
WWE Raw 9/24/18 Match Ratings From Sean Ross Sapp Of Fightful.com, Podcast Notes

Opening Segment

  • We get a new Then. Now. Forever. intro.
  • Acting General Manager Baron Corbin is backstage in the parking lot. He sees Stephanie McMahon and sings Happy Birthday to her. Triple H emerges.
  • Stephanie is going off on Baron Corbin, and Triple H says it’s awkward so he’s leaving. Stephanie properly emasculates Corbin and says that he can find a couple of partners and take on the Shield tonight.
  • She says that if Baron Corbin doesn’t start leading better, maybe Kurt Angle will be back sooner than they had anticipated.
  • The crowd cheers everyone in the Shield, but boos Roman. 
  • Reigns says the championships are the keys to the kingdom. Ambrose looks awkward without one.
  • Baron Corbin comes out and reiterates that it’s Stephanie’s birthday and brings out Dogs of War. 
  • Strowman says that at Super Show-down it’ll be four on two, because Dean Ambrose is starting to crack.
  • Ziggler reminds Ambrose that he was WWE Champion on Smackdown Live without the Shield. 
  • Ziggler also says Ambrose had barely been injured for a week and they already replaced him.
  • Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose are both excellent right here.
  • Hahahah that zoom was very reminiscent of when Rollins turned on the Shield.  They’re all about to fight, but Corbin stops everyone and the crowd wants it. 
  • At least Corbin stopping the fight made sense. He has matches to promote.

Finn Balor (w/ Bayley) defeated Jinder Mahal (w/ Sunil Singh & Alicia Fox) 

  • We’re shown Bayley hugging Finn Balor backstage. Alicia Fox was out with Jinder Mahal and Sunil Singh. 
  • Balor gets worked over, hits a drop kick and a tope con hilo right on Jinder’s shoulder as we go to a commercial.
  • This is cheap and lame, but Bayley beats up both Alicia Fox and Sunil Singh after Balor is distracted.
  • Balor wins with a roll up.
  • This was only to establish the friendship between these two. Otherwise it would have fallen into the subpar segment range. 
  • Let’s get the Singh Bros on 205 Live. Sunil gets smacked by Jinder while he’s doing his gimmick. This is dumb.

Riott Squad defeated Natalya & Bella Twins

  • Nikki hits a good shoulder block. A nice double grapevine too.
  • Brie kicks Liv Morgan right in the goddamn face twice. What the hell was she thinking? Liv is messed up and out of it, and has to be helped by Sarah Logan. 
  • Whoever told Brie to start doing the running knee on the hard cam side is dumb, too.
  • Fortunately Liv gets up and goes through spots, including a triple suplex.
  • After the commercial, Logan lands a big forearm. Riott breaks up a Sharpshooter and pins Natalya with a Riott Kick.
  • Dr. Chris Amann is at ringside checking on Liv Morgan, clearly visible on camera, and Michael Cole says she’s backstage.
  • This was horrifying.

Konnor (w/ Viktor) defeated Chad Gable (w/ Bobby Roode)

  • Konnor cuts an interesting promo before the match, as do Bobby Roode and Chad Gable.
  • Gable does the Bret Hart turnbuckle spot.
  • I could be remembering wrong, but I recall Bret Hart saying he bruised his heart running into the turnbuckle (or maybe that was just the clip they showed) like Gable did. 
  • Hanging armbar from Gable, then a dropkick to the knee. Koppo Kick and Chaos Theory, but he gets run over.
  • Konnor wins with the Dominator.
  • Pretty sure that’s Konnor’s first WWE singles win since a June 19, 2013 NXT TV taping over Andy Baker.

Connor’s Cure

  • Everyone is brought out to the stage for a Connor’s Cure segment.
  • Children are brought out and get a great reaction.
  • Triple H cuts a stoic promo on Undertaker as he leaves in his limo later.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
Dogs of War (c) defeated The Revival

  • There’s a nice slingshot shoulder block from the Revival. They’re just so good. 
  • The Revival drag Ziggler outside the ring, but Wilder charges the stairs and eats steel.
  • Dawson does a Tiger Driver as well, but Ziggler kicks out. 
  • McIntyre chops the ring post, and it seems like these two fit great.
  • Nice recovery from the FameAsser botch as we get a Steiner Line instead. This 2.9 got the crowd going
  • Claymore Zig Zag gets the win. I need more of this. 
  • Ziggler tries to play mind games with Dean Ambrose throughout the night. Seth Rollins does the same with Drew McIntyre for getting used by Dolph Ziggler.

Bobby Lashley (w/ Lio Rush) vs. Elias (w/ Kevin Owens)

  • Elias brings down Kevin Owens, who joins him in the ring. Owens says that they need to deal with Lio Rush after last week.
  • Lio Rush comes out and hypes up Bobby Lashley, and is offered a booster seat. 
  • Bobby Lashley is over in his hometown, and his cross body is great. People are actually counting along with his punches. 
  • Elias starts working over the leg of Lashley as Owens cheers him on. He’s the only one though. The rest of the crowd doesn’t really seem to care.
  • Lashley flies off the top rope and gets caught by an awesome knee to the grill by Elias. 
  • Lashley hits a big vertical suplex, but Owens attacks at ringside.
  • This was pointless and boring. Why did we just spend 15 minutes on this?

Nia Jax (w/ Ember Moon) defeated Alicia Fox (w/ Mickie James & Alexa Bliss)

  • WWE has went from nobody having managers to everyone on the show having a second to the ring. Literally no one tonight has come to the ring without someone else.
  • Ember Moon hits Mickie with a Cannonball outside the ring.
  • Alicia misses a running neckbreaker by a mile. She kicks Nia Jax around a little bit and gets Samoan Dropped. This was there. The neckbreaker took away big time.

The Shield defeated Baron Corbin & AOP (w/ Drake Maverick)

  • Baron Corbin comes out and announces that AOP are going to be his partners tonight. This is a big, big, big test for AOP.
  • Dogs of War come out with chairs, but sit in them. 
  • Rezar battling things out with Roman Reigns and pops up after a clothesline. Reigns’ facial reactions making Rezar look like a million bucks.
  • Dogs of War distract long enough for AOP and Corbin to jump The Shield. 
  • Rollins gets a Blockbuster, and I’m a fan of how he adjusts his gear based on what kind of match he has. Huge “burn it down” chants ring out.
  • Rollins is playing the underneath babyface, and hits a Slingblade on Corbin.
  • There was a brilliant spot when Rollins and Corbin are going for tags. Akam runs after Rollins, is thrown out of the ring, but pulls Reigns off the apron.
  • Last Chapter outside the ring on Reigns, Deep Six inside on Rollins.
  • Rollins is STILL being worked over, and makes the tag to Ambrose and he adjusts the wacky line with a leapfrog clothesline. Ambrose is going 100 miles an hour. He’s on fire, but the crowd reaction doesn’t really reflect that. 
  • Ambrose dodges a Bossman clothesline to hit a leaping neckbreaker and a diving elbow. 
  • The Last Chapter on Ambrose is countered with a Superman Punch. Suicide dives all around for Ambrose. Dirty Deeds on Corbin. Spear on Corbin, win.

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