
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Episode 353 Results Jay Lethal vs Chuckie-T, BULLET CLUB vs The Briscoes & Punishment Martinez

BULLET CLUB take on the team of The Briscoes and Punishment Martinez on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-Dalton Castle comes out to start the show and talks about his match against Cody and Marty Scurll at Best in the World. Dalton talks about his time since becoming champion and that he’s not afraid of defending his title against two people at the same time. We then get a video package for Jay Lethal and his losing streak and his making his way back to winning ways.

Jay Lethal vs Chuckie-T

They start the match off by exchanging wrist locks before Jay goes for a figure four, but Chuckie-T rolls him up for a quick two count. Jay hits a superkick for a quick two count before Chuck gets up when Jay ascends the top turnbuckle, Chuck getting another quick two count off of a roll up before Jay hits a PK and an enzuigiri. Chuck then rocks Jay with a knee before hitting a piledriver for a near fall, then Jay counters the Awful Waffle and hits the Lethal Injection for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Jay Lethal defeats Chuckie-T via pinfall with the Lethal Injection.

-We get several video packages for Best in the World. 

Six Man Tag Match 

Nick and Mark start the m​​​​​​atch off before Matt and Jay come in and Jay hits a scoop slam before Nick throws a chair at Mark at ringside. Once everyone is in the ring a superkick party starts and Page hits a diving cross body over the top and onto Martinez before the Bucks go for the Meltzer Driver, but Mark hits a cutter to Nick from the top before Jay hits Matt with the Jay Driller for a near fall that Adam breaks up. Adam goes back outside and puts Martinez through a table before the Briscoes go for the Doomsday Device, but Matt ducks when Mark goes to clothesline him off of the top. Matt then rolls up Jay for the pin and the win. 

Winner: BULLET CLUB defeat The Briscoes and Punishment Martinez via pinfall when Matt pins Jay with a roll up.

-After the match the Briscoes and Martinez attack BULLET CLUB before Cody comes out with a chair and sends them to the back as we go off the air. 

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