
Mick Foley On The One Bump No One Remembers From Hell In A Cell

WWE celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Mick Foley’s Hell in a Cell bout with The Undertaker this past Monday on Raw. The match has multiple moments that fans will never forget, but the theme of those memories is the same: Foley taking a crazy bump. 

Speaking to Alicia Atout on AMBY, Foley discussed the one bump people always overlook when discussing the match.

“You completely forget that the Undertaker is up around 300-pounds — let’s say 320. And I’m on his back when he dropped backward onto the tacks. And no one remembers that I’m on the back of a 300-pound man and he drops straight backwards. And that was on the old WWE ring, which didn’t have much give. Any other night, that would have been the fantastic bump of the week. And it was not even an afterthought. Nobody remembers that the bump even took place.”

Everyone brings up Undertaker tossing Foley off the cell and through the announce table. And people still talk about the chokeslam through the cell into the ring. But, as Foley explained, people tend to forget about Foley being caught between a Deadman and tack. 

Foley will return to Hell in a Cell this Sunday when he serves as the special guest referee for the Universal Title bout between Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns.

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