
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/24/18 205 Live Celebrates Its 100th Episode!

205 Live celebrates its 100th episode with a huge Falls Count Anywhere main event, and Mike Kanellis makes his 205 Live debut tonight at 7PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you enjoy the next three hours of WWE coverage as we start off with 205 Live  move on to NXT and close the night out with the Mae Young Classic!

Lince Dorado vs Mike Kanellis

Lince drops Mike as soon as the match starts before hitting a huricanrrana, Mike regrouping with Maria in the corner before Lince beats him down in the corner with series of right hands. Mike comes back and stomps Lince before choking him in the ropes, Maria mocking Lince before he hits a flap jack and Maria distracts him. Mike hits Lince from behind before beating on him in mount, Mike hitting a running clothesline in the corner before dropping Lince with a bicycle knee. Lince comes back with a knee into a huricanrrana for a near fall before Mike superkicks him for a near fall. Lince hits a wheel kick and an enzuigiri into a frankensteiner for a near fall before Mike hits a high angle spine buster for a near fall.

Lince hits a hand spring stunner into a diving cross body and a shooting star press for a very close near fall, Mike getting his foot on the bottom rope right before the count of three. Lince then hits a huricanrrana off of the apron before they get back in the ring and Mike hits a spinning wrist lock reverse DDT.

Winner: Mike Kanellis defeats Lince Dorado via pinfall with a spinning wrist lock reverse DDT.

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Hideo Itami vs Mustafa Ali

The two lock up before Hideo rocks Ali with a combination of strikes and boots him out of the ring. Ali comes back with a huricanrrana before hitting a diving cross body to the floor for a quick two count, Ali sending Hideo face first into the ring steps. Ali rolls Hideo back in the ring and they counter each other until Hideo kicks the legs of Ali when he goes for a springboard move and Ali smashes his face into the apron. Hideo tosses Ali back in the ring and turns him end over end with a kitchen sink before hitting a PK for a quick two count. Ali drops Hideo with a flurry of kicks including a superkick to the back of the head before Ali hits a rolling sit-out face buster for a quick two count. Ali sends Hideo over the announce table before Hideo puts Ali in a single leg Boston crab on the table. Hideo dropkicks Ali into the barricade before they end up in the WWE Universe and Ali superkicks Hideo for a quick two count. Hideo sends Ali into the ring steps before they exchange forearms up the ramp and Hideo turns Ali inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Hideo rolls Ali back in the ring before Ali catches him on the top turnbuckle and sends him out of the ring before Ali hits a diving cross body for a near fall. Hideo sends Ali into the barricade before kicking the legs out from under Ali when he’s on the ring steps before Ali uses the steps as a ramp to hit a tornado DDT. Ali sets a table up at ringside and lies Hideo down on it before rolling back into the ring and hitting an 054 through the table for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali defeats Hideo Itami via pinfall with an 054 through a table.

-We end the show with 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick announcing a number one contender match for next week between Mustafa Ali and Tony Nese with the winner facing Buddy Murphy. 

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