teaming Tucker. Tucker hits a running cross body and tags in Otis, HM double teaming Cutler before Otis does the worm into an elbow drop. Cutler drops Otis with a clothesline and FS continue with frequent tags until Otis powers out of a triangle armbar into powerbomb. Cutler and Tucker come in, Tucker sending Blake over the top rope before beating on Cutler in the corner and hitting a cannonball off of the top for a near fall. FS hit a double splash off of the top for a near fall that Otis breaks up before Tucker nearly clotheslines Cutler out of the ring.

Cutler then hits a back stabber to Otis before Otis hits Blake with a pop-up slam.

Winner: Heavy Machinery defeat The Forgotten Sons via pinfall when Otis pins Wesley with a pop-up slam.

Dakota Kai vs Taynara Conti

Conti puts Kai in a headlock, but she counters into an arm drag that drops Conti who tries to kick her, but Kai catches the kick and dropkicks her for a very quick one count. Conti starts focusing on the arm and wrist of Kai before taking her down with a hip toss and dropping Kai with a bicycle kick for a near fall. Conti then puts Kai in a shoulder lock before Kai comes back with a kick and a face wash into a helluva kick before hitting a variation of a backstabber for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai defeats Taynara Conti with a code red into an inverted backstabber.

-We get a video package for the War Games match between Undisputed Era and Ricochet, Pete Dunne and the War Raiders at NXT Takeover: WarGames II.

-Johnny Gargano explains why he attacked Aleister Black via his phone from the spot where he attacked Black. Johnny says that it was nothing personal and he was just collateral damage, saying that he hasn’t changed and that he has learned that you sometimes have to fight dirty. Johnny says that he understands why Black wants to kick his face off before saying that he isn’t afraid anymore and he kind of likes the dark.

-Regal announces a match between the two War Games teams with the winner getting an an advantage for his side.

Velveteen Dream vs Lars Sullivan

Dream attacks Lars who immediately drives him back into the corner and tosses him across the ring before Dream counters a powerbomb and sends Lars out of the ring. Dream hits a slingshot cross body to the outside and sends Lars into the ring steps before Lars picks him up and throws him onto the edge of the apron. Dream rolls back in the ring and Lars hits a running splash in the corner into shoulder claw that Dream gets out of before Lars powers out of a sunset flip. Lars turns Dream inside out with a clubbing right hand before whipping him across the ring and over the top rope and down onto the floor. When Dream gets back into the ring Lars steps on his back and reapplies a shoulder claw, Dream coming back with a jawbreaker before passing out and hitting a series of European uppercuts and boots. Dream hits a dropkick into a missile dropkick for a quick two count before Lars counters a DVD into a powerslam for a near fall. Dream catches Lars on the top turnbuckle, but Lars fights him off before missing a diving headbutt, and going shoulder first into the ring post before Dream hits a DVD and takes out Ciampa at ringside when he shows up. Lars then hits the Freak Accident when Dream gets back in the ring after hitting Ciampa with a diving cross body for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lars Sullivan defeats Velveteen Dream via pinfall with the Freak Accident.

-After the match Ciampa attacks Dream before Dream hits a twisting DDT onto the belt before hitting the Purple Rain Maker as we go off the air.

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