
IMPACT Wrestling Live Results for 10/11/18 The Last Stop on the Road to Bound for Glory

Eddie Edwards, Johnny Impact and Fallah Bahh team up to take on Austin Aries, Moose and Killer Kross on the final IMPACT before Bound for Glory!

Hey there Fight Fans, welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! While you’re here you can leave a comment below and check out our forums, and be sure to check out our premium service Fightful Select for more content!

We open the show with a video package for last week and the arrival of Ethan Page and Su Yung putting Keira Hogan in a casket.

X-Division Fatal Four Way Match

Trevor Lee vs Jack Evans vs Puma King vs Petey Williams

Everyone gangs up on Lee before Puma turns Jack inside out with a lariat before Petey hits a drop toe hold into the ropes and a running dropkick. Puma takes out Petey before Lee hits a spinning uranage to Puma and stomps on Petey in the corner and whips Petey across the ring. Petey hits a tilt-a-whirl side Russian leg sweep and locks in a sharpshooter that Jack breaks up before dropkicking Petey and goes for a standing moonsault, but Petey gets his knees up. Puma hits a diving cross body and several enzuigiri before he hits a mule kick to Lee and a tope to the outside to Jack. Lee hits a code breaker before Puma gets a near fall off of a Gedo clutch and drops Jack with a superkick before Jack hits a Pele kick that sends Puma off of the top turnbuckle and to the floor.

Petey then hits a Canadian Destroyer to Lee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Petey Williams defeats Trevor Lee, Jack Evans and Puma King when he pins Lee with a Canadian Destroyer.

Grado vs Maximo

They play to the crowd for several minutes before Maximo rubs all over the body of Grado and grinds against him before Grado hits a scoop slam into a falling headbutt for a quick two count. Grado rocks Maximo with right hands before Maximo headbutts him in the midsection and chops him in the corner. Grado misses a splash in the corner before Maximo goes to kiss Grado and drops him with a clothesline for a quick two count. Maximo sends Grado out of the ring with a dropkick before hitting a diving headbutt through the ropes and rolls him back into the ring for a quick two count. Maximo then kisses Grado before rolling him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Maximo defeats Grado via pinfall with a roll up.

-After the match Grado steals a kiss from Maximo and runs away before Johnny Impact, Eddie Edwards and Fallah Bahh cut a promo about their six man tag match later tonight.

-We get a video package for the Concrete Jungle Death Match between LAX and the OGz before we get a match on the Global Wrestling Network of a Knockouts Championship Fatal Four Way match.

-The Desi Hit Squad are pitted against each other by Gamma Singh with the loser being sent back to India.

Rohit Raju vs Gursinder Singh

Raju stomps Singh in the corner before Singh hits a lung blower for a quick two count and Singh locks in a triangle choke. Singh transitions into an armbar and a cross face before Raju hits a basement dropkick for a quick two count. They have exchange forearms until Singh hits a flat liner for a near fall and Raju hits a spinning neckbreaker into a sit-out face buster for a near fall. Raju then hits a jumping flat liner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Gursinder Singh via pinfall with a jumping flat liner.

Johnny Impact, Eddie Edwards & Fallah Bahh vs Austin Aries, Moose & Killer Kross

Kross starts the match with Johnny, Kross tossing Johnny across the ring before Bahh comes in and Kross drops him with a forearm before Bahh chops him and Kross drops him with a clothesline. Moose and Eddie come in next and exchange right hands and chops before Moose hits a European uppercut. Eddie counters a suplex into one of his own before catching Moose up top with an enzuigiri and hits a frankensteiner for a quick two count. Moose dropkicks Eddie off of the top turnbuckle and down to the floor before Austin tosses him into the ring after kicking him at ringside. Kross softens Eddie up before the trio of Aries, Moose and Kross triple team Eddie. Eddie tags Bahh in who hits Austin with a belly to belly suplex before Austin tags in Kross and they double team Bahh before Kross beats Bahh down in the corner until the referee pulls him off as we go to commercial.

Austin and company keep Bahh in their corner and cut the ring in half until he tags Johnny in and Johnny and Austin go back and forth until Johnny hits a single leg dropkick into a shining wizard and a sliding German suplex. Austin rolls Johnny up for a near fall before locking in the Last Chancery, but Johnny gets to the bottom rope for the break before Johnny drops Austin with two superkicks for a near fall that Moose breaks up. Moose drops Eddie with a headbutt before Johnny counters Go to Hell with a huricanrrana and Bahh drops Kross with a thrust kick. Austin sends Bahh out of the ring with a rolling elbow before Johnny hits a springboard roundhouse kick and Starship Pain, but Kross drags him out of the ring before hitting a Saito suplex onto the floor. Moose then hits a powerbomb onto the apron to Eddie before Austin hits Johnny with a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries  Moose and Killer Kross defeat Johnny Impact  Eddie Edwards and Fallah Bahh when Austin pins Johnny with a brainbuster.

-Allie meets with James Mitchell to try and save Keira, James saying that Sunday she can get into the world of the dead Sunday and fight Su to free Keira as we go to commercial.

Tessa Blanchard vs Keyra

They lock up before Tessa pushes Keyra away and they exchange forearms before Keyra hits a huricanrrana and a Michinoku driver for a quick two count. Keyra stomps Tessa in the corner before Tessa gets out or the ring, but Keyra follows her end drops her with a superkick before Tessa powerbombs her into the ring post. Tessa tosses Keyra back into the ring for a near fall before putting her in an abdominal stretch and dropping her with a clothesline. They exchange running forearms in the corner before Keyra hits a running dropkick for a near fall before Tessa hits a draping flat liner into a hammer lock DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Keyra via pinfall with a hammer lock DDT.

-LAX and the OGz square off in the ring as King talks about how Konnan was always in his way and held him back and that he put the hit out on him and that he will destroy him and his legacy. Konnan talks to King in Spanish before saying that he said he could have the crowd attack them if he wanted and that Hernandez and Homicide always succeeded with him backing them. Konnan says that he is always one step ahead of King and that he raised him and that the bosses are watching and there’s a code they live by. Konnan then says that the bosses are displeased with King’s tactics before saying that the seize fire is over and clear the ring as we go off the air. 

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