Ian McCall Not Getting The Money

There were a lot of folks who were heartbroken when the news came out recently that a flyweight division fight set between “Uncle Creepy” Ian McCall and Ray Borg was cancelled after Borg came down with an illness.

Nobody was as heartbroken as McCall was, because this was the second time in a row a fight had been cancelled that he was to participate in. For those who do not recall, McCall was set to face Justin Scoggins at UFC 201 before Scoggins pulled out of the fight with weight cutting issues.

In an interview with the Bloody Elbow, McCall talks about how he heard his bout was cancelled…

“Jason House, my agent, showed up to my room at like 1 or 1:30 in the morning. I answered the door in my underwear and was like, ‘What?’ When he told me, I just looked at him. I didn’t believe him, at first. Then we went and got pizza, and then I believed him.”

McCall, who got his show money, win bonus and Reebok payout awarded to him by the UFC when the Scoggins fight got cancelled, does not expect to get so lucky the second time around…

“They’ve only said that I’m going to get my show money, and that they’re going to work on whatever else, but realistically, I just expect to have the show money. I don’t have to make weight. It would be cool if I got the rest, but I’m not here expecting to get it. It would be awesome, but it’s not an expectation at this point. All I had to do is just show up. I was cutting weight, but I didn’t actually have to make 25. I was within 11 pounds, and I hadn’t even started my cut yet.”

As far as when McCall expects to (hopefully) step into the octagon again, the fighter stated…

“I’m thinking Ireland in November. I need a break, honestly. I’m f*cking old for this sport. I’ve had 12 weeks straight of training camp, and my body hurts. I’m gonna take a couple weeks off and just do a lot of yoga, do a lot of the stuff that I enjoy doing, because if I break again, I’m done. I’ve said that before. I just have to relax and take it easy, but at the same time, keep working out and stay in shape. I’m trying to buy a house and do some personal stuff, so right now, it’s all about relaxing. I just want to take a little time off and be with my girls.”

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