
WWE Crown Jewel Results: 3 Title Matches, WWE World Cup, Plus The Returns Of Shawn Michaels & Hulk Hogan

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Crown Jewel. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Universal Championship 
Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman def. Braun Strowman to retain the title

WWE Championship
AJ Styles def. Samoa Joe to retain the title

WWE World Cup Tournament Opening Round
Seth Rollins def. Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rish
Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre def. Kurt Angle
The Miz def. Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio def. Randy Orton

WWE World Cup Tournament Semi-Finals
The Miz def. Rey Mysterio
Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre def. Seth Rollins

WWE World Cup Tournament Finals
Shane McMahon def. Dolph Ziggler

SmackDown Tag Team Championship
The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) w/Big Show def. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) w/Xavier Woods to retain the titles

WWE United States Title Match
Shinsuke Nakamura def. Rusev to retain the title

Shawn Michaels & Triple H def. The Undertaker & Kane

– The Coach, David Otunga & Booker T are the pre-show panel for today’s event.

– The panel reviews the card for today’s event.

– A video package airs highlighting the announcement from Roman Reigns that he is battling leukemia.

– The panel talks about the WWE Universal Title Match between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman.

– A video package airs highlighting Randy Orton & Rey Mysterio.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between AJ Styles & Samoa Joe, followed by analysis from the panel.

– A video package airs highlighting Seth Rollins & Bobby Lashley.

WWE United States Title Match
Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Rusev

The match begins with Nakamura quickly attacking Rusev with a leg kick, Rusev backs Nakamura into the corner while landing some strikes. Rusev also attacks a cornered Nakamura with some shoulder thrusts, Rusev nails Nakamura with a suplex after that for a near fall. Nakamura fights back and he nails Rusev with a one knee back stabber, Nakamura then stomps away on a downed Rusev. Rusev fights back and Nakamura nails him with an enzaguri followed by a kick to the face for a near fall, Nakamura applies the front headlock to Rusev. Nakamura gets Rusev down while landing some knee strikes, Nakamura reapplies the front headlock to Rusev. Rusev gets free by tossing Nakamura across the ring, Rusev and Nakamura have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Rusev wins the exchange before nailing Nakamura with multiple clotheslines, Rusev follows that up by nailing Nakamura with a spinning heel kick.

Rusev misses a Machka Kick and Nakamura nails him with a few strikes, Rusev recovers and he nails Nakamura with a head kick for a near fall. Rusev gets angry and he stomps away on a downed Nakamura, Nakamura recovers to hit Rusev with a spinning heel kick followed by a knee strike for a near fall. Rusev gets Nakamura on the middle rope and Nakamura leaps off before eating a thrust kick for a near fall, Rusev goes for the Accolade and Nakamura gets to the ropes. Nakamura drops Rusev neck first on the top rope before landing a kick to the back of the neck, Nakamura then hits Rusev with a middle rope knee strike for a near fall. Rusev trips up a charging Nakamura and he applies the Accolade, Nakamura gets free and he nails Rusev with a low blow followed by a knee strike for the three count.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, still the WWE United States Champion

– A video package airs highlighting Jeff Hardy & The Miz.

– The panel provides analysis for the first round of the WWE World Cup.

– A video package airs highlighting Kurt Angle & Dolph Ziggler.

– Highlights are shown from this past weeks edition of WWE Smackdown, where Shane McMahon announces that if a Smackdown superstar losses on the finals of the WWE World Cup, they will get fired.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between DX and The Brothers Of Destruction, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring as the host of WWE Crown Jewel, Hogan says it feels good to be back out here in the WWE Universe. Hogan says the power of Hulkamania is stronger than ever at WWE Crown Jewel, Hogan then says the action will start right now.

