
Welcome To The Underground: Season Three Is Underway!

Here’s the first edition of Welcome to The Underground on Fightful, by Rob Simmons. This provides you a straightforward look at LU each week, to compliment Alex Pawlowski’s coverage. 

Since Dario Cueto’s arrest, the Temple has been Dark, but Darkness is par for the course in El Jefe’s world. Imprisonment however is something new to Dario, but he takes it in stride, working to improve both his mind and body. As the guard comes to his cell, his informs Dario that he must have friends in high places, as Cueto is being released. Dario collects his belongings, including the key that holds his brother under his control.

As he leaves the bars that held him captive, he enters a dark limo. The men inside inform him that all charges have been dropped, but Dario’s relief is short lived as an arm encased in armor appears from the Darkness. He informs Dario not to waste his time again, as there won’t be another chance. Dario doesn’t answer to many people, but this Higher Power scares even Cueto himself.

In the Temple, Matt Striker and Vampiro welcome us to a brand-new season of Lucha Underground, and directs us to the ring where Cueto has taken the spotlight. Tonight we will see Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Pentagon Dark in the Main Event, but before that, Dario unveils his latest creations, Dario’s Dial of Doom. Any member of the Temple who has not been beaten by Matanza before can get a title shot, and the first one is right now. The Dial of Doom spins, and the Man from the Open Road, Son of Havoc, will get the first shot of the season at The Monster Matanza.

Lucha #1: Son of Havoc vs. Matanza (LU Championship)

Havoc immediately charges Matanza with a dropkick, followed by a backspring elbow. Both have little effect on the Champion. He goes for a flying body press, but bounces off the large frame of Dario’s baby brother. Havoc goes to the top rope, but Matanza charges. He cartwheels off the top and hits the ropes, but runs into a brick wall, being knocked to the ground by the Monster. Matanza charges Havoc in the corner, but he sidesteps the charge and sends Matanza into the ring post. With the Champion on the floor, Son of Havoc hits a hanging elbow drop off the post. He rolls Matanza back in, but cannot get a pin.

Matanza grabs Havoc with a side throw, followed by two standing moonsaults onto Havoc. Havoc grabs Matanza in a choke hold, trying to bring the big man down. They both fall to the floor outside, but Havoc gets the best of the exchange with a moonsault to the floor. He rolls the Champ back inside and hits a top rope stomp to Matanza’s back. Matanza kicks out but Havoc immediately goes into an arm bar. The Monster picks up Havoc, throwing him off. Havoc hits the ropes and nails a Springboard Cutter on the Monster for a near pin. Havoc hits a beautiful Shooting Star Press on the Champ, but again cannot claim victory. Showing his frustration, Havoc hits the ropes, but Matanza throws him into the air and drops him to the mat with the Wrath of the Gods Slam for the quick victory.


ULTIMA PALABRA: This was a great opener to Season Three, and the air of surprise is definitely a plus when it comes to Dario’s Dial of Doom. Matanza has become this unstoppable force of nature, but ultimately someone, somehow will take him down. The question that we will hopefully answer this season, is who is man or woman enough to do that. Havoc did just about everything he could, but he could not get the job done this evening.

Back in Dario’s office, Johnny Mundo and World Wide Underground enter. Mundo wants the Title, but Dario informed him that he and his partners LOST at Ultima Lucha Dos. Mundo informs him that it was Angelico’s fault, but they took care of him. Flashing back to the night of UL Dos, we see WWU attacking Angelico after the match and slamming his leg repeatedly in Mundo’s car door. Dario and WWU laugh, but Mundo still doesn’t get his shot. In fact, he grants a shot to the only person that won at UL Dos, and Taya will face Sexy Star tonight for the GotG Championship.

Ivelisse is in the ring, calling out Catrina, who has cost her victories in both Ultima Lucha’s. She says she wants Catrina at Ultima Lucha Tres. The lights dim and Catrina appears high in the crowd. She tells Ivelisse “Bring it on Bitch!” And with that, we have our first match for the season-ending card.

Lucha #2: Taya vs. Sexy Star (GotG Championship)

Matt Striker calls this match-up Jem vs. She-Ra, as two of the fiercest Luchadoras in the Temple square off. It starts with a test of strength, which Sexy turns into an arm bar. Taya reverses into a headlock, but Sexy reverses that as well. It’s a stalemate early on. Sexy slaps Taya across the face, which Taya returns in kind. She clotheslines Sexy Star, sending her to the mat. Sexy stumbles to the corner, when Taya makes her eat her fur-covered boot. She runs across the ring, slamming her knees into Sexy’s face, but cannot get the pin.

