
ROH Global Wars 2018: Toronto Results – Two Title Matches, LIJ Battles The Kingdom & The Briscoes, Plus WOH Action

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for ROH Global Wars 2018: Toronto. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

ROH World Title Match
Jay Lethal def. Kenny King to retain the title

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
SoCal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) def. Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) to retain the titles

WOH Title Four Corner Survival Match Qualifier For Final Battle 2018
Karen Q def. Kaitlin Diemond

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) def. Chris Sabin & Kushida

The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) def. Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Bushi) def. The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)

Hangman Page def. Chuckie T

Matt Taven def. Christopher Daniels

Flip Gordon def. Jonathan Greshem

Juice Robinson def. Berretta

WOH Title Four Corner Survival Match Qualifier For Final Battle 2018
Karen Q vs. Kaitlin Diemond

The match begins with Diemond backing Q into the corner before letting her go free, Diemond scores a takedown on Q before applying a headlock. Q get free and she wrenches away on the arm of Diemond, Diemond gets free and she does the same to Q. Diemond then takes Q down with a frew arm drags before landing a drop kick for a near fall, Q traps Diemond in the ropes before shoving her to the mat below. Q shoves Diemond to the mat again before choking her on the middle rope, Diemond fights back and Q drops her with a single blow. Q follows that up by hitting Diemond with a neck breaker for a near fall, Diemond tries fighting back and Q kicks her in the face for a near fall. Q traps Diemond in the corner while landing a few forearm strikes, Q then hits Diemond with a series of big strikes in the corner.

Q then nails Diemond with an exploder suplex for a near fall, Q holds Diemond down while applying a chin lock to her. Diemond gets free and she nails Q with a clothesline, Diemond corners Q before landing a series of pump kicks for a near fall. Diemond then hits a swinging Q with a side effect for a near fall, Q recovers and she drops Diemond while looking for a Boston crab. Diemond gets free and she applies the Billy Goats Curse to Q, Q eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Q recovers and she nails Diemond with a full nelson slam, Q gets Diemond in the Boston crab and a tap out follows.

Winner: Karen Q

After the match, Karen Q and Kelly Klein attack Sumie Sakai (who was watching the match at ringside) until Madison Rayne makes the save. 

– Rhett Titus comes on stage to do a few poses while wearing some hockey gear and then he joins the commentary team.

Hangman Page vs. Chuckie T

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Page and T, Page and T also take turns working over each others arms. T and Page try dropping each other with shoulder tackles until T goes down, T recovers and he applies the octopus hold to Page. T follows that up by dropping Page with a shoulder tackle, Page recovers to hit a leaping T with a fall away slam. Page then knocks T out of the ring before nailing him with a suicide dive, Page gets T back in the ring and he nails him with a press slam. Page follows that up by nailing T with a bridging pump handle slam for a near fall, T fights back and Page drills him with a forearm strike. T leaps off the middle rope and Page kicks him in the face before knocking him out of the ring, T gets back in the ring and he catches a leaping Page with a sit out power bomb.

Page rolls out of the ring and T follows him out there to throw him into the barricade a few times, Page recovers and he sends T into the ring post. Page goes for a shooting star press from the ring apron and T gets out of the way, T drops Page with a flat liner on the arena floor. T gets Page in the ring before leaping off the top rope, Page hits T with a clothesline followed by a power bomb for a near fall. T escapes a Rite Of Passage attempt before eating some elbow strikes, T recovers to hit Page with sole food followed by sliced bread for a near fall. T traps Page in the corner before getting him on the top rope, Page knocks T off the ropes and then he hits him with a Buckshot Lariat. T recovers and he nails Page with a pile driver from out of nowhere, Page and T have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Page escapes the Awful Waffle to hit T with a Rite Of Passage for the three count.

Winner: Hangman Page

The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Bushi)

The match begins with Marseglia dropping Bushi before trying to rip the mask off of his face, Marseglia also stomps away on a downed Bushi. Bushi fights back and he drills Marseglia with a DDT, Bushi also stomps away on a downed Marseglia. Bushi takes off his short and he chokes Marseglia with it, Naito tags in and O’Ryan gets a tag a few moments later as well. Naito drops O’Ryan a few times before landing a drop kick to the back, Naito mocks O’Ryan and Marseglia nails him with a basement drop kick. Marseglia drags Bushi into the ring while trying to rip the mask off of his face, O’Ryan works over Naito near the ropes. O’Ryan drops Naito before landing an elbow drop for a near fall, Naito recovers to hit O’Ryan with an atomic drop followed by an enzaguri.