WWE World Cup Tournament Opening Round
Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with Orton forcing Mysterio to the mat, Mysterio gets back up and Orton nails him with a knee strike. Mysterio fights back and he nails Orton with a rope assisted enzaguri, Mysterio goes for a springboard move and Orton nails him with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton follows that up by dropping Mysterio midsection first on the top rope, Orton keeps Mysterio down while stomping away on him. Orton places Mysterio on the top turnbuckle and he follows him up there, Mysterio knocks Orton down and Orton returns after landing a few more strikes. Mysterio fights back again and he knocks Orton off the ropes again, Mysterio leaps onto Orton from the top rope before landing a springboard cross body block. Mysterio follows that up by nailing Orton with a springboard bulldog for a near fall, Mysterio goes back to attacking Orton with leg kicks before knocking him into the ropes.

Mysterio goes for a 619 and Orton counters with a rope assisted DDT, Orton goes for the RKO and Mysterio counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Randy Orton hits Rey Mysterio with an RKO, Orton continues attacking Mysterio before tossing him face first into the announce table. 

– Byron Saxton interviews The Miz, who says that he is feeling like there is no stopping him from Miz proving who the best in the world is. Miz says he will walk through Jeff Hardy and beat Rey Myseterio on route to the finals.

WWE World Cup Tournament Opening Round
The Miz vs. Jeff Hardy

The match begins with Miz getting Hardy in a headlock before dropping him with a shoulder tackle, Hardy responds by dropping Miz with a shoulder tackle before landing a hip toss. Hardy then knocks Miz into the corner after landing a mule kick, Hardy gets Miz in a roll up for a near fall. Hardy traps Miz in the corner while smashing his face into the turnbuckle multiple times, Miz gets control by nailing a leaping Hardy with a kick. Miz holds Hardy down while ripping away on his face, Miz transitions to a chin lock against Hardy. Miz follows that up by nailing Hardy with a back breaker into a neck breaker combination, Miz corners Hardy before landing a series of running drop kicks. Hardy recovers and nails a charging Miz with a clothesline, Hardy follows that up by nailing Miz with an atomic drop followed by a basement drop kick for a near fall.

Hardy then hits Miz with a Whisper In The Wind for a near fall, Miz rolls to the ring apron and he drops Hardy neck first on the top rope. Miz then traps Hardy’s leg in the ropes before kicking away it, Hardy surprises Miz with a roll up for a near fall. Hardy knocks Miz out of the ring before landing a baseball slide drop kick, Hardy then leaps off the barricade to hit Miz with a clothesline. Hardy gets Miz back in the ring before going to the top rope, Miz rolls away from Hardy and Hardy gets off the ropes. Miz rolls up Hardy with the feet on the ropes and the referee catches him, Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Miz counters with a Skull Crushing Finale for a three count.

Winner: The Miz

WWE World Cup Tournament Opening Round
Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush vs. Seth Rollins

The match begins with Lashley quickly shoving Rollins across the ring, Rollins fights back by nailing Lashley with some strikes. Rollins then knocks Lashley out of the ring with an enzaguri, Rollins sets up for a suicide dive and Lashley nails him with a spine buster. Lashley stands over Rollins while landing a bucnh of strikes, Lashley applies a modified chin lock to a downed Rollins. Rollins fights back and Lashley nails him with a knee strike before smashing his face on the top turnbuckle a few times, Lashley then hits a cornered Rollins with a spear followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Lashley applies the chin lock to a downed Rollins, Rollins gets free and Lashley drops him with a reverse DDT. Lashley goes for a delayed vertical suplex and Rollins gets free before sending Lashley out of the ring, Rollins then attacks Lashley with a series of suicide dives.

Rollins gets Lashley back in the ring before going to the top rope, Lashley meets Rollins on the top rope and Rollins gets free. Lashley gets free a few moments later to ram Rollins into the turnbuckles, Rollins hits Lashley with a curb stomp from out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– Byron Saxton interviews Kurt Angle, who says that most people have doubted his ability to win the world cup and says he will prove to everyone that he is still the best in the world.

