
NJPW G1 Climax 28 Day 6 Results: The Firing Squad vs. Bullet Club Rivalry Explodes, Plus Chaos Competes In Three Tag Bouts

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 28 Day 6. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B
Tomohiro Ishii def. Hirooki Goto

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B
Kenny Omega def. Tama Tonga by DQ

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B
Tetsuya Naito def. Juice Robinson

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B
Sanada def Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B
Toru Yano def. Kota Ibushi

Togi Makabe & Toa Henare def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Gedo)

Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Chase Owens) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi & David Finlay

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & El Desparado) def. Chaos (Jay White & Yoh)

The Firing Squad (Tonga Loa & Bad Luck Fale) def. Los Ingobernables (Evil & Bushi)

Chaos (Yoshi-Hashi & Sho) def. Michael Elgin & Ren Narita

Michael Elgin & Ren Narita vs. Chaos (Yoshi-Hashi & Sho)

The match begins with Narita applying a headlock to Sho, Narita releases the hold and he drops Sho with a shoulder tackle. Narita traps Sho in the ropes before landing some forearm strikes, Sho drops Narita and stomps away on him. Sho works over the arm of Narita before tagging Yoshi-Hashi into the match, Yoshi-Hashi lands a few strikes before landing a suplex. Narita fights back and he nails a charging Yoshi-Hashi with a drop kick, Elgin tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Elgin avoids a charging Yoshi-Hashi before landing a suplex into a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi fights back and exchanges chops with Elgin. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and drops Elgin with a Western Lariat, Sho tags in and Elgin takes both Chaos members out.

Narita tags in and he attacks Sho with a few strikes and a belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Sho and Narita have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sho drops Narita with a series of knee strikes for a near fall, Narita catches Sho with a few roll ups for a few near falls. Sho catches a charging Narita with a clothesline before landing a power slam for a near fall, Sho lands a German suplex for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Yoshi-Hashi & Sho)

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Bushi) vs. The Firing Squad (Tonga Loa & Bad Luck Fale)

The match begins with Loa and Bushi attacking the others partner, Loa then hits Bushi with a few strikes before Bushi lands a suicide dive on Fale. Evil jumps Loa from behind before attacking Fale on the arena floor, Fale throws Evil into the barricade as Loa throws Bushi into the ring post. Fale drags Evil into the crowd before throwing him into the wall, Loa and Bushi also battle into the crowd. Fale throws Evil back towards the ringside area after a prolonged beating, Loa gets Bushi in the ring before slamming him and landing a leg drop for a near fall. Loa stands over Bushi while landing a series of strikes, Bushi fights back and nails Loa with a series of drop kicks. Evil trips up Loa and Bushi lands a basement drop kick afterwards, Bushi and Evil double team Loa for a near fall.

Evil goes after Fale again and they battle on the arena floor, Loa recovers and catches Bushi with a clothesline followed by Ape Shit for the three count.

Winners: The Firing Squad (Tonga Loa & Bad Luck Fale)

Chaos (Jay White & Yoh) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & El Desparado)

The match begins with Suzuki attacking White with some leg kicks, Yoh tags in as White high tails it out of the ring. Yoh swings away at Suzuki and Suzuki drops him before stomping away on his head, Desparado tags in and Yoh catches him with a hurricarana. White tags in and he knocks Desparado out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade and ringside edge, White gets Desparado in the ring before tagging Yoh into the match. Yoh lands a few strikes before White tags back in, White decides to just stomps away on a downed Desparado. White nails Desparado with a pump handle back breaker for a near fall, Yoh tags in and he stomps away on Desparado. Desparado recovers and nails a charging Yoh with a spine buster, Suzuki tags in and Yoh attacks him with forearm strikes.

Yoh nails Suzuki with a rope assisted enzaguri followed by a slingshot double stomp, Yoh then hits Suzuki with a neck breaker. White distracts Suzuki and that allows Yoh to land a super kick, Suzuki hits Yoh with a Gotch Style Pile Driver for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & El Desparado)

Hiroshi Tanahashi & David Finlay vs. Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Tanahashi and Page working over each others arms, Finlay and Owens get tagged in by their respective partners. Finlay lands the first big strike by nailing a charging Owens with a drop kick, Owens recovers and he nails Finlay with a knee strike. Page tags into the match and he double teams Finlay alongside Owens for a near fall, Owens tags in and he nails Finlay with a few strikes. Finlay fights back and he nails Owens with a back suplex, Page and Tanahashi get tagged in by their respective partners. Tanahashi drops Page in the corner before landing a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall, Tanahashi then hits Page with a dragon screw leg whip. Page recovers and he nails Tanahashi with a clothesline, Finlay tags in and he nails a cornered Page with multiple running back elbow strikes.