Marseglia distracts Naito and that allows O’Ryan to knock Naito to the arena floor with a clothesline, Marseglia nails Naito with a cutter on the arena floor. O’Ryan attacks Naito with strikes when Naito is thrown back in the ring, Marseglia tags in and he double teams Naito with O’Ryan. Naito fights back and Marseglia traps him in the corner before kicking away at him, O’Ryan tags in and The Kingdom hits Naito with a double flapjack for a near fall. O’Ryan hits a charging Naito with a spinning takedown for a near fall, Marseglia tags in and he immediately tags O’Ryan back in as the duo double teams Naito for a near fall. O’Ryan holds Naito down while applying a chin lock, Naito gets free and he nails O’Ryan with a tornado DDT. Marseglia and Bushi get tagged in by their respective partners, Bushi quickly cleans house against the opposing team.

Bushi nails Marseglia with a missile drop kick before getting attacked by O’Ryan, Bushi takes both opponents down with a double hurricarana. O’Ryan traps Bushi as Marseglia lands Red Rum for a near fall, The Kingdomn sets up for House Of 1,000 Corpses and Naito breaks it up. Naito tags in and he drops Marseglia in the corner before landing a pendulum drop kick, LIJ double teams Marseglia for a near fall. O’Ryan gets Bushi out of the ring and he throws him into the barricade, The Kingdom hit Naito with a House Of 1,000 Corpses for a near fall. Bushi hits the ring and he sprays the mist into the eyes of O’Ryan, Marseglia then hits Bushi with a reverse DDT. Naito then hits Marseglia with Destino for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Bushi)

After the match, matt Taven helps the rest of The Kingdom attack Los Ingobernables until Christoper Daniels makes the save. 

Matt Taven vs. Christopher Daniels

The match begins with Daniels attacking Taven with a series of chops, Daniels then nails Taven with a drop kick. Taven recovers and he knocks Daniels out of the ring, Taven misses a drop kick and Daniels nails him with a 48 Special on the arena floor. Daniels gets Taven in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Daniels follows that up by hitting Taven with an enzaguri. Daniels goes for Angel’s Wings and Taven counters by landing a knee strike, Taven stands over Daniels while landing a ton of strikes. Dalton Castle and The Boys make their way to the stage and then to the commentary station, Taven follows that up by nailing Daniels with a back body drop for a near fall. Taven keeps Daniels down while choking him with his knee, Taven goes for a springboard moonsault and Daniels gets his knees up.

Taven recovers to nail Daniels with a plethora of strikes followed by a DDT for a near fall, Daniels and Taven have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Daniels ends the exchange by dropping Taven with an STO, Daniels drops Taven a few more times before landing a few clotheslines. Daniels then hits Taven with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, Taven recovers and he backs Daniels into the corner. Taven follows that up by nailing Daniels with an enzaguri followed by a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Taven then hits Daniels with a Kick Of The King for another near fall, Taven then hits Daniels with a side Russian leg sweep followed by a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Taven goes for Climax and Daniels counters by landing an Angel’s Wings, Vinny Marseglia and TK O’Ryan hit the ring to distract the referee.

Daniels gets the fake ROH World Title belt and e hits Marseglia with it, Taven then hits Daniels with Climax for the three count.

Winner: Matt Taven

The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) vs. Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil)

The match begins with Evil getting Mark into the ropes before letting him go free, Evil then hits Mark with a kick before applying a headlock. Mark gets free and he applies a headlock to Evil, Evil gets free and he applies a full nelson to Mark until Mark gets to the ropes. Jay hits the ring and he knocks Sanada off the ring apron before attacking Evil with his brother, Evil fights back and he knocks Jay out of the ring. Sanada tags in and he double teams Mark alongside Evil, Jay gets the blind tag in he nails Sanada with a chin breaker followed by a neck breaker. Jay traps Sanada in the corner while stomping away on him, Mark tags in and he keeps Sanada in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes and stomps. Mark gets Sanada out of the corner before landing a suplex for a near fall, Jay tags in and The Briscoes hit Sanada with a double shoulder tackle.

