
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/3/18 TJP vs Kalisto, Akira Tozawa vs Jack Gallagher

Akira Tozawa goes head to head with the Gentleman Jack Gallagher and TJP takes on the luchadore Kalisto on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you enjoy the next hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division and right after stick with us for NXT at 8pm EST and the Mae Young Classic at 9pm EST!

Akira Tozawa vs Jack Gallagher

They lock up for a clean break before Jack takes Akira down and manipulates his wrist before they exchange quick two counts and Akira hits a PK into a senton. Akira sends Jack out of the ring with a right hand before he’s distracted by The Brian Kendrick and Drew trips him. Jack gets back in the ring and takes control by beating Akira down in the corner before Jack drops him with a shoulder block for a quick two count. Akira comes back and hits a tope to the outside before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a missile dropkick for a near fall. Akira locks in an octopus stretch before Jack turns it into a single leg Boston crab, Akira getting to the bottom rope for the break before Akira counters a superplex into a high angle senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Jack Gallagher via pinfall with a high angle senton.

-After the match Drew and Jack turn on Kendrick when Kendrick attacks Jack.

TJP vs Kalisto

They try to pin each other’s shoulders down to the mat to start the match before Kalisto takes TJP down repeatedly and TJP kicks him when he goes for a hand spring move. TJP hits a wrecking ball dropkick before rolling Kalisto back into the ring and hitting a slingshot senton and a springboard Russian leg sweep into a stock hold. TJP hits a backbreaker before playing to the crowd and hitting a series of various suplexes for a near fall before hitting a twisting senton for another near fall. TJP hits a scoop slam before he ascends the top turnbuckle and mocks Kalisto before missing a swanton bomb. Kalisto comes back with a seated senton into a rolling enzuigiri before TJP counters the Salida Del Sol and catches Kalisto up top before slamming him down to the mat for a near fall.

Kalisto hits a sunset flip off of the top for a near fall before TJP locks in a knee bar, Kalisto nearly tapping before crawling to the bottom rope at the last second. TJP then tries to take the mask off of Kalisto before he’s interrupted by Lince Dorado and Kalisto hits a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kalisto defeats TJP via pinfall with a sunset flip pin. 

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