Page recovers and he cracks Finlay with a super kick, Owens hits the ring and he nails Tanahashi with a Jewel Heist. Finlay then hits Owens with a uranage back breaker, Page hits Finlay with a Buckshot Lariat and the Rite Of Passage for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Chase Owens)

Togi Makabe & Toa Henare vs. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Gedo)

The match begins with Henare getting poked in the eyes before dropping Gedo with a shoulder block, Henare then nails a downed Gedo with a falling chop. Okada interferes and he kicks Henare in the face, Gedo gets Henare near the ropes before choking him on the middle one. Okada tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Henare, Okada drops Henare before landing a slingshot swanton bomb. Gedo tags in and Henare nails him with a suplex from out of nowhere, Okada tags in and he immediately knocks Makabe off the ring apron. Henare then hits Okada with a back body drop, Henare follows that up by catching Okada with a flying shoulder tackle. Makabe tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team, Makabe mounts Okada in the corner and he lands a ton of strikes.

Okada fights back and Makabe drops him with a clothesline for a near fall, Okada recovers and nails Makabe with a DDT. Okada then cracks Makabe with a modified air raid crash, Gedo tags in and he immediately gets attacked by an interfering Henare. Gedo fights back and he nails Makabe with a side kick for a near fall, Henare interferes again and he nails Gedo with a Samoan drop. Henare and Okada take their battle to the arena floor, Makabe hits Gedo with the King Kong Knee Drop for the three count.

Winners: Togi Makabe & Toa Henare

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B: Toru Yano vs. Kota Ibushi

The match begins with Yano catching Ibushi with some pinning combinations while chain wrestling, Ibushi knocks Yano to the arena floor with a hurricarana. Ibushi follows that up by taking Yano out with a dive, Yano recovers and he throws Ibushi into the barricade. Yano starts removing multiple turnbuckle pads from the corners. Ibushi catches a distracted Yano with a dive from the top rope, Ibushi also removes some of the turnbuckle pads until Yano knocks him from the ring apron to the arena floor. Yano gets Ibushi in the ring and he stomps away on him, Yano throws Ibushi into the exposed corner a few times. Ibushi recovers and sends a charging Yano into the exposed corner a few times, Yano recovers and throws Ibushi into the exposed corners again. Yano grabs a turnbuckle pad and Ibushi kicks him in the head, Ibushi misses a swing with the turnbuckle pad before also missing a moonsault.

Yano knocks Ibushi to the arena floor after hitting him with a turnbuckle pad, Yano grabs some tape and Ibushi steals it from him before the two exchange blows. Yano gets Ibushi back in the ring and he tapes his arms together, Ibushi still manages to nail a charging Yano with a drop kick. Ibushi drops Yano with a striking combination before landing a standing moonsault for a near fall, Yano causes Ibushi to grab the referee before accidentally taking them both out. Yano nails Ibushi with a low blow followed by a chop block before rolling him up for the three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B: Sanada vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with some chain wrestling between both competitors, Sabre Jr traps the legs of Sanada before wrenching away on them. Sanada gets free and he exchanges a plethora of pinning combinations with Sabre Jr, Sabre Jr gets Sanada down again while applying the straight jacket hold to him. Sanada gets free and he applies the straight jacket hold to Sabre Jr, Sabre Jr gets free again and Sanada quickly reverses things to reapply the straight jacket hold. Sabre Jr gets free and both competitors separate to figure things out, te competitors meet in the middle of the ring to exchange some blows. Sabre Jr catches a swinging Sanada in a jumping double wrist lock, Sabre Jr transitions to the octopus stretch against Sanada.

Sanada tries rolling Sabre Jr up and Sabre Jr nails him with a penalty kick, Sabre Jr and Sanada exchange pinning combos again. Sanada goes for Skull End and Sabre Jr gets free while looking for a roll up, Sanada shocks Sabre Jr with another roll up of his own for a three count.

Winner: Sanada

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B: Juice Robinson vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with a striking exchange between Robinson and Naito, Naito gets control early by kicking the injured hand of Robinson. Naito misses a basement drop kick and Robinson crushes him with a senton, Naito injures the hand of Robinson again before drop kicking the injured hand. Robinson rolls out of the ring and Naito follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade a few times, Robinson gets back in the ring and Naito continues attacking the injured hand. Robinson fights back and he nails Naito with a full nelson bomb, Robinson then catches a dazed Naito with his patented jabs. Naito fights back and he nails Robinson with a few strikes, Robinson recovers and he nails a charging Naito with a spine buster.