WWE World Cup Tournament Opening Round
Kurt Angle vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

The match begins with Angle catching Ziggler with a rolling throw, Angle scores a takedown on Ziggler before applying a front face lock. Ziggler gets free and he applies a chin lock to Angle, Angle gets free and Ziggler drops him with a shoulder tackle. Angle recovers and he nails Ziggler with an overhead release suplex followed by a few release German suplexes, Ziggler gets to the topes and to the ring apron. Angle meets Ziggler at the ring apron and he tries suplexing Ziggler to the arena floor, Ziggler fights back and he knocks Angle to the arena floor. Ziggler then throws Angle right into the ring steps, Ziggler gets Angle in the ring and he chokes Angle by the ropes. Ziggler follows up by hitting Angle with a neck breaker for a near fall, Ziggler keeps Angle down while applying a chin lock. Angle gets free and Ziggler quickly applies a sleeper hold, Angle gets free again and Angle nails him with more German suplexes for a near fall.

Angle goes for the Angle Slam and Ziggler counters with a DDT for a near fall, Ziggler misses a fame asser and Angle slams by landing an Angle Slam for a near fall. Angle goes for the ankle lock and Ziggler gets free to land a fame asser for a near fall, Ziggler goes for a sunset flip and Angle counters by applying the ankle lock. Ziggler eventually gets free and he sends a charging Angle into the ring post, Ziggler hits Angle with a Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

SmackDown Tag Team Championship
The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) (c) w/Big Show vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) w/Xavier Woods

The match begins with E backing Sheamus into the corner before applying a headlock, E lets Sheamus goes free before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Sheamus gets up and he applies a headlock to E, E gets free and he drops Sheamus with a short arm clothesline. Kingston tags in and he is quickly cornered by Sheamus as Cesaro tags into the match, Cesaro goes for a monkey flip and Kingston lands on his feet. Kingston then nails a charging Cesaro with a drop kick for a near fall, Kingston follows the up by sending Cesaro into the corner before landing a top rope cross body block for a near fall. Cesaro drops Kingston before tagging Sheamus into the match, The Bar then attack Kingston with some double team moves. Cesaro tags back in and he wrenches away on the head of Kingston, Sheamus tags in and The Bar nail Kingston with a double clothesline for a near fall.

Sheamus holds Kingston down while landing strikes to the upper body, Sheamus also wrenches away on the arm of Kingston. Kingston fights back and Sheamus drops him with a thrust kick, Cesaro tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Kingston. Cesaro gets Kingston out of the ropes by landing a gut wrench suplex for a near fall, Cesaro applies a modified cobra clutch to a downed Kingston. Kingston gets free and Cesaro nails him with a knee strike, Kingston recovers and he nails Cesaro with a back body drop. Sheamus tags in and he knocks E off the ring apron, Cesaro tags in and he works with Sheamus to hit Kingston with an assisted suplex for a near fall. Kingston fights back as Sheamus tags into the match, Kingston then sends a charging Sheamus into the corner. Cesaro and E get tagged in by their respective partners, E quickly cleans house against the opposing team.

E goes for a splash and Cesaro gets his knee up, Sheamus tags in and E quickly nails him with a uranage for a near fall. E goes for his through the ropes spear and Sheamus nails him with a series of knee strikes, Sheamus mounts E in the corner while landing some strikes. Kingston tags in and New day hit Sheamus with a double stomp power bomb for a near fall, Cesaro hits the ring and Kingston knocks him out of it. E tags back in as Kingston takes out Cesaro with a dive, Show interferes and E still manages to roll Sheamus up for a near fall. Show interferes again to hit E with a punch, Sheamus hits E with a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winners: The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) w/Big Show, still the Smackdown Tag Team Champions

– Bryon Saxton interviews The Miz, who says winning the WWE World Cup will be a great Hollywood move ending.

