
Lucha Underground Producer Recalls Getting Hired By WWE

Lucha Underground Producer Chris DeJoseph recently spoke to Wrestling Epicenter’s Interactive Wrestling Radio for an interview, which you can check out at this link. You can also see the interview above, and highlights below:

Getting hired by WWE:
“When I first got out of school, I wanted to be an actor until I found out that was a difficult route to go about it. (laughs) I had this talk with my family, they said “You have to figure out something to do. You need something that is going to pay the bills. What do you like?” I said I wanted to be involved in professional wrestling. My first goal is I want to work for WWE, my second goal was to become important in WWE in some facet. My third goal was to learn all that I could and then go do something with all those things that I learned. In a way, I achieved all three! I started with WWE as an intern, I got coffee everyday and tried to take in all that I could. Then I worked in production, cutting TV… Then I had the opportunity to join the creative team. I started as an assistant and worked my way all the way to the top to where I was meeting with Vince McMahon everyday. After my time ended there, I came to California. I worked on other productions and was doing reality TV. Just by some chance, the greatest reality TV producer in the world, Mark Burnett, wanted to do a Lucha Libre show with Robert Rodriguez and boom, it kind of fell in my lap in a way. I’m super excited and it has been one hell of a ride!”

How hands on Robert Rodriguez is:
“I think very hands on! He watches everything. He loves certain characters. He’s a very important part of the show. It is great to get his feedback especially when he likes something!”


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