Robinson traps Naito in the corner while landing a series of chops, Robinson keeps Naito in the corner while landing a running clothesline. Naito trips up Robinson before drop kicking the injured hand, Naito pulls the injured hand and arm of Robinson backwards until Robinson gets to the ropes. Naito gets Robinson on the top rope before going for a hurricarana and Robinson rolls through for a near fall,Naito goes for a tornado DDT and Robinson counters with a jackhammer. Robinson traps Naito in the corner while landing a series of strikes, Robinson gets Naito on the top rope and he follows him up there. Robinson gets Naito off the ropes by landing a super fall away slam, Robinson then hits Naito with a cannonball followed by a power bomb for a near fall.

Naito looks for an enzaguri and Robinson counters by landing a lariat, Naito recovers and he catches Robinson with a reverse rana. Robinson and Naito both miss their finishers until Naito lands a German suplex followed by a flying forearm strike, Robinson avoids Destino before cracking Naito with a lariat. Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Naito counters with Destino for a near fall, Naito nails Robinson with a second Destino for a three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B: Kenny Omega vs. Tama Tonga

The match begins with The Firing Squad attacking Omega before the bell sounds, Adam Page and Chase Owens come out to even the odds. Omega takes everybody by Tonga out with a suicide dive to the arena floor, Omega gets back in the ring and Tonga nails him with a spear. Tonga then attacks Omega with a back elbow strike as the referee tosses everybody else out from the ringside area, Tonga nails Omega with a suplex before nailing him with some follow up strikes. Omega fights back and Tonga quickly nails him with a drop kick, Omega recovers and he nails Tonga with a tornado DDT. Omega catches Tonga with a Finlay Roll, but Tonga gets his knees up on the moonsault attempt.

Omega quickly recovers to nail Tonga with a V Trigger, Tonga reverse a pile driver from Omega to land an Alabama Slam for a near fall. Omega eventually catches Tonga with another V Trigger after a series of reversals, the two battle to the ring apron and Loa returns to attack Omega with a steel chair. Omega recovers and nails Loa with a hurricarana on the arena floor, Omega then nails Tonga with an apron bomb. Omega gets Tonga in the ring to land a modified back breaker, Loa returns and Omega sends Tonga into him before rolling him up for a near fall. Loa attacks Omega with a chair and Tonga rolls him up for a near fall, Tonga goes for a Gun Stun and Omega counters by throwing him on a chair. Tonga sets up for a Styles Clash and the referee gets rid of the chair, Tonga gets angry and he hits the referee with a Gun Stun.

Another referee calls for the bell as The Firing Squad continues attacking Omega.

Winner: Kenny Omega, by DQ

After the match, The Firing Squad continue attacking Kenny Omega until Kota Ibushi and The Bullet Club make the save.

NJPW G1 Climax 28 Block B: Hirooki Goto vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The match begins with Ishii and Got exchanging shoulder tackles until, the two then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Goto eventually drops Ishii after all of the exchanges, Ishii recovers and catches Goto with a power slam. Ishii and Goto exchange more blows until Goto goes down, Ishii starts nailing Goto with a bunch of chops. Goto gets Ishii in the corner before catching him with a running clotheslines, Goto keeps Ishii cornered before landing a spin kick followed by a Saito suplex. Goto waits for Ishii to get to a knee before kicking away at him, Ishii recovers and he quickly drops Goto with a few strikes of his own.

Ishii traps Goto in the corner while destroying him with a multitude of strikes, Ishii follows that up by nailing Goto with a clothesline. Ishii then catches a swinging Goto with a German suplex, Goto gets back up and he drops Ishii with a spin kick. Goto keeps Ishii down while applying the sleeper hold, Goto releases the hold and exchanges clotheslines with Ishii until both finally collapse. Goto gets up first and he catches Ishii in the sleeper hold, Ishii fights his way free and he destroys Goto with forearm strikes followed by headbutts. Ishii gets Goto on the top rope before landing a super stalling brain buster for a near fall, Goto recovers to hit Ishii with a modified neck breaker. Goto follows that up with a reverse GTR on Ishii, Ishii recovers and he nails Goto with a Saito suplex.

Ishii and Goto swing away at each other until Ishii levels Goto with a lariat for a near fall, Goto recovers and nails Ishii with a Shoto Kai for a near fall. Goto drops Ishii with a kick before attempting a GTR, Ishii gets free and he exchanges headbutts with Goto. Ishii finally drops Goto with an enzaguri before landing a sliding lariat for a near fall, Ishii crushes Goto with a brain buster for the three count.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii

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