– Byron Saxton interviews Rey Mysterio, who says he has been underestimated before and that will make the win much better.

WWE World Cup Tournament Semi-Finals
Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz

The match begins with Mysterio immediately attacking Miz with some leg kicks, Miz catches Mysterio with a roll up for a near fall. Mysterio rolls through a sunset flip to kick Miz in the head, Miz fights back up and he drops Mysterio with a knee strike. Miz throws Mysterio out of the ring and Mysterio lands on his feet, Mysterio then knocks Miz to the arena floor before landing a sliding splash. Mysterio gets Miz in the ring and he follows him in there, Mysterio mounts Miz in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes. Mysterio charges at Miz and Miz counters by landing an inverted power bomb, Miz starts stomping away on the injured midsection of Mysterio. Miz traps Mysterio in the corner while landing shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Miz then kicks a downed Mysterio in the head for a near fall.

Miz keeps Mysterio down while applying the bow and arrow stretch, Mysterio gets free and he attacks Miz with more strikes. Miz quickly recovers and he drops Mysterio with a knee strike, Miz applies the body scissors to a downed Mysterio. Mysterio gets free and Miz quickly knocks him to the arena floor, Miz goes out of the ring and he shoves Mysterio into the ringside edge and barricade. Miz then gets Mysterio back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Miz then applies the abdominal stretch to Mysterio. Mysterio gets free and he drops Miz with a DDT. Mysterio and Miz have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Mysterio then takes Miz down with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Mysterio follows that up by hitting Miz with a springboard hurricarana, Mysterio then sends Miz into the corner before putting him in the ropes.

Mysterio goes for a 619 and Miz counters by landing a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall, Miz then attacks a downed Mysterio with some It Kicks. Mysterio surprises Miz with a roll up before sending him into the ropes, Mysterio hits Miz with a 619 before going to the top rope. Mysterio goes for a frog splash and Miz gets him knees up before rolling Mysterio up for a three count.

Winner: The Miz

– Byron Saxton interviews Seth Rollins, who says the WWE World Cup isn’t meant to be easy and he does his best work when the odds are against him.

WWE World Cup Tournament Semi-Finals
Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

The match begins with some chain wrestling between both competitors, Ziggler gains control early by attacking Rollins with some strikes. Ziggler then takes Rollins down while applying a headlock, Rollins gets free and he nails a leaping Ziggler with a slam. Rollins quickly follows that up by knocking Ziggler out of the ring, Rollins follows Ziggler out there and he throws Ziggler into the barricade. Rollins gets Ziggler back in the ring before having a confrontation with McIntyre, Rollins gets back in the ring and Ziggler nails him with a DDT for a near fall. Rollins fights back and Ziggler attacks his injured knee, Ziggler picks Rollins up before landing a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler applies a chin lock to a downed Rollins, Rollins gets free and Ziggler causes him to crash into the corner for a near fall.

Rollins fights back and Ziggler drops him with a leaping back elbow strike, Ziggler gets cocky and he still manages to hit Rollins with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler reapplies the chin lock to a downed Rollins, Rollins gets free and he exchanges a few roll ups with Ziggler. Rollins ends the exchange by attempting a buckle bomb and Ziggler rolls him up again, Rollins gets up and he drills Ziggler with a rip chord knee strike for a near fall. McIntyre interferes and Rollins drops him before propelling Ziggler out of the ring, Rollins then takes everybody out with a suicide dive. Rollins gets Ziggler in the ring before eating a fame asser for a near fall, Ziggler goes to the top rope and Rollins meets him up there to land a superplex. Rollins goes for the falcon arrow and Ziggler counters with a Zig Zag for a near fall, Ziggler misses a second Zig Zag attempt and Rollins nails him with a thrust kick.

