
WWE NXT Live Coverage (September 21st) What Will William Regal Do To Samoa Joe?

Welcome to the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we see what consequences NXT commissioner William Regal will have for Samoa Joe after his brutal attack on NXT champion Shinsuke Nakamura last week! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all the action!

-We open with a video package of what Samoa Joe did to Shinsuke Nakamura last week. Joe comes out immediately with a piece of paper in his hand. Joe says in his hand is a copy of the medical report for Shinsuke, saying that Shinsuke has contusions, inflammation and a separated shoulder, but will not require surgery. Joe goes on to say that they recommend Shinsuke be out 6 to 12 weeks and says he wants Shinsuke or Regal give him the belt. William Regal says he can confirm that he's right about Shinsuke's injuries, but says that he hasn't spoken to Shinsuke and he will take care of the problem Joe created. Joe goes up the ramp and acts like he's going to attack Regal, saying he'll give him an opportunity to fix the situation or he'll hurt the entire roster as bad as he did Shinsuke before leaving. We get a recap of the Cruiserweight Classic and are told tonight we get the Fullsail debut of Cedric Alexander, them showing HHH coming out and taking him to the back. Cedric is interviewed in the back where he talks about how he's spent seven years trying to get to this point. They plug Austin Aries vs Oney Lorcan as we go to commercial.

-We get Liv Morgan being interviewed backstage then Asuka interrupts her and says if she thinks she's ready then let's find out.

Austin Aries vs Oney Lorcan

Aries does some grappling then tries to keep Lorcan down with a side headlock. They lock up then get a clean break, Aries posing by lying on the top rope, only for Lorcan to slap him then put Aries in a side headlock of his own. Lorcan somehow tackles Aries into a side headlock; that was unique. Aries and Lorcan exchange stiff slaps then Aries hits a back body drop that sends Lorcan onto the apron and onto the floor, that looked so painful! We get a quick commercial as Lorcan recovers on the outside.

As we come back, Aries is in control in the ring, hitting an elbow to the back of Lorcan's neck for a quick 2 count. Aries hits a series of forearms and chops on Lorcan, but Oney counters with uppercuts then chops of his own. Aries sends Lorcan to the outside then dives off the top rope with a double axe handle, quickly getting him back in and going for it again, but Lorcan counters in mid air with a european uppercut then hits a running uppercut like Okada does for a quick 2 count. Lorcan misses a blockbuster then Aries hits a dropkick and locks in The Last Chancery for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries via submission with The Last Chancery

-After the match Aries tells Hideo Itami that he makes people go to sleep and he makes people tap out. Aries says he's a  coward and won't show up, but right then Hideo's music hits and he comes to the ring in his gear. Aries runs as soon as Hideo gets in the ring. Next we get a video package for Dan Matha then they plug Cedric Alexander versus Andrade Cien Almas in our main event as we go to commercial.

-As we come back we have last week's footage of Ciampa and Gargano and The Revival fighting in the parking lot after their match at the CWC.

Billie Kay vs Aliyah

They lockup then Kay pushes Aliyah away, locking up again and dropping her repeatedly. Aliyah locks Billie up in the ropes and uses the ropes to hyerextend her arm then hits a legdrop over the top rope and onto the mat for a quick 2. Kay puts Aliyah into the corner after hitting her with a discus forearm then gets a quick 2 count. Kay puts Aliyah in a torture rack, tossing Aliyah into the top rope. Aliyah counters a big boot and hits a neckbreaker for a quick 2 count. Billie Kay catches her with a big boot when she goes to hit her with a clothesline for the pin and the win.

Winner: Billie Kay via pinfall with a big boot

-We come back with Mandy talking backstage about Ember Moon, saying she's going to make sure she is eclipsed. We get a plug for Liv Morgan versus Asuka in a non-title match next week.

Cedric Alexander vs Andrade Almas

They lock up early then Cedric takes Almas down with a side headlock, getting reversed into a headscissor as per usual. They lock up again, but Almas locks in a side headlock of his own then Cedric sweeps his legs out. Cedric hits a huricanrrana then goes for a dropkick, but Almas sees it coming. They lock up yet again then reverse wrist locks a few times, showing off how well they can flip. Cedric is sent to the outside then Almas hits a corkscrew plancha as we go to commercial.

Almas has a rear naked choke on Cedric, but he counters with a stunner then hits a european uppercut, a chop and a dropkick. Cedric hits a springboard enzugiri that sends Almas to the outside then dives over the rope and out onto Almas on the outside. Cedric hits The Phenomenal Forearm, but since he's not The Phenomenal Face That Runs The Place Of The Champ That Runs The Camp he only gets a quick 2 count. Almas hits a dead lift powerbomb on Cedric for a quick 2 count, the two exchanging forearms. Cedric sets Almas on the top rope backwards and he goes for a moonsault, but sees it coming and lands on his feet then hits a standing moonsault for a close 2 count. Cedric hits the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via pinfall with the Lumbar Check

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