
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Episode 354 Results Matt Taven vs Ultimo Guerrero, Jonathan Gresham vs Kenny King

CMLL ‘s Ultimo Guerrero squares off against The Kingdom’s Matt Taven on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Jonathan Gresham vs Kenny King

Gresham puts a wrist lock on Kenny to start the match before Kenny hits a series of arm drags and the two lock up for a clean break. Gresham hits a diving cross body off of the top, but Kenny rolls through it and gets a quick two count before Gresham ducks an attempted lariat by King. Gresham then hits a huricanrrana for a quick two count before King hits the Royal Flush out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny King defeats Jonathan Gresham via pinfall with the Royal Flush.

Facade vs Josh Woods

Josh starts by showing off his kick boxing by kicking Facade before hitting several gut wrench suplexes. Facade comes back with a huricanrrana and a superkick before Josh slams him down onto the mat. Facade comes back once more with a springboard bull dog off of the top for a quick two count before Josh catches him up top and hits a German suplex. Woods then hits a variation of an AA for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Josh Woods defeats Facade via pinfall with a fireman’s carry slam.

-After the match Josh calls out Shane Taylor who comes down to the ring, but refuses to get in before saying that he won’t fight unless it’s a big show before leaving. 

Matt Taven vs Ultimo Guerrero

They lock up to start the match before Matt takes Ultimo down and puts him in a headlock before Ultimo gets back to his feet and takes Matt down. Taven goes for a frankensteiner, but Ultimo blocks it and hits a powerbomb off of the top for a near fall. They exchange strikes until Taven hits a springboard roundhouse kick before they end up on the top turnbuckle. TK gets up on the apron and Ultimo knocks him off before several balloons show up out of nowhere. Vinny then shows up and pops one which distracts Ultimo and allows Matt to hit him with the Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven defeats Ultimo Guerrero via pinfall with the Climax. 

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