
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/21/18 Noam Dar vs TJP, Buddy Murphy & Tony Nese vs The Lucha House Party!

TJP and Noam Dar look to settle their differences and the surging team of Tony Nese and Buddy Murphy look to crash the Lucha House Party on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Good evening, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of 205 Live! You can comment below if you want and be sure to head over to our forums where you can discuss all things combat sports with fellow Fightful faithful!

TJP vs Noam Dar

They lock up for a clean break before TJP ducks out of the ring and gets on the mic and acknowledges Wale at ringside before Dar hits a dropkick through the ropes. Dar sends TJP into the ring steps and the announce table repeatedly before dropping him onto the apron and hitting a snapmare into the ropes. Dar dropkicks TJP out of the opposite side of the ring before TJP gets back in the ring and hits a DDT for a quick two count. TJP chokes Dar in the corner before taking Dar down and playing to the crowd and Wale at ringside. Dar gets his knees up when TJP goes for a slingshot senton, but TJP hits a dragon screw and Dar drops him with a European uppercut. Dar hits a suplex for a quick two count before TJP gets a near fall off of a roll up, then locks in a knee bar. Dar then gets to the bottom rope for the break before kicking TJP repeatedly before finishing with a leg lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar defeats TJP via pinfall with a leg lariat.

-Akira Tozawa comes out for his match before he’s attacked by Drew Gulak, The Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher. Cedric Alexander comes out to the ramp and makes his way down to the ring before he’s stopped by officials and Drake Maverick. Brian and Jack then get out of the ring before Cedric rushes Drew who quickly rolls out of the ring and leaves through the crowd as we go to commercial.

Buddy Murphy & Tony Nese vs Lucha House Party

Lucha are in control to start the match before Metalik sends Buddy and Tony out of the ring, he and Lince sending them out of the ring once more. Metalik tosses Tony back into the ring before Tony rocks him with a European uppercut and he and Buddy take out Lince on the ramp. Metalik dropkicks Tony and Buddy off of the apron before they catch him when he goes for a tope and powerbomb him into the barricade. Tony and Buddy double team Lince in the ring, focusing on his hand and wrist until Metalik comes back in and hits a hand spring arm drag. Buddy hits a sit-out powerbomb for a quick two count before Metalik fights both of them off briefly before they hit a combination neckbreaker German suplex.

Lince counters a German suplex into a bulldog before hitting a huricanrrana and a double arm drag for a quick two count. Lince kicks Tony off of the apron before hitting a tornado DDT onto Buddy for a near fall. Buddy catches Lince on the top turnbuckle when Tony distracts him before Buddy hits a release side slam for a near fall. Tony hits a spider suplex before Buddy hits a meteora off of the top and all four men exchange strikes. The luchadores hit a variation of More Bang for Your Buck for a near fall that Buddy breaks up, then Tony hits a German suplex into the corner before Metalik hits a huricanrrana with Buddy that sends him into Tony. Buddy then sends Metalik out of the ring before they get back in the ring and Metalik pins Buddy with a sunset flip.

Winner: Lucha House Party defeat Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese via pinfall when Gran Metalik pins Buddy with a sunset pin.

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