Jay corners Sanada again before landing a clothesline followed by a sliding kick to the head, Mark tags in and he attacks Sanada with some more strikes. Sanada tries fighting back and Mark corners him before landing a plethora of strikes, Sanada fights back again and he drills Mark with a missile drop kick. Jay interferes and Mark knocks Evil off of the ring apron, The Briscoes hit the ring and Sanada drops them both with a double drop kick. Evil tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Evil then hits Mark with a side kick to the behind followed by a shoulder tackle. Mark fights back and Evil nails him with a side slam for a near fall, Mark recovers and he nails Evil with a clothesline. Evil rebounds and he nails Mark with a fisherman buster suplex, Sanada and Jay get tagged in by their respective partners.

Sanada and Jay have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Sanada drops jay and he gets him in the paradise lock before landing a drop kick. Mark hits the ring and Sanada gets him in a paradise lock before landing another drop kick, Jay recovers and he knocks Sanada out of the ring. Mark goes after Evil and he lands a blockbuster on the arena floor, The Briscoes get Sanada back in the ring to land a Redneck Boogie for a near fall. Mark goes back out of the ring and Evil sends him into the barricade, LIJ double team Jay in the ring for a near fall. Mark hits the ring to break up a Magic Killer attempt, Mark and Evil battle on the arena floor. Mark throws a chair in the ring and he hits Sanada with another one while the ref was distracted to break up the Skull End, Jay hits Sanada with a Jay Driller for a three count.

Winners: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay)

After the match, Evil attacks The Briscoes with a steel chair. 

Flip Gordon vs. Jonathan Greshem

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Greshem and Gordon, Greshem eventually drops Gordon by landing a shoulder tackle. Gordon knocks Greshem out of the ring before taking him down with a suicide dive, Gordon injured his knee during the dive and Greshem tries pinning him when Gordon gets back in the ring. Gordon recovers and he nails Greshem with a penalty kick for a near fall, Greshem fights back and he actches Gordon in a single leg crab. Gordon eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Greshem follows that up by wrenching away on the injured knee of Gordon. Gordon tries fighting back and Greshem kicks his injured knee, Gordon fights back and he exchanges a ton of roll ups with Greshem. Gordon then hits Greshem with a thrust kick followed by an overhead kick, Gordon follows up by landing a super kick and a falcon arrow for a near fall.

Gordon goes to the top rope and Greshem meets him up there while landing a few strikes, Greshem then takes Gordon down with a super rana followed by a head kick for a near fall. Greshem then hits Gordon with a series of big strikes for a few near falls, Greshem follows up by nailing Gordon with a German suplex for a near fall. Gordon recovers to hit Greshem with a springboard spear and a Flip Five for the three count.

Winner: Flip Gordon

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
SoCal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) (c) vs. Super Smash Brothers (Stu Grayson & Evil Uno)

The match begins with Grayson working over the arm of Kazarian before applying a headlock, Kazarian gets free and he gets Grayson in a headlock of his own. Kazarian then takes Grayson down with a hurricarana before eating a drop kick, Uno and Sky get tagged in by their respective partners. Sky gets Uno down while wrenching away on his arm, Sky and Uno take turns working over each others arms. Uno eventually drops Sky with a shoulder tackle, Kazarian gets the tag and he drops a charging Uno with a spinning heel kick. SCU start double teaming both members of the opposing team, Grayson blind tags in and he nails Sky with a spear in the corner. SSB then hit Kazarian with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Grayson holds down while nailing Kazarian with cross face smashes.