Rollins takes out McIntyre with a suicide dive, Rollins goes back to the top rope and McIntyre knocks him off while Ziggler had the referee distracted. Ziggler then hits Rollins with a super kick for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

After the match, Byron Saxton interviews Dolph Ziggler, who says that he will walk away with the WWE World Cup Trophy. 

WWE Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe

The match begins with Styles attacking Joe with a plethora of strikes, Styles starts attacking the injured knee of Joe with some kicks. Styles then takes Joe down with a chop block to the injured knee, Styles traps Joe in the corner while landing shoulder thrusts. Styles knocks Joe out of the ring and he follows him out there, Styles misses a moonsault before sending Joe into the ring post. Joe recovers and he sends a charging Styles into the barricade, Styles tries getting back in the ring and Joe knocks him into the arena floor before landing a suicide dive. Joe gets Styles back into the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Joe applies a chin lock to an injured Styles. Styles fights back and Joe nails him with a back elbow strike followed by an overhead kick for a near fall, Joe keeps the attack going by nailing Styles with a headbutt.

Styles fights back and Joe drops him with a single chop, Joe holds Styles down while wrenching away on his head. Styles gets free and he has a striking exchange with Joe, Styles then drops Joe with a step up enzaguri. Styles and Joe have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Styles ends the exchange before hitting Joe with a reverse DDT for a near fall. Joe rolls out of the ring and Styles takes him down with a dive, Styles gets Joe in the ring and Joe avoids a Phenomenal Forearm to land a power slam for a near fall. Styles recovers and goes back to attacking the injured knee of Joe, Joe destroys Styles with a clothesline for a near fall. Styles recovers and he applies the calf crusher to Joe until Joe gets to the ropes, Styles goes for a roll up and Joe catches him in a rear naked choke. Styles gets free by wrenching away on the injured knee of Joe, Styles goes back to attacking the injured knee of Joe.

Styles goes for the calf crusher and Joe blocks it before eating a pele kick, Styles then hits Joe with a Phenomenal Forearm for the three count.

Winner: AJ Styles, still the WWE Champion

– Acting Raw GM Corbin makes his way to the ring for the next match.

WWE Universal Championship 
Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Braun Strowman

The match begins with Corbin attacking Strowman with the title belt before the bell sounds, Lesnar hits Strowman with an F-5 for a near fall. Lesnar hits Strowman with a second F-5 for another near fall, Lesnar lands a third F-5 for another near fall. Lesnar uses a fourth F-5 to propel Strowman out of the ring, Strowman gets back in the ring and Strowman kicks Lesnar in the face. Lesnar lands another F-5 for a three count.

Winner: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman, your new WWE Universal Champion

– Smackdown Commissioner Shane McMahon comes to the ring for the next match, while Acting Raw GM Corbin remains at ringside as well.

WWE World Cup Tournament Finals
The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

The match begins with the referee sending McIntyre to the backstage area, Miz then jumps Ziggler from behind as he was arguing with the referee. Miz then tosses Ziggler out of the ring and he follows him out there, Miz goes out of the ring and he hurts his knee in the process. Ziggler attacks Miz and Miz finds a way to throw him into the ring post, Miz gets Ziggler back into the ring and he seems to injured to get back in himself. McMahon comes over to check on an injured Miz as more WWE officials come to check him over, WWE officials determine that Miz is too injured to continue. McMahon decides to take Miz’s place in the finals.

WWE World Cup Tournament Finals
Shane McMahon vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match begins with McMahon attacking Ziggler with a multiple strike combination, McMahon then hits Ziggler with a flying back elbow strike. Corbin distracts McMahon and the referee throws him out of the ringside area, Ziggler hits McMahon with a Zig Zag for a near fall. Ziggler attacks McMahon with a plethora of strikes before ripping away at his face, McMahon fights back and he nails Ziggler with a DDT. McMahon then propels Ziggler into the corner, McMahon nails Ziggler with a Coast To Coast for the three count.