Taya slams Sexy down, but misses a top rope Moonsault. Sexy clotheslines Taya to the floor, and hits a Bronco Buster to Taya from the apron. Back in the ring, Taya hits a fall-away slam on Sexy as Taya’s friends, the World Wide Underground appear. Mundo grabs Sexy, holding her against the ropes. As Taya charges, Sexy moves as Taya’s knees strike Johnny in the face. Just like that, Sexy rolls up Taya for the victory, becoming the first GotG Champion to defend the title. After the match, the WWU attack Sexy Star but the Trios Champions, Drago, Aerostar and Fenix save her from further harm.


ULTIMA PALABRA: The Lucha Temple is firmly behind Sexy Star in everything she does, but tonight she just looked a step off to me. Taya was the crisper, sharper Luchadora in the ring, but Sexy pulls a win out of nowhere thanks to some outside interference backfiring. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Taya’s work, so I was certainly disappointed by her loss this evening. However I suspect this season will see big things for her, as well as the Gift of the Gods Champion Sexy Star.

Back in Dario’s office, Marty the Moth interrupts El Jefe’s phone call. He tells him it’s time for The Moth to take over the Temple. Dario tells him that next week, the man whose name he wears around his neck, is coming for his dog tags. He tells Marty that it will be a match never before seen in the Temple. Next week, it’s Marty the Moth Martinez vs. Killshot in a Weapons of Mass Destruction Match.

Lucha #3: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Pentagon Dark

This first ever encounter between these two starts off fast, with a head scissors by Rey. Pentagon immediately bails outside of the ring, but Rey hits a Somersault Plancha over the top rope onto Dark. Rey goes for a quick pin, but to no avail. Pentagon hits Rey with his signatures kicks to the leg, then chokes Mysterio. He throws Rey in the air, followed by a double stomp. Some more vicious leg kicks take Mysterio down. Pentagon quiets the crowd and strikes Mysterio across the chest with his gunshot slap. Rey struggles to catch his breath as Pentagon sends him into the ropes for two Sling Blades. It’s all Pentagon Dark as he blasts Rey in the face with a Superkick. Dark plays to the crowd before ascending to the top rope.

Rey climbs up also, hitting a beautiful head scissors on Pentagon. Cero Miedo strikes back though, sending Rey to the floor. Rey attempts a moonsault off the apron, but Pentagon catches him in mid-air. Rey switches his hips and sends Pentagon to the floor with a Tornado DDT. Back in the ring, Rey splashes Pentagon from the top, but cannot get the pin. Pentagon hits a Pump Handle Driver onto Rey, but Rey kicks out of the pin attempt. Rey misses a 619 and eats another Superkick to the face. Dark lifts Rey high in the air and brings him down on his knees with a Gut Buster. Instead of seizing the opportunity to claim victory, Pentagon goes outside and gets in the face of his former Master, Vampiro. Vamp leaves the announce table as Pentagon makes his way back in the ring. Rey recovers, sending Dark into the ropes before executing a perfect 619. Rey goes to the top rope, coming off with a Sunset Flip Piledriver on Pentagon Dark, claiming the 1-2-3 victory.

After the match, Pentagon attacks a celebrating Mysterio. He drives him to the mat, and sets him up for the arm breaker. But before he can snap the Lucha Legend’s arm, El Dragon Azteca Jr. comes in for the save.


ULTIMA PALABRA: This was a very enjoyable Main Event that had the Believers in the Lucha Temple split down the middle. Rey seems to have rejuvenated his career, and himself since joining Lucha Underground. He’s back in great shape and looks as good as he ever has. On the flip side, the anti-hero Pentagon Dark continues to gain supporters, but Vampiro is certainly not one of them. Dark will carve a path of destruction through the Temple this year, but what is his end game?

Before we leave, we find Prince Puma in the locker room, still down about losing to Rey at Ultima Lucha Dos. Vampiro enters and tells him that he’s lost himself, and perhaps he needs some guidance. Puma tells him that he doesn’t need that kind of help. Vamp tells him that since he lost his title to Mil Muertes he hasn’t been the same; that the only way Puma will get himself back is to avenge that loss. Puma is surprised he didn’t tell him to go after Pentagon. Vampiro tells him it’s not about that, it’s about Puma. Prince Puma ponders Vampiro’s comments as the Temple goes dark once again.

Until next Lucha

Rob Out!


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