Uno tags in and he rakes the back of a trapped Kazarian, Grayson tags back in and he nails Kazarian with a slingshot swanton bomb. Uno tags back in again and he nails Kazarian with some strikes, Uno then nails Kazarian with a back breaker for a near fall. Uno also bites the fingers of a downed Kazarian, Kazarian fights back against the opposing team before Sky tags into the match. Sky quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Sky takes Uno down with a flying head scissors. Uno uses a referee distraction to nail Sky with a neck breaker, Grayson tags on and he nails Sky with a high cross frog body. Grayson goes for a moonsault and Sky knocks him out of the ring after getting his knees up, Kazarian uses a hurricarana on Grayson to send him crashing into Uno on the arena floor. Sky follows that up by taking out both opponents with a suicide dive, Sky gets Grayson back into the ring as Kazarian tags into land a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Sky tags in and Grayson takes out both opponents with a double overhead kick, Uno tags in and SSB propel Sky into a cornered Kazarian for a near fall. Uno gets Sky in a suplex position as Grayson lands a head kick fro a near fall, both teams have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Kazarian and Uno have a striking exchange of their own a few moments later, Kazarian hits Uno with a lung blow before SCU hits both opponents with cutters. SCU locks both SSB members in dragon sleepers for a short time, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Grayson takes out Kazarian with a suicide dive on the arena floor, Uno hits Sky with a swanton bomb and Grayson lands a 450 splash for a near fall. SSB go for their finisher and Grayson winds up crotched on the top rope, Sky takes out Uno with a double stomp. SCU hits Grayson with a uranage into a lung blower for a three count.

Winners: SoCal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) , still the ROH World Tag Team Champions

Berretta vs. Juice Robinson

The match begins with Robinson backing Berretta into the corner before letting him go free, Robinson then drops Berretta with a shoulder tackle. Robinson drops Berretta again to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Berretta attacks Robinson with chops while also eating a few jabs. Berretta uses his strength to launch Robinson over the top rope and out of the ring, Berretta follows up by landing a dive against Robinson on the arena floor. Robinson recovers and he throws Berretta into the barricade, Robinson goes for a cannonball and he winds up crashing into the barricade. Berretta traps Robinson on the top of the barricade while landing a double stomp, Berretta gets Robinson back in the ring before landing a slingshot elbow drop. Robinson tries fighting back and Berretta drops him with a back elbow strike, Robinson recovers and he drops Berretta midsection first on the top rope.

Robinson follows that up by nailing Berretta with a senton for a near fall, Robinson drops Berretta again with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Robinson gets Berretta in the corner before nailing him with a spear, Robinson goes for another corner spear and he winds up crashing into the ring post. Berretta follows that up by taking Robinson out with a suicide dive, Berretta gets Robinson back into the ring. Berretta goes for a top rope high cross body and Robinson counters with a double knee strike, Berretta recovers and nails Robinson with a tornado DDT. The duo battle to the ring apron before Berretta nails Robinson with a pile driver, Berretta gets Robinson in the ring before landing a shining wizard for a near fall. Berretta traps Robinson in the corner while landing a ton of strikes, Robinson recovers and he drops Berretta with a Left From God.

Robinson goes to the top rope and Berretta crotches him, Berretta follows Robinson to the top rope and Robinson knocks him off. Berretta returns and he nails Robinson with a super overhead belly to belly suplex, Berretta goes for another knee strike and Robinson counters to land a gut buster for a near fall. Berretta and Robinson have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Robinson nails Berretta with another Left From God. Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Berretta counters with a Dude Buster attempt, but Robinson gets free and rolls Berretta up for a near fall. Berretta gets up and he drops Robinson with an enzaguri, Berretta then drops Robinson with a clothesline. Berretta eventually nails Robinson with a pile driver after a series of reversals for a near fall, Berretta goes for a springboard move and Robinson counters with a Left From God. Robinson then hits Berretta with Pulp Friction for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

After the match, Juice Robinson grabs the microphone to tell Cody that he is coming for the IWGP United States Title. 

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Chris Sabin & Kushida

The match begins with Kushida dropping Nick with a shoulder tackle, Kushida and Nick attempt drops kicks and all of them miss. Matt hits the ring after tagging in to double team Kushida with Nick before knocking Sabin to the arena floor with a drop kick, Matt starts wrenching away on the arm of Kushida. Nick tags in and he nails the arm of Kushida with a top rope axe handle smash, Nick also nails Kushida with a top rope double stomp to the arm. Matt tags in and Nick tags back in and Sabin interferes to prevent a double team move from The Bucks. Kushida and Sabin then hit Nick with the Dream Sequence, Kushida and Sabin continue their double team attack against The Bucks. The Bucks are knocked out of the ring before Kushida and Sabin land dives on them from the ring apron, Sabin and Kushida exchange some tags while wrenching away on the arm of Nick.

