
Ring of Honor Wrestling TV Episode 364 Results ROH Championship 30 Minute Iron-Man Match

Jay Lethal defends his ROH World Championship in a thirty minute Iron-Man match on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Frankie Kazarian vs. Mark Briscoe

They start the match off by exchange strikes before Mark hits a scoop slam and a back suplex. Mark then goes for the Froggy-Bow, but Kaz gets out of the way before Kaz rolls him up for the pin and the win for a short match. 

Winner: Frankie Kazarian defeats Mark Briscoe via pinfall with a roll up.

-After the match Jay comes out and SoCal Uncensored and the Briscoes brawl until Punishment Martinez comes out and helps the Briscoes and Jay hits Daniels with the Jay Driller. 

ROH World Championship 30 Minute Iron-Man Match

Jay Lethal (c) vs. Jonathan Gresham

They lock up once the match starts before exchanging wrist locks and standing switches. Gresham gets out of a side headlock before Jay superkicks him and Gresham counters the Lethal Injection, Gresham locking in an octopus stretch soon after. Lethal then taps out to the octopus stretch for the first fall.

Jonathan Gresham goes up 1-0 with the first fall over Jay Lethal via submission with an octopus stretch. 

Jay then immediately counters a roll up into a figure four and forces Gresham to tap for the second fall.

Jay Lethal ties the match 1-1 when he submits Jonathan Gresham via submission with a figure four leg lock.

They exchange pin attempts for several minutes until the the time expires and the match ends in a draw before the referee makes it a sudden death match. Jonathan and Jay exchange strikes before Jonathan puts Jay in a choke that Jay counters into a cutter. Lethal then hits the Lethal Injection for the pin and the win with the final fall.

Winner: Jay Lethal retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Jonathan Gresham via pinfall with the Lethal Injection on the third fall of the Iron Man match. 

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