Winner: Shane McMahon

Shawn Michaels & Triple H vs. The Undertaker & Kane

The match begins with HHH and Kane exchanging a few blows, Kane corners HHH before landing a running clothesline. HHH and Kane take turns working over each others arms, HBK tags in and he nails the arm of Kane with a top rope axe handle smash. HBK follows Kane around the ring while landing a few chops and a neck breaker, HBK goes for a sunset flip and Kane blocks it before tagging Undertaker in. HBK immediately attacks Undertaker with a few chops, Undertaker responds by dropping HBK with a boot to the face. Undertaker starts focusing his attack on the arm of HBK, Undertaker sets up for Old School and HHH attacks him to start a huge brawl. HBK gets hung up upside down in the corner and HHH is thrown into him, Undertaker then hits HBK with a double choke slam before throwing him out of the ring.

HHH and HBK get back in the ring to knock their opponents out of it, the brawl between both teams quickly spills out of the ring. Undertaker gets HBK back in the ring and he nails him with Old School, Undertaker traps HBK in the corner while choking him. Undertaker goes for a knee strike against HBK and HBK gets out of the way before tagging HHH in, HHH quickly attacks Undertaker with some chops before getting dropped. Kane tags in and he attacks a cornered HHH with some more strikes, Kane goes for an elbow drop and HHH gets out of the way. Kane and HHH have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, HHH eventually drops Kane with a DDT. HBK tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, HBK nails Kane with some chops and an atomic drop. HHH hits the ring and he works with HBK to hit Kane with a double suplex.

HBK goes to the top rope before landing a top rope elbow drop on Kane, HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music and Kane counters with a choke slam. Undertaker tags in and he attacks HBK with some strikes of his own, Undertaker then hits HBK with Snake Eyes and a boot to the face. Undertaker follows up by landing a leg drop for a near fall on HBK, HBK recovers and he hits Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music from out of nowhere. Undertaker gets up first and he throws HBK out of the ring, Undertaker clears the announce tables and he tries to hit HBK with a tombstone on them until HHH makes the save. The teams have a big brawl on the arena floor until Kane choke slams HHH through the announce table, Undertaker gets HBK back in the ring before kicking him in the head again. Undertaker follows that up by landing a leg drop on a downed HBK, Undertaker gets HBK back in the ring to get a few near falls on a few pin attempts.

Kane tags in and he stomps away on a downed HBK, Kane traps HBK in the corner before attacking him with some more strikes. Kane then gets HBK up to nail him with a knee strike to the back, Undertaker tags back in to attack HBK with more strikes. Undertaker follows that up by nailing HBK with a suplex for a near fall, Undertaker stands over HBK while attacking him with a plethora of strikes. Undertaker keeps HBK down while applying a chin lock to him, Kane tags back in and he attacks HBK with more strikes. HBK fights back and Kane nails him with a sidewalk slam for a near fall, Kane goes to the top rope and HBK crotches him before he crashes to the mat below. Undertaker drags HBK out of the ring and HBK shoves him into the ring post, HBK gets back in the ring and Kane attacks him. Kane places HBK on the top rope and he follows him up there, HBK knocks Kane off the ropes while also removing his mask.

HBK takes out both opponents with a top rope moonsault that sends them all crashing to the arena floor, HHH tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. HHH drops Kane with a knee strike before nailing Undertaker with a spine buster, HHH goes for the Pedigree and Undertaker escapes by landing a back body drop. HHH nails Undertaker with a Pedigree on a second attempt, HHH then knocks an attacking Kane out of the ring. Undertaker recovers and he catches HHH in the Hell’s Gate, HBK hits Kane with Sweet Chin Music and Kane falls on top of Undertaker. Undertaker and Kane go for double tombstone pile drivers and HBK blocks them by poking Kane in the eyes, HBK nails Kane with Sweet Chin Music and HHH lands a Pedigree for the three count.

Winners: Shawn Michaels & Triple H

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