Sabin gets Nick down while applying a Fujiwara arm bar and Kushida locks Matt in a cross arm breaker, Sabin then applies a chin lock to a downed Nick. Kushida tags in and he drops Nick before landing a cartwheel drop kick, Sabin tags in and Nick traps him in the corner after landing a super kick. Nick then hits Kushida with a top rope double stomp before nailing Sabin with a lung blower, Matt tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Matt takes out both opponents with a flying double clothesline, Matt gets Kushida to the arena floor before landing a super kick and a stunner. Matt then hits Sabin with an inverted code red for a near fall, Nick tags in and he kicks a propelled Sabin in the face before landing a neck breaker for a near fall. The Bucks then hit their opponents with multiple super kicks for a few near falls, The Bucks set up for the Five Star Meltzer Driver and Kushida stops it from happening.

Sabin then takes out Nick with a suicide dive on the arena floor, Sabin nails Matt with a Cradle Shock for a near fall. Kushida tags in and Nick saves Matt from eating a double team move, The Bucks then attack their opponents with a variety of kicks. The Bucks go for More Bang For Your Buck and Kushida counters by catching Nick in a triangle choke, Sabin then hits Matt with an overhead release suplex. Sabin and Kushida hit Matt with Made In Osaka for a near fall, Matt avoids a leaping Sabin before attacking both opponents with multiple super kicks for a near fall. Nick then takes out Kushida with a suicide dive, The Bucks hit Sabin with a Five Star Meltzer Driver for a near fall. Matt clears the ring before getting Sabin in a sharp shooter, Nick also takes out Kushida with a moonsault as Sabin taps in the ring.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

ROH World Title Match
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Kenny King

The match begins with King nailing Lethal with a pair of shotgun knee strikes before the bell sounds, King knocks Lethal out of the ring by landing a striking combination. King then takes out Lethal with a suicide dive, King follows Lethal around the arena floor while landing strikes. Lethal recovers and nails King with a suplex on the arena floor, Lethal attacks a rocked King with strikes of his own. King recovers and he drops Lethal with a forearm strike, King then hits Lethal with a dive from the ring apron. King gets Lethal back in the ring to land a clothesline for a near fall, Lethal fights back and he nails a downed King with a cartwheel drop kick. Lethal attacks the back of King with a few strikes and stomps, Lethal then nails King with a rolling strike to the back of the neck.

King recovers and he nails Lethal with an exploder suplex into the corner, King traps Lethal in the corner while landing a few strikes. Lethal tries fighting back and King nails him with a spine buster for a near fall, King holds Lethal down while applying a chin lock. Lethal recovers and he drops a charging King for a near fall, Lethal gets King to the ring apron before using a drop kick to knock him to the arena floor. Lethal prepares for a suicide dive and King grabs the title belt to stop him, the battle returns to the ring and King sends Lethal into the ring post. King focuses his attack on the injured shoulder of Lethal, Lethal tries fighting back and King nails him with more strikes. King drops Lethal with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, King goes to the top rope and Lethal takes him down with a superplex.

Lethal knocks King out of the ring before nailing him with multiple suicide dives, Lethal gets King back in the ring before applying a figure four leg lock. King eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission hold, Lethal then hits King with a cutter followed by a Lethal Combination for a near fall. King recovers to hit Lethal with a Chin Checker followed by a spinning head kick for a near fall, Lethal goes for a Lethal Injection and King counters to eventually land a springboard blockbuster for a near fall. King gets Lethal on the top rope and he follows him up there, Lethal gets King off the ropes before landing a missile drop kick. Lethal then hits King with a death valley driver, Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection and King counters with a Royal Flush for a near fall. King goes for a shooting star press and Lethal gets out of the way, Lethal hits King with a Lethal Injection for a near fall.

Lethal gets angry and he nails King with a plethora of strikes, Lethal traps King in the corner while landing more strikes. King shoves Lethal into the ref and he grabs the title belt, Lethal kicks the belt away and King rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for a three count. The referee restarts the match and Lethal lands a Lethal Injection for a three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal, still the ROH World Champion

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