
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/10 Cedric Alexander Defends His Cruiserweight Championship Against Hideo Itami!

The WWE Cruiserweight Championship is on the line tonight when Cedric Alexander defends against Hideo Itami!

Good evening, and welcome! We hope you have fun as you hang out with fellow Fightful faithful as we cover the best of the WWE Cruiserweight division!

Kalisto vs Tony Nese

They lock up before Tony tosses Kalisto away, then the two exchange and miss moonsaults before Kalisto mocks Tony. Kalisto walks on his hands before hitting a huricanrrana into a dropkick and Tony drops him before putting him in a body scissor. Tony hits a leg drop before Kalisto kicks him in the face repeatedly and hits a springboard meteora. Kalisto hits a huricanrrana and a springboard cross body for a quick two count before Tony drops him with a forearm. Tony powerbombs Kalisto into the corner before Buddy Murphy almost comes to blows with Lince and Metalik at ringside. Kalisto hits a 450 splash to the outside onto Tony when he’s distracted. Everyone then ends up brawling before Tony has to drag Buddy away and they leave with Lucha in the ring. 

Winner: No contest due to double interference. 

-Drake Maverick makes a match between TJP and Noam Dar next week as well as a match between Akira Tozawa and Lio Rush.

Lio Rush vs Collin Delaney

Akira Tozawa shows up before the match and Lio grabs him a chair at ringside and sets it up before Akira kicks it away. Collin gets a near fall off of a roll up before Lio sends him out of the ring right in front of Akira. Lio then hits the Final Hour for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush defeats Collin Delaney via pinfall with the Final Hour. 

Cruiserweight Championship Match

Cedric Alexander (c) vs Hideo Itami

They lock up to start the match before grappling on the mat and they make it back to their feet and into the ropes for a clean break. Hideo gets a quick two count off of a roll up before Cedric hits a dropkick and chops him repeatedly. Hideo catches Cedric coming in and beats on him in mount before kicking him in the corner and chokes him. Hideo hits a kitchen sink for a quick two count before dropping him with a kick to the side of the head. Hideo puts Cedric in a body scissor before Cedric gets out of it only for Hideo to hit another kitchen sink and a running knee strike for a near fall.

Hideo puts Cedric in a side headlock before Cedric comes back with a European uppercut in the corner and an enzuigiri. Cedric hits a diving clothesline for a quick two count before sending Hideo out of the ring and dropping him from the apron before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope. Cedric rolls Hideo back into the ring before hitting a handspring roundhouse kick for a near fall. Hideo catches Cedric coming in and hits a diving clothesline for a near fall, then Hideo hits an open palm slap and tries to undo the bottom turnbuckle pad. Hideo catches Cedric going for a springboard move before hitting a shotgun dropkick into the ring steps at ringside before rolling him back into the ring for a very close near fall.

Hideo then counters the Lumbar Check with several spinning back fists and a running knee when Cedric is in the ropes before Cedric catches Hideo coming in and hits the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander defends his Cruiserweight Championship against Hideo Itami by defeating him via pinfall with the Lumbar Check. 

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