
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 10/5/18 Episode #368 Will Ferrara vs Cheeseburger

The Kingdom take on Coast 2 Coast and Will Ferrara and Cheeseburger look to settle their differences in the main event of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) vs Coast 2 Coast

Vinny sends LSG out of the ring before he gets back in and gets dropped with a shoulder block before Ali gets a blind tag when Vinny rocks him with a bicycle knee. C2C double team Vinny for a quick two count before TK gets the tag and they send him out of the ring before teaming up on Vinny again for another quick two count. LSG and TK go back and forth until LSG tags in Ali who knocks Vinny off of the apron and hits a flat liner. Vinny hits a neckbreaker to Ali when TK sends him out of the ring before TK hits a spine buster and Vinny hits a diving knee drop for a near fall. Vinny and TK double team Ali for a near fall that LSG breaks up before Ali tags in LSG who takes out both Vinny and TK.

TK hits a tope to the outside and beats down LSG before Ali hits a diving cross body, LSG hitting a flipping senton and landing on his feet. Back in the ring Ali and TK exchange strikes before Ali wins with a sunset flip out of nowhere.

Winner: Coast 2 Coast defeat The Kingdom via pinfall when Ali pins TK with a sunset flip.

Marty Scurll vs Shane Helms

They shake hands before the match and Helms drops Marty with a series of clotheslines and a suplex once it does officially start. Marty hits a tornado DDT before countering a chokeslam into a back stabber and Helms hits a side Russian leg sweep. Marty comes back and sends Helms out of the ring before playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Marty is in control back in the ring as we return to the action, The Villain hitting a vertical drop brainbuster for a quick two count before hitting an enzuigiri into an ushigaroshi. Helms rolls out onto the apron to catch his breath before suplexing Marty onto the floor and they exchange strikes once they’re back in the ring. The hero and the villain exchange near falls before Helms counters the cross face chicken wing by sending Marty into the ring post, Marty hitting a superplex for a near fall. Marty low blows Helms before hitting him with his own finisher for a near fall before Helms hits a chokeslam for a near fall, Marty getting one off of a back slide before Helms ends up countering a roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Helms defeats Marty Scurll via pinfall with a cradle pin.

Fight Without Honor Match

Will Ferrara vs Cheeseburger

Will backs Burger into the corner before Will rolls out of the ring when Burger teases a shotei. Burger hits a diving cross body before they get back in the ring and Will stands on Burger before beating him with a belt. Will chokes burger with his belt before Burger whips him with it and chokes him until Will sends Burger into the ring post as we go to commercial. 

We come back to Will with a chair which he attacks Burger with, injuring the hand that Burger does a shotei with. Burger hits a superkick and a shotgun dropkick before stomping Will in the corner and DDTing Will onto the chair for a near fall. Burger gets a table out from under the ring before he’s attacked by Rhett Titus and Titus sets the table up at ringside. Burger then puts Titus through the table with the help of Eli Isom and Brian Nova before Burger hits Will with a shotei with a chain wrapped around his hand for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cheeseburger defeats Will Ferrara via pinfall with